Auriga: part 3

A Manifesto emerges from Will's back 


(C'mon, please work, please work!)


(This guy…he has a Manifesto too!)

(Was he telling the truth when he said he could see past events?)

(Anything's possible I guess…)

(He couldn't have been given a Manifesto by him…)

(If he was, he would have attacked me the minute he came in…)

(I guess he could be going with the long con here…)

(but if he's telling the truth about Berry being loose again, then I'll need all the help I can get…)

(So it's not like I can deny any allies if they present themselves…)

(Let's see what this kid can do then)


(C'mon do it!)

(Please work!)

(I'm begging you!)

(I'll need his trust if I want him to help me with this case…)

(...which means I need to use my power again!)

The world eclipses as Will opens his eyes


I-I did it!


You did?

What are you seeing?

What's happening in my office?


I just see you sitting at your desk…

Just, drinking coffee…

Are you really not doing anything?

You're just working…

Is that everything you did?


I've been reviewing some cold cases of mine…

That includes the man in the drawing you showed me…

(How could he have known?)

(No, this doesn't prove anything!)

(He could've just been guessing!)

(Yeah, it's a trick that scammers use)

(They ask you very broad and unspecific questions, then ask you to fill in the blanks for them!)

(Like asking if there was a relative or friend who died recently, then changing how they respond based on your response…)

(This guy could just be an elaborate scammer…)

I'm sorry, you said your name was?


Uh, Will.


Right, Will, I want to take on your case, however I'm just having a hard time believing that you can see into the past…

I mean, no one really has the power to do that, right?

How would any rational adult believe such a story?


But, you did the same thing!





Back at that diner!

You shot that man without ever taking your hands out of your pockets!

I couldn't see how, but I swear you did!


Your eyes must've been playing tricks on you.

It's impossible for me to shoot someone without drawing a gun.

(So he couldn't see my Manifesto back then…so what changed?)

(Was I right?)

(Was he given a Manifesto by him?)

(After all, the best lies have a little truth in them…)

(I should throw this guy out, no, before that I should have him use his Manifesto so I can destroy it.)

(But…I don't think I can do it.)

(What happens if he was telling the truth, and Berry really is still alive?)

(Shouldn't I accept any help I can get in catching him?)

(If this guy could really use his Manifesto to examine crime scenes, then I could have an accurate read on any active situations.)

I've got a question for you Will.



Um, yes?


Do you think you could use your power to look through photos?


Well, I mean, it's possible…

I-I haven't tried it before….


Then try it




Try. It. Now.




I-I guess there's no harm in trying…


That's the spirit.

Here, take this photo and try to look into it.



(I wonder, what will happen?)

(It probably won't work…)

(Then again, you won't know until you try!)

Will extends his hand over the photo as his Manifesto emerges from him


(Now! Should I take the shot!?)

(No hesitation, go with your instincts!)

(I can't do it…)

(I just can't bring myself to—)



I see something!


You what!?


The picture!

It's moving as if in real time!

It's like a Silent film!

I can see the movements of the people in the photo!


What exactly are you seeing?

Camera switches over the Will's perspective


It's the guy from before, he's lighting someone on fire!




He's just watching him…wait!

He's leaving!

The…the recording's ended…it's just the still image of the burnt corpse…

Sir, what was that photo?

Who was that person being burned?


(That's exactly what I saw happen before arresting Chuck…)

(He got it all right just from that photo!)

(Even if he's lying about his Manifesto, he at least has great deduction skills…)

(I guess there wouldn't be any harm in telling him…)

(Besides, with a serial killer and a lunatic with a god complex running around, I can't exactly be rejecting allies left and right…)

That was a photo I took last year.

That was what remained of Chuck's last victim…

…That is, until earlier today.


What do you mean?


I believe you were able to see Chuck Berry.

There's no way you could've just gone around with a near identical drawing of him, getting his exact M.O., and deducing an event you couldn't have been around to watch.

At the very least, I believe you possess exceptional skills of deduction and insight, with the persevering attitude to carry you to the truth.

I believe that with your help, we can catch Chuck before he can become another thing people need to worry over.

With all that said, what do you say Will?

Will you join me in seeking the truth?

Or will you leave here, satisfied with the knowledge that you have aided me in my journey to save the soul of New York and her citizens?



This is all a lot to take in right now!

I mean, how could this even be possible?

You still haven't explained what's going on with me!

You just played off my question!



Slowly exhales


Will, what you now possess is called a Manifesto.

I don't know when these things first showed up, or where…

…but that doesn't feel too important right now.

What is important is that you possess one and you need to use its power for good.

I'm sorry to tell you, these things carry misfortune wherever they go.

Tragedy and death follow these things at every turn, like metal being drawn to a magnet.

My Manifesto is called Lacerta.



Can it look into the past like my thing can?


No, all Manifestos have a different ability.

They're like fingerprints, they can be similar, but they aren't the same.


How many of these things have you seen?


I've unfortunately ran into quite a few of them lately, and if you're right about Chuck being back, then it's possible he also has a Manifesto.


What's his Manifesto?


He didn't have one when I met him.


How can you know that?


Simple. He couldn't see my Lacerta.

Whether it's for their own survival, or for ours, Manifestos can only be seen by other people with them.

Now, answer my question from earlier: will you or won't you help me?


I'll do what I can!


Glad to hear that.