Fornax: part 1

Black screen, James is running down a corridor, trying to catch his breath

James turns the corner looking for someone with Lacerta partially being used

Flashback James


A bullet fires off hitting someone in the leg

Flashback James

End of the line Chuck.

You have nowhere left to run.

Make it easy for both of us and just surrender.

Flashback Chuck


Flashback James


Sorry, didn't catch that, were you saying something to me?

Flashback Chuck

How the fuck could you shoot me?!

I was watching you the whole time!

You never even drew so much as a pistol from your pocket!

So how the fuck were you able to shoot me!?


Flashback James

Flashback Chuck


Answer the fucking question!

There's no fucking way you could've shot!

No one can fire a gun that quickly!

And why wasn't there a sound?!

Or smoke from a barrel?!

Or a flash of light?!

Nothing about that shot made sense!

How the fuck did you shoot me?!

Flashback James

I don't know what you're talking about…

Take a look at your leg, there's a bullet hole right there, isn't there?

That should be proof enough.

Voice of police



Is he down there?!

Flashback James

Yeah, I caught him.

I shot him in the leg so he can't run anymore.

Now's the time to get him.

Two police run over

They pick up Chuck

Flashback Chuck

Spectre…is that your name?

Well listen here 'Spectre', if I ever escape, no matter how long it takes, no matter how far you run, no matter how well you try to detain me, I'll make sure you'll be so burned and mangled that the police won't even have a way of recognizing your corpse.

Flashback James

I'm sorry to say Chuck, but the next time you'll see me will be in hell, paying for our sins.

Chuck gets dragged away by the police

Flashback Chuck

Don't think I'll forget!

I'll come back for you!

I'll find out how you did that some day!

One day you'll be begging for mercy at my feet!


That bastard…

This is all his fault…

If he hadn't shot me that day, I could've escaped…

I could've been free to live my life outside of these dingy soup kitchens…

But no, he had to be the 'hero' and save the day…

The world is filled with guys like that…

They piss me off…

The cops piss me off…

The whole world pisses me the fuck off!!!

and what do you do when you have something that pisses you off?






A fire suddenly shows Chuck's face alongside his Manifesto as a fire erupts


Will, you're sure you saw him at that farm?


I'm certain of it.

James is holding a photo of Chuck in front of Will


Tell me, what was he doing there?


I'm not sure, but I saw him with a Manifesto as he set the barn on fire!


Heh, figured his Manifesto would have fire.

It's only fitting his modus operandi would reflect in his Manifesto.

Now, let's get something straight, we need to ensure that we're both prepared to fight him.

When I last saw him, he swore to track me down, and if he had a Manifesto, then we're both in trouble

He's definitely gonna try and find me, so our best course of action would be to set a trap and lure him in using me as bait.


And how are we gonna do that?


That's what we need to figure out now.


That's all well and good…

It's revealed to be Ricky


But why are you in my office?!

Aren't you friends with the guy across the street?!


I am, but I don't want to bother John with all of this.

This could get really dangerous, and I don't want to jeopardise him or his employees.

I can't let Chuck get any hostages.


Oh, but I'm fair game?


Do you want a repeat of last time?

James glares at Ricky






No sir…


Last time?

What happened last time?


Don't worry about it, I got a job to investigate Ricky and his operation.

Nothing abnormal came about from it.




Hey Ricky, why's your arm in that cast?


I-I made a mistake…


Sounds rough, hope you feel better–

Wait a minute!






James, is it really safe to talk about…y'know…this in front of him?

I mean, how can you be sure he isn't working for him?

And how can you be sure he won't think we're crazy?



Oh, that's right!

Ricky has a Manifesto too

Ricky brings out EURion


Yeah, my Manifesto isn't very well suited for combat.

It's better for getting the drop on someone…

It's a pretty dishonest way of fighting, and it's more of a hassle than anything, so I just carry a weapon with me instead…


Despite that, out of all of the Manifesto users I've met, he's one of the more useful ones.


What does that mean?


I know you fought those mob guys, so did this guy not try to kill you and that's why you're saying this?



No, he tried to kill me when we met



And you're trusting this guy to fight Chuck and him!?


Of course.

He may have gotten a Manifesto from him, but at the end of the day, they aren't after the same thing.

He's after a world where he can become a god through control…

…whereas Ricky here is trying to help himself and his employees.

They both claim to be using their Manifesto to change the world for the better, but Ricky is the only one actually making people's lives better.


So you just trust him with helping us to defeat them!?

Call me crazy, but I'm not entirely convinced.


That's fine, as long as you trust me, it'll all work out.

Now I have a few reasons for choosing this place…



Didn't you just say it's because you don't want to jeopardise your friend?


That's part of it.

But you have so much more to do for my plan to succeed.


Wait. you lost me again.

So, this guy—


My name's Ricky, not "this guy"


Fine, 'Ricky' tried to kill you, he's not only met with, but actually got a Manifesto from him

…and we know that he's working with Chuck…


That all sounds accurate


And this guy is integral to your plan?!

Do you not see a problem with any of that!?


Will, do you think I'm stupid?


You know that wasn't what I was trying to say…


Good, then trust me.

Don't worry so much about it.

I've figured out a way to defeat Chuck.


Wasn't he on the run from the cops for years before getting caught, then escaped from prison?

Not to mention Chuck has a Manifesto now,

How are the three of us meant to capture him?

Aren't we a little outmatched here?


What did I just say?

Trust me…

I have a plan…

I know what I'm doing.

Chuck is shown lighting a Match with a Manifesto behind him