Canis Major: part 1


Now, let us test which one of us is superior.

Your Lacerta, or my Canis Major.

Objects begin flying towards Sinatra, forming one large dog.


(W-what is this?)

(He said it's different from Canes Venatici…)

(Does that mean this is a new Manifesto?)

(No, it also formed from objects, it seems more likely that this is just a more powerful version of his Manifesto…)

(Canis Major, huh?)

(It looks tougher than the Canes Venatici…)

(...and my bullets wouldn't break their armour, so what chance do my bullets have of piercing it this time?!)


You should be grateful, detective…

For you see, you are the first outside of my inner circle to witness Canis Major…



It had taken me months, years even, but I never gave up my mission to perfect my Manifesto…

But when I did, I realised just how powerful of an ability I possessed…

As I improved myself, I was able to realise my true potential.

Potential, that's something I value greatly, detective…

…Skill isn't all that impressive on its own, but it becomes all the more fascinating when you realise that there's so much more to a person than what meets the eye.

Wouldn't you agree?


(What is this guy on about?)

(He keeps jumping from tangent to tangent and I can't follow his train of thought…)

(Is he trying to distract me from his dog?)

(Canis Major?)

(Has he been moving it?)

(No, it hasn't budged an inch at all!)

(Should I even try firing a bullet at it?)

(No, my bullets couldn't do a thing against his Canes Venatici…)

(...and this thing is just a stronger version of those.)

(On that note, what would happen if he decided to create some Canes Venatici to go along with Canis Major?)

(Following that train of thought, could he just create a whole pack of Canis Major?)

(What are his limits?)

(I guess I'll just have to try my luck with him!)

Can you get to the point already!

The two men exchange looks with each other, no words are said. Nothing breaking the silence


Detective, I would like to offer you a position in my organisation.


Hehe, good joke



You're being serious?

Why do you think I'd ever join you?

You've sent hitmen after me.

I've hospitalised multiple of your underlings.

One of your hitmen died because of me.

Your bodyguards are outside losing excessive amounts of blood right now!

And despite all that, you want me to join your operation?

To become some-some hitman?!

A hired gun?!

Do you really think I'd do that!?


You wouldn't be merely a hired gun.

Sinatra sits down at his desk, searching his drawers for a folder he then places on the table.


You've already learned the secret of Canes Venatici…

You've seen Canis Major…

You single handedly defeated the four most powerful Manifesto users in my organisation, the kings of kings.

You wouldn't be merely a "hired gun"

You'd be my right hand.

My bodyguard.

My hitman.

You'd share in the glory of the world that I will create.

Doesn't any small part of you want to embrace that world with open arms?


(This has to be some kind of trick…)

(There's no way he thinks I'd actually join…)

(He must be trying to distract me…)

(I should get Lacerta ready, just in case…)

Lacerta emerges from behind James



What's this?

Why are you bringing out your Manifesto?

We're simply having a civil conversation outlining your choices here.

There's no need to bring out your Manifesto, especially not when it's looking so sickly as it is right now.



James turns around to see Lacerta, struggling to stand, taking heavy breaths.


(W-what is this?)

(Can Manifestos get sick?)

(I didn't know that…)

(What does this mean?)

(Did I push its ability too far when I had it heal me?)

(Was that too much for its body to handle?)

(Damn, what should I do?)

(I don't really have a choice but to recall it…)

Lacerta fades into James's back as James pulls up a chair


Fine then.

Let's talk.


Does that mean you're willing to accept my offer?

I feel this would be a mutually beneficial deal for the both of us.


I'm not accepting anything yet.

All this means is I won't immediately pump you full of bullets.


I'm sure you'll change your tune when you hear the perks of this job.

You will not only be the recipient of high wages, especially for these trying times we're going through, but you will also receive our support and funding for your personal business.

If a competitor begins moving in on your territory, if you inform us, we are more than capable of dealing with them.

Of course, housing and security will also be guaranteed, and all you have to do is get your hands a little dirty. 

Now doesn't that sound like a good deal to you?


So you're offering financial security, housing, forcibly closing any competition to my business, all at the cost of my morals?

Wow, yeah that seems like a great offer.


Is that sarcasm I sense in your voice detective?

Understand, this is me being charitable.

This is me offering you a chance at a better life. Offering you a chance to prove to all those who hurt you that you turned out great, despite them!

Isn't that what you want?


Yeah, I'd be lying if I said security and proving myself wouldn't be great…

However, if I were to accept your offer, then I'd just be proving to them that I am a monster, willing to sell my soul for a few bucks.

How could I ever live with myself if I knowingly look the other way to the crimes you and your group will commit?


We do not commit crimes. We are an organisation.



You don't commit crimes?

Well, what about that mugging I stopped when I first met one of your goons?


That business merely forgot to pay us for our…protection let's say.


What about the men you had May kill in the hospital?!


That was tying up loose ends.

When you have dying branches on a tree, you cut them off to guarantee the safety of the rest of the tree.

I was merely pruning our organisation of any deceased branches.



You have a way to spin everything, don't you?!

For every crime you commit, for every life you cut short, you have a way to make it seem like an acceptable thing to do!

Like it's a part of nature!

Does this kind of thing come naturally to you?

And let me ask you this, have you ever killed someone yourself?


Have you ever used that dog of yours to attack someone?

Or do you always just send someone else to do your dirty work for you?

That look on your face, you haven't actually killed someone yourself?

Have you?

No, it seems more likely you always just had someone else do it for you.


Do not toy with me detective…

I am not a foe to be underestimated…

This is your last chance to abandon your foolhardy ambitions and to accept the safety I offer you.

Join me, or face the consequences of your hubris.

Do not be mistaken, there are many out there learning of their Manifestos, you are not the only one I could recruit.

Join me.



I don't really believe in blind obedience.

I know that's an unpopular opinion, but it doesn't sit right with me.

The idea that individuality and our own decisions should be rejected in favour of a monotonous world in which our choices are null and void.

I prefer to carve my own path and determine my own future.

Even if Lacerta isn't in its prime right now, so what?

It's still far more powerful than your Canis Major…

…and I'm prepared to prove it.


Now, Lacerta!

The sickly Lacerta emerges from James's back


So, you decline my offer then…

This is an unfortunate outcome, yet not an unexpected one.

Canis Major!