Auriga: part 2


(I doubt those cops will let me just strut right back in like I own the place…)

(...No, I need a stealthier way to get in!)

(There has to be some way for me to get in, some way to see what happened…)

The world eclipses for a second, showing a dark figure looking in through a window


(W-what was that?)

(It happened again!)

(It's the same as before!)

(That same eclipse of the world!)

(I knew I wasn't imagining things!)

(And, I think it just showed me how the killer entered…)

(But can I really take the same route?)

(What if they accuse me of being the killer?)

(Or what if I end up tampering with the scene?)

(I don't know if I could interfere with this! I couldn't sleep well knowing I impeded their investigation!)

(But, would it really be wrong?)

(If I were to enter through the window, would that really be wrong of me to do?)

(Afterall, I'm a reporter!)

(I seek out the truth, no matter the means!)

(That's my job, isn't it?)

(Information is power, and as a reporter it's my job to amass information!)

(So, do the means matter if what I'm doing is for the better of others?)

Will shakes his head


(No! No! Listen to yourself speak right now!)

(I can't be saying those things!)

(I have to gather information, but I have a moral responsibility to do the right thing!)

(I can't let my curiousity get the best of me!)

(Maybe it would be better if I just head back and let someone else take on the case…)

As Will turns around, the world begins to eclipse again



Look at 'im squirm!

This is th' funniest thing I've ever seen!


What are you lookin' at me for?

Do you really think I'm gonna help ya!?

Not after your diagnosis got me locked up!

No way in hell am I gonna let you get out!

Maybe if you beg I'd let ya out?

I don't know…

…why not try it?

Will turns his around to see the man, burning alive, on his hands and knees




You're not even try~in'

There we go!

That's the spirit!


I can't even help it anymore!

You just look so pathetic right now!

Sirens begin blaring


Oh shit!

Th' cops!

I guess I better get goin' now!

Go~od luck in there!

The figure runs off before the world returns to normal

Will falls to his knees


W-what did I just see…?

W-what kind of monster would just sit there and laugh while a man burns alive in front of him?

And he mentioned something about being locked up because of the doctor's diagnosis…

Was that man an escaped convict?

(I need to learn more about him, about the man from the window…)

(Where could I go?)


(No, they'd probably turn me away for being a reporter and just say it's none of my business…)

(Could I go somewhere to find the list of convicts?)

(No, everywhere I'd go would turn me away…)

(Where could I go to learn more about this guy…)

(Maybe I should get someone to make a drawing of the man, that could make identifying him easier…)

(But where should I go from there?)


(I've got it!)

(A private eye!)

(If I were to bring a sketch of the man to a private eye, then he could track down the killer for me!)

(My hands stay clean, I don't interfere with the police, I don't get accused!)

(This is the perfect scenario!)

At Will's office


Hey, Robbie, how good of an artist are you?


I'm passable, why?


I saw a man fleeing the scene of the murder scene earlier, and I want to get a sketch of him we can use for the paper

(I'm so glad I practised my story on the way here!)


That makes sense, can you give me a description of him?


Um, yes!

Tall guy, long face, pointed eyes, long black hair…um, what else…

(Think Will, you can't let an innocent man get arrested because of your bad memory…)

…he had a deranged and piercing look in his eyes, long round nose…



This isn't my best work, but did he look something like this?

Robbie holds up the sketch to show Will


Yes! That's him!

Thank you!

Will grabs the drawing and darts out of the room


(With this sketch in hand, all I need to do is find a P.I. and then, I can put this guy away!)

(And I know just where to go…)

(The man who I've seen fend off multiple mobsters at once

Panels show chapter 1 but from Will's perspective


(He saved everyone there in that room!)

(There's no way I couldn't want to turn to him for help!)

(Private eye, private eye, where could it be?)


Sorry sir, are you ok?

John looks up at Will from the ground


Oh, I'm fine, don't worry about it!


That's a relief.

Oh right!

Excuse me, could you please point me to a private eye in this area?


Private eye?

Oh, you must mean James, he's just down the street.

I'll walk you there, it's on the way to my office.


Th-thank you sir!


Oh, don't worry about it, by the way, you can just call me John.


Sounds good, John…

(Thank goodness, I was worried I'd be wandering around aimlessly with nowhere to go!)

(I'm so glad this guy's willing to help me)

(He said his name was John…)

(He seems pretty tired, suit, greasy hair, it looks like he's well off, but at the same time it looks like he hasn't been looking after himself…)

(I can't help but wonder why this guy's helping me…)

(What does he gain from this?)


Here we are, I'll let you get to it then, I hope you have a good rest of your day

Will hesitantly knocks on the door


Uh, excuse me…I-I'd like to speak to the private eye…


Come on in, door's unlocked

Will opens the door slowly, as he enters, he sees James sitting at his desk, legs kicked up


Sir, I have a rather strange case for you, one that I can't ask for the cops' help with—

James sits down properly 


Call me James, and sir, I'll do everything in my power to help in the resolution of your issue.

Please, take a seat

Will pulls up the chair and sits down


Well sir, I mean, James…

I was wondering if you could look up information about someone for me…

I don't know his name, and I only have a drawing of him, but any leads you could find would be greatly appreciated!


Don't worry, just hand me the photo and then I'll start my search.

If you could leave an address or a telegram number as well so I could get in contact with you, it would make both of our lives easier.

Or you could come back in a week to see what progress I made.


I-I'll leave a telegram line…


Great, now, we'll discuss any payment until after I've found some information on the individual in question.

Could you please give me the drawing you have of him?


Oh, right!

Will frantically grabs the drawing from his pocket and hands it to James


Don't worry sir.

I can guarantee I'll find something on this man, whether he's out hiding in the prairies, or if he's dead in a ditch somewhere—

James looks at the drawing and tears the paper


W-why did you do that?!

That was the only lead I had on him!

I only had his face!

Nothing else…


How did you see it…






I-I couldn't explain it if I wanted to!

It was like the world itself was warped, and for a brief moment of time…

In that moment, I was able to see into the past, I could see something that had happened before I even showed up!



I told you!

I said you wouldn't believe me if I tried to explain it!


Do it again…




I said do it again.

Prove it to me. Tell me what happened in this office an hour ago.


I-I don't think I can do it on command…


Well try.

Will takes a deep breath, and as he stands there, a Manifesto begins to emerge.