Canis Major: part 2


Now, Lacerta!

The sickly Lacerta emerges from James's back


So, you decline my offer then…

This is an unfortunate outcome, yet not an unexpected one.

Canis Major!

Is this what you want detective?

A final confrontation between two opposing forces?

If that is your wish, then I am more than willing to oblige!

Canis Major leaps at James

James fires bullets at Canis Major, but they bounce off

The dog keeps charging towards James


(What the fuck?!)

(I mean, I was right about my bullets, but I can't say I'm happy that I am!)

James dashes out of the door and slams it shut


Tell me detective, what do you think that will do, hm?

Do you think closing the door and hiding in the hallway will do anything to stop Canis Major?

My Canes Venatici were able to chase you, do you think for some reason Canis Major won't be able to?

Canis Major crashes through the door, only to be greeted by bullets being fired on it

The bullets all bounce off as Canis Major starts slowly lumbering towards James



(Its legs now have armour as well!)

(That was the only way I could slow down the Canes Venatici before…)

(But what should I do now?!)

Lacerta, don't let up fire!

James begins running again, knocking over tables along his way to block the path


Tsk, tsk.

Detective, I want you to know this is all your fault.

I gave you a chance to join me and you declined.

You brought this on yourself.

And now, you must face the consequences with Canis Major

It will relentlessly hunt you, and my control will be even stronger because of my proximity to it!

Canis Major, don't let up your pursuit.

The dog begins hurrying after James

James slams another door behind him


Lacerta, help me block the door!

The two of them move all the heavy objects they can find to the door


(Ok, this should be good enough for now!)

(With the door boarded up, it should at least slow down that beast from getting to me immediately…)

(Escape plan…escape plan…)

James glances around the room


(There's a window here I could use…no, that's not a real option. No matter how powerful Lacerta's healing turns out to be, I can't risk breaking my legs now…)

(What about escaping up? Does this house have an attic? I'd imagine it would, given its size…)

(...Tch, no that wouldn't be any better, I'd just be trapping myself up there…)

(So how else would I escape…?)

James looks at the desk

James opens the drawer, pulling out a small red notebook


(I guess this is what Mercury was talking about…)

(I need to keep this safe no matter what…)

(I can't let Sinatra know about this, this notebook is evidence he can't let escape.)

Footsteps begin getting closer, getting louder


Detective! Enough with these games!

Come out and reveal yourself!

Face me like a man!

Do you wish to die the death of a warrior?

Or the death of a coward?!

Come now!

Face me!



(It's getting closer!)

(I know it!)

(I have to figure out an escape plan!)

(What should I do…?)


(C-could that work?)

(I-it just might be a good enough plan!)


This silly game of cat and mouse is over now detective.

I found you.

Now, Canis Major, break down the door!

Canis Major breaks through the door


How does it feel, detective?

Are you repenting?

Begging for mercy?

I wonder what kind of expression you'll make as you die!

I feel it's fitting that the first man I kill is my first true adversary!

Wouldn't you agree?


What's that sound?

Sinatra looks over and sees a barrage of bullets flying at him from next to the staircase


W-what is this!?


This is my escape plan.

I'll use the bullets to carve out an escape for myself!

And I might as well hit you while your Canis Major is away!

(There's also another benefit to this, you'll show me whether or not you can create more than 1 dog at a time while Canis Major is activated!)

(In war, information is crucial…)

(Ignorance in a fight like this is a loss)

(Despite all that, I don't know how much more I can push Lacerta…)

(Its complexion is getting worse…)

(I don't know how much longer it can fight…)

(...but I just need to ensure it can hold off a little longer, then we can finally afford a vacation!)

(It looks like its skin might just fall off!)

(Whatever, I can't let that stop me now!)

(I just need to keep shooting at Sinatra until he gives up!)


(Damn it…did he mean to corner me in this position?)

(I don't have any choice but to protect myself with Canes Venatici!)

(It looks like you've bought yourself a bit more time, detective!)

Canes Venatici!

Canis Major collapses into a pile of office supplies

Sinatra dives behind a curtain that turns into two Canes Venatici


(There! I gotcha now!)

(So you can't have Canis Major and Canes Venatici activated at once!)

(Looks like this fight just got a bit easier for me!)

Lacerta, keep it up!

James makes a leap for the hole carved out in the wall by Lacerta


(Even if I'm just putting myself downstairs, I need to put distance between the two of us!)

Focus fire on their legs!

Make sure he can't chase us!

Sinatra creates more Canes Venatici to lie in front of the others in order to defend himself


(You bastard!)

(I'll kill you!)

(You won't leave here alive!)

(Do you think that by fleeing downstairs you'll be able to escape!?)

(I can just send Canis Major after you–)

Sinatra sees a piercing yellow eye glaring at him from downstairs and an arm pointed at him


(S-so he didn't actually plan on running after all!)

(It looks like he wanted to lure me into recalling my Manifesto to attack me!)

(But I'm ahead of you, detective!)

(Do you think I can't attack you if I can't see you?)

(I've already proved this!)

Epsilon! Zeta! Go! Chase the detective!

The dogs jump down the stairs towards James



Shoot them down!

The dogs get hit, but the bullets continue to bounce off!



James jumps out of the way, in the process, the notebook falls out of his pocket


The book!


Does this book have importance to you?


Don't you dare touch it…


Oh I won't…

…but I can't guarantee my dogs won't…



Epsilon and Zeta tear the book apart as James leaps towards them!




Hahaha! Haven't you figured it out?

You can't shoot my dogs–

Lacerta begins viciously punching the dogs out of the way, sending them flying and sending Sinatra flying in the process





I-It can't be so…

James begins crying

I-I'm sorry Mercury…

This was the last thing you asked of me…

…to apologise to all of them…

I'm sorry…

I-I couldn't do it…

Sinatra gets up


(Why was he so protective over a notebook?)

(It's just a notebook!)

(How can something like that have so much significance?)

(Zeta, what does it say!?)

Zeta's head turns towards the notebook and he begins reading the page that's open


(To whomever may be reading this, my name is Fredrick Mercury, I am a hitman for the criminal organisation Casa Dei Re…)

(...This is a confession of sorts!?)

(A journal to collect all my thoughts and feelings during my time in this organisation!?)


(He kept a journal like this!?)

(I can't let something like this escape!)

(If I do, I'll be ruined!)

(That will be the end of my criminal empire!)

(I mustn't let that happen!)

Epsilon! Zeta!

Destroy that notebook at all costs!

You must never allow anyone to read that!

James looks up as he hears this

James stares at Sinatra, no words exchanged only a look of hatred plastered across his face


You would dare tarnish his legacy anymore than you already have?

Don't you feel you've done enough already?


(He-he's getting back up!)

(I must end this now!)

What are you waiting for?!

Epsilon! Zeta! Just do it already!


I cannot allow you to harm the memory of Mercury anymore than you already have…


The manifesto emerges, it's skin still peeling off




How do you not realise just how futile this is!

You've lost!

Just accept–

The bullets fire off and begin cracking the armour of the dogs, causing blood to gush out


(W-what is this?)

(H-how is there a creature capable of breaking through my Manifeso's defence?!)


I realised something when I was escaping…

Lacerta has been looking pale and sickly since we've gotten here…

I also observed that my Manifesto has the lizard-like ability to regrow lost limbs and to heal itself…

So I began thinking…

What if Lacerta possesses other reptile abilities?

Do you know a common trait that reptiles possess?

Many of them shed their skin…

What if that's what my Lacerta's been doing?

After all, my bullets are the scales from Lacerta…

So it would make sense that Lacerta would eventually shed its skin…

That's my hypothesis at least.

What do you think?

You were talking about how important potential is before…


What do you think of mine?