Fornax: part 2


I have a question if you don't mind me asking…



Go ahead


You said that there were multiple reasons you wanted me to join you?

Like I said, EURion is pretty useless in a fight, and you've had to find stronger people than me…

So why me?


Ricky, I didn't choose you based on your Manifesto's power…

Like you've said, I've fought many powerful Manifestos lately, a Manifesto that could erase people's vision of Manifestos, a bird that drops bombs, a Manifesto that can create a small army of loyal attack dogs…

…but raw strength isn't everything.

For this investigation, I plan to use every resource at my disposal for finding and defeating Chuck…

He's never been the sharpest tool in the shed, far from it actually.

However, he's clever, which means he's dangerous.

He has power, he has experience, he has a motive.

None of these are traits you want in a suspect.

There are more Manifesto's I've enlisted, but I told them to wait before coming here, and to come separately.


Why separately?

Wouldn't it be easier to just have everyone get here at once?


No, it wouldn't




Think about it…

…We're looking for someone who's been on the lam for a year, and was running from cops even before that…

…But he's not the only one we have to worry about, right?

There's also the matter of The Man in the Suit, him.

Both of them are probably used to being cautious, so if they saw large groups of people all travelling together, then we'd be putting ourselves at risk.

James-I mean, sir-how many people are coming here?


Let's see, for this operation, I need a few things to be handled…

To protect everyone's identity, from now on we'll refer to each other by our Manifesto's to keep away from any eavesdroppers…

First I had to get the cooperation of the NYPD…

But they won't actually be here, I'll just fill them in later…

Next, we needed a way to actually track down Chuck, so I've enlisted the help of Circinus.

Circinus isn't equipped for fighting, it has a way of protecting the user, but I've recreated someone else to help with that part…

Will, you might question my decision…





Who did you ask?

As James is about to respond, Taylor walks in through the door


Yo! Did I get the right place?

I'm looking for a giant in a trenchcoat!





Bank teller

Excuse me sir, but you're making a racket, could you please be quieter, or else I will have you escorted out.


What do you me~~an?

I was asked to come here.

I have an invitation.


Please don't tell me…


That's the protection for Circinus…



Of course the loud one's with you…

Sorry Jerry, please let him through.

Right this way sir.



Now that's the kinda service you expect to see in a place like this!

Now where is he?


Taylor, glad to see you're feeling better.


Well, the doc said I'm good, just some burns and a few broken bones.

Nothing I haven't had before.


James…where exactly did you find this guy?




We fought with each other a little while ago!



James, a word please!


What's wrong?


James, you can't keep recruiting these guys that try to kill you!

It wouldn't surprise me if you told me 'Circinus' was some monster that you picked off of the streets–


No, Circinus is a kid.

A nice one at that with a strong Manifesto



James, what kind of plan do you have in store for us?!

How does a group of criminals, a reporter, and a kid help you in finding an arsonist?!

Gregory walks in the door


I'm sorry young sir, however I'm afraid this isn't a playground, you will need to exit.



Is that kid with you?!



Ah! Yes, that's the last person.

Everyone, meet Circinus.

Now, I'll need to explain the plan.

First things first, I want to make sure before I go any further that it's possible no one survives this encounter.

Is that clear?

It's very likely that if Chuck manages to get his hands on one of us, that he will kill us to scare the rest.

With that in mind, do you agree to proceed with the plan?

Are you willing to trust me?

The room is quiet


Look, I know it's a hard decision to ask, considering half of you have tried to kill me, and the others haven't so much as punched a person…

…but I've called all of you specifically because I believe you all have what it takes to fight Chuck…

…and more importantly, what it takes to win.

The room is quiet again, before Taylor steps up


Well, I know I don't have any problems with it.

I lost everything when the Casa Dei Re closed…

I've been looking for somewhere my 'skills' will be helpful, and this sounds like the best chance.


I-I want to thank you for saving my life before…


I just don't want you to destroy my business…

…and I'm worried that if I say no, you'll hurt me again…



I learned back at the farm that I should trust you.

So fine.

Let's hear this plan.


Thank you, everyone.

I want you all to know you're helping in making this world a better one for everyone in it.

Now, the plan.

Step 1:

We need to find Chuck to make our plan work, that's where Circinus comes in.

Using Circinus, we'll find Chuck's location and make our trap based around that.

Of course, Circinus can't be used in a fight, so Aries will go with us to take him back here for safety.

Once Circinus is back, EURion will be responsible for protecting Circinus as well as everyone in the building here.

Circinus, use your map when you get back to change the probabilities around you and defend yourselves…




Not relevant to you, all you have to know is if you touch that kid's map, then you have to follow the exact path it gives you.

Don't even take a single step off of it.


What happens if we do?


The Manifesto controls luck, it can't completely erase bad luck, but it can move it somewhere else.

As long as you don't walk into it, you'll be fine.

What am I saying, back to the plan!

Step 2:

Once we've confirmed Chuck's location, Aries and I will go to fight against Chuck, we'll bring Auriga with us to confirm we're following the right path, and to make sure we don't lose Chuck.

Step 3:

 When we've reached Chuck, Aries and Auriga will hide, as I draw him out.

If he sees me, I'm willing to bet he'll just go in for the attack.

Aries, stay close by so you can defend me if anything happens.


Can't your Manifesto heal you?


Lacerta can heal damage done to it, but if we can avoid any attacks connecting with me, and instead have them reflect on him, that'll make our job easier.

I know your Manifesto isn't great when it comes down to actual combat, which is why I want you to get in close to me once I've drawn him out so he's more likely to hit you when swinging for me.

He couldn't have gotten a Manifesto more than a year ago, so he's probably not very skilled with it.

Auriga, once he's distracted trying to fight me, I want you to start attacking him.

He's big, but he's slow. I'd bet his Manifesto is too.


Got it.

What's next?




What do you mean 'next'?


What do we do after we start fighting him?

Do you have some secret technique to defeat him?


In this case?

Shoot first, ask questions later.

Ricky & Taylor

(I feel like that's what you did with us…)


If we're all clear on the plan–


Excuse me Ricky, but there's a man standing outside of the building.

Is he another one of your guests?

I swear, your office is going to be like a clown car…

Ricky and James frantically look at eachother


Well, looks like we won't be needing step 1 anymore…


W-what do you mean?


It looks like he came to us.

Chuck is standing outside of the building, a smile spreading across his face.