Canes Venatici: part 3


(What the hell is his plan?)

(Is he luring me into a trap?)

(Does he have a pack of dogs waiting at the top of the stairs, ready to jump me when I get too close?)

(No, if he wanted me dead, he would've just sent the dogs after me while I was escaping the bathroom…)

(The only reason he'd be calling me up is to finish me off himself…)

(He called back his dog…and even if he didn't, I still wouldn't be able to kill it from here with the armour on its body…)

(I guess I have no choice but to go up and face him…)

James ascends the stairs, turning towards the only room with an open door, and a man sitting at a desk


Well, well, well.

If it isn't James Spectre!

I'm glad you decided to take up my offer instead of turning tail and running.


Is it a safe assumption to make that you're the boss behind this operation?



You may call me, Sinatra…


Well Sinatra, pleasure to meet you.

I see you have some dogs here with you, any particular reason?


Canes Venatici.



What's Canes Venatici?


That's the name of my Manifesto…

It's Greek for hunting dogs…

It's a rather fitting name, wouldn't you agree?


That's all well and good, but why do you have them here?


It's only natural for me to have reservations when bringing an enemy this close to me…

Why wouldn't I want a bit of added security in the form of my Canes Venatici?


Whatever, just keep your mangy mutts away from me, and we won't have any issues.

Sinatra stands up and looks outside the window


Detective, do you know why I called this ability a Manifesto?


I don't know, is it because people manifest these powers?


Haha, that's part of it I suppose.

No, the reason I call them Manifestos is because the day I acquired my Canes Venatici, it spoke to me and proclaimed a message…a mission…a manifesto…

Flashback Canes Venatici

Stefanno Sinatra, we have chosen you as our inheritor…

You have been selected to wield the power of us…

We shall forever more be a part of you…

So long as we are together, you shall never be in danger…

Now, embrace this new chapter of your life with open arms…

For after today, you shall never be the same again…


After that, a flash of light shone on me.

I saw something beyond this world…

And after that, I collapsed into a deep slumber…

I didn't wake for days…

Most assumed I was dead…


(T-those words, that way of speaking…)

(...that's how I encountered Lacerta…)

(I-I suppose this Sinatra didn't actually gain his Manifesto from him)

(I suppose he really doesn't have anything to do with the Casa Dei Re)

(What should my next step be?)

(I can't just leave, I have to end this organisation here and now!)

(But, how?)


That puzzled expression you possessed on your face, I suppose you had a similar experience…

Don't act as though you didn't. I can see the recognition in your eyes.

It's a look I've seen many times before in almost every recruit I meet.



So there were exceptions to that?

Sinatra stands and pauses, considering his next words


You interacted with Deacon, yes?



The masked bodyguard, so what if I did?


Deacon was a special case…

Unlike those around him, such as May or Taylor, Deacon would never submit to me and my power.

No, Deacon would never be willing to do that.

Deacon held respect for only one man, and one man alone.

He would never share the name of the man he claimed to owe his life to.

I was unsure whether or not it was out of loyalty to the man, or because he simply didn't know.

However, one thing was certain: Deacon never achieved a Manifesto normally.

Deacon was somehow given a Manifesto by someone else.



(So it's true, I'm not the only one who thinks that someone has the ability to give Manifestos!)

(If he also thinks that, then it's likely that someone out there has the ability to give Manifestos!)



That look on your face, do you agree with me?

Does that mean there are others out there who were also given Manifestos through unnatural means?

Well, I suppose if someone were to be capable of giving out that kind of power, then I must find him and recruit him for the Casa Dei Re…

…and if he refuses…

Kill him where he stands.


(I can't let him find him, he's dangerous on his own, but if he were given the power, influence, and resources of this organisation, he would become an unstoppable force!)

(Something no one could control, no matter how self indulgent they are!)

(This guy seems like the kind who loves to run his mouth…)

(I should keep him talking until he lets his guard down and releases his dogs!)

Why would you call your organisation Casa Dei Re?

House of kings?

Little presumptuous, wouldn't you say?


No, I don't believe it is.

The Casa Dei Re is an organisation designed to place our members at the top.

Kings among peasants.

Gods among men.

We are the pinnacle of humanity!

There's a reason we have been chosen to wield Manifestos!

It's because of our innate talent!

Some of us are born superior when compared to others!


(I guess I shouldn't be this shocked that the leader of this organisation is as much of a nut as the other members of this organisation…)

(It might have been too much to ask for!)

So what's your goal here?

Are you planning to kill everyone without a Manifesto?


No, of course not.

Every member of the Casa Dei Re is someone cast out by society in one way or another!

My dream is to create a utopia for us!

Where we shall take our thrones above the common people who have been the cause of famines, wars, plagues!

This will be our utopia…

…one you are more than welcome to join…


I appreciate the offer, but I'll have to decline…


I read over the file Deacon compiled about you…

And it was very fascinating learning about your torrid past…


(What's this guy getting at?)

(How much was included in that folder?)

(He already knows what my Manifesto can do from seeing it himself…)

(What else do I really have to lose?)

(...but…what if that folder includes a list of people I've interacted with in some significant way?)

(What if that includes the other Manifestos I've encountered so far?!)

(Will I be delivering more members into their hands?)

(I can't let that happen!)

(It looks like I'll have to destroy the files when I leave…)


When I had finished reading your file, it made me think of a book I was reading…

Have you ever heard of Frankenstein detective?


The book by Mary Shelly. Everyone's heard of it.

A doctor wants to conquer death, creates an undead creature, the creature haunts him and hunts him until eventually, they make peace.

What about it?


I was just curious if you sympathised with the Creature's plight…

Because as I read more into your file, I was able to draw many parallels between the two of you…


Really? How so?


Well, beyond the physical appearance such as the terrifying eyes, and the enormous frame you both possess, there are more personal connections between you…

First of all, both you and the creature were denounced as monsters and demons by your creator for something that is utterly out of your control.

You were both hunted and scorned by those responsible for raising you…

You're both left with a feeling of helplessness until you discover a man to teach you about a wonderful world you never could have imagined before…

Then, this teacher scorns you as much as those around you; leaving you helpless and at the mercy of a cold uncaring world…

Wouldn't you say those are some interesting parallels?


I can't say I follow what you're getting at…

What's the point of this?


Oh, no point really.

What is the point of all this though?

Is it merely to share with you?

Or is there a deeper purpose?

I suppose neither of us will really know…

But do you enjoy reading detective?

The dogs turns into books before James's eyes


I am an avid reader and possess an extensive collection…



(This is my chance!)


(Get ready to take the shot!)


…There are many things I've discovered through reading…

…I've had many takeaways from my books…



Sinatra's desk turns into a dog


H-how did he react that fast!?


I wasn't finished.

One of my biggest takeaways from reading has been the idea of self-improvement.

I love the idea that there are no limits in life except for those we give ourselves.

And I took this idea to practice with my Canes Venatici…

I pushed myself and them to our limits to make a weapon: a dog whose bark wouldn't be worse than his bite.

By putting all of my power into one of my dogs, it becomes something more…

It transcends the name of Canes Venatici…

I call this power: Canis Major.

Now, let us test which one of us is stronger.

Your Lacerta, or my Canis Major.