Circinus: part 3


Why don't you just shut the hell up already!

You said you wanted to present my head to your boss…

Then do it.

Just know, when your boss sees my head…

It'll be from the ground, begging for mercy.


I-is this guy serious?

He has his arm in a cast, and nails sticking out of him…

But he's still ready to fight!


Don't let this guy get you all rattled up bro!

We can definitely beat him in that condition!

And besides, we have a hostage!

We've got this guy cornered!


Just try it…

But I warn you…

The minute you even try to hurt Gregory…

The camera zooms in on James' eyes, showing nothing but a killing intent

I'll shoot you immediately…


Maybe, before we get any closer, we should ask to see his Manifesto?

It was strong enough to kill Mercury and to scar May enough to leave…


(Is that what they're saying?)

(They're pinning the murder on me…)

(I guess that makes sense…)

(Why would May admit to not only betraying his partner, but also leave the mob?)

(He would've just painted an even bigger mark on his back then there already is…

(I may understand it, but I'd be lying if I said I'm not furious right now…)


My brother's right!

Show us your Manifesto!

And tell us what it can do!

James sighs


Guess there's nothing else to do huh?

James takes a step back from where he was standing before, causing Circinus to activate.

This is my Manifesto…

It has the ability to show me everywhere I want to go on this map here.


No…no that was too easy…

You spilled way too quickly…

And there's no way something like that could kill Mercury!

Mercury was too strong for something this pitiful to kill him!


Y-yeah, I'm not buying it either!

If that's your Manifesto, then tell us its name!


(Huh, these guys are smarter than I gave them credit for…)

(I was sure they would've fallen for that…)

(But I guess I just gotta try harder to outsmart them…)

Its name?

Why, it's called…it's called…Cirinus!

It's a name known all throughout New York's underbelly…

I'm surprised you didn't know that before coming after me…

Shouldn't you guys have information about my Manifesto before pursuing me?

Oh, that's right.

None of you are ever able to escape to report it back to your boss.

I wonder, why do you guys think you'll be the exception?

Circinus and I…

Together we'll go all the way and defeat your boss…

Because I guarantee you…

No matter how strong he is…

James stares intently at Kurt as Circinus wraps itself around James

He isn't stronger than me.

James stares deeply into Kurt, his eyes like Daggers.


(Wh-what's with this guy?)

(Based on the way the Manifesto's acting…)


(I was sure he was lying!)

(But, even if that's not his Manifesto…)

(He's still right, no one's ever been able to make it back to base…)

(That can only mean…)


(This guy must actually be the user!)

James smiles to himself


(I don't know if it was intentional or not…)

(But Gregory just used his Manifesto to protect me…)

(Was it a subconscious action?)

(Or maybe he deliberately tried using it to protect me from these two…)

(Either way, I appreciate it Gregory, this way I still have my ace in the hole…)

(I guess it's time to do a bit of detective work on scene…)

(Time to assess the threats…)

James holds the map closer to himself, clearly trying to bait Kurt


Bro, he said his Manifesto's tied into that map of his, right?

So if I just take the map, he shouldn't have any power!

It's a great idea!


No you idiot!

Don't do anything yet!

He was clearly trying to draw your attention towards the map!


(Thanks for taking the bait!)

(So the older brother is the brains of the operation…)

(And this guy must do all the heavy lifting!)


Give that map here!



What are you doing!?

Trying to take my map!?


(I've definitely got this guy figured out!

As Kurt reaches for the map, a pair of arms from a Manifesto slap his arms out of the way!


(What the!?)

(Where'd those arms come from!?)

(It must be the brother's Manifesto!)



I was hoping I wouldn't have to reveal my Manifesto to you…

I was hoping for a quick and easy operation!

That's what you promised Kurt!

If you're gonna suggest a plan, then make sure to not fall for such obvious traps!


What do you mean?

A single bead of sweat falls from James' forehead


What I'm saying is there must be something more to his Manifesto…

There's something he's not telling us about that map…

An unknown ability of his Manifesto…

Something we can't predict…

(I wish that Kurt would have looked up any information about this guy, or his fights!)

(I just need to protect my little brother…)


Oh yeah?

Are you lying to me!?

You better not be lying!

Don't make me hurt the kid!


(What just happened?)

(I wasn't able to get a clear view of that guy's Manifesto…)

(I only saw its arms…)

(And that's not enough to get an understanding of its abilities…)

(Wait, but how did he manage to use his Manifesto from so far away?)

(That doesn't make sense)

(If his Manifesto is a brawler…)

(Then how could he attack from so far away?)

(There must be something else to it…)

(Something they're not tel–)



James falls to the ground

(I don't know how I'm supposed to fight like this…)

(My arm is bleeding so much I might faint…)


See bro!?

Easy pickings!

Those positions are as good as ours!


I-I guess you're right…

I expected more from the man who defeated Mercury and May.

The two get closer to James


First, I'll destroy your Manifesto!


A manifesto emerges from Kurt

James leaps towards Kurt, the map extended in front of him


Heh, Circinus!

Kurt falls to the ground



Please, Proceed to the route…

Kurt jumps back


Wh-what the hell did you do?

Was that supposed to hurt me?

All you did was push me to the ground!


Please, Proceed to the route.


(Why does it keep repeating that?)

(Just what are you up to?)

Kurt begins backing off, and stumbles into a nearby pole



What the—

Kurt attempts to get up, but puts his hand on nails sticking out of the pole





James smiles, before looking at Kurt smugly



What do you mean?

I didn't do anything to you…

It's all my Manifesto's doing

(I knew it, even at my worst, I'm still better than these do—)

Suddenly, Kurt's Manifesto connects a punch with James' jaw



(Where…did that punch come from?)

James falls to the ground

(How is that possible…This guy was right in front of me…)

(How did I get hit from behind?!)


Sorry Kurt, I had to borrow Musca's arms for a second…

I just couldn't stand to see my little brother get made fun of by some pompous prick.

C'mon detective. Get up.

What are you waiting for?

You seemed so cocky before.

But now?

Now your nothing but a fly before me and our Manifesto:


The Manifesto appears, now standing next to Krist


D-did you just say, our Manifesto?