Fornax: part 6


I've never really known what I should be doing with my life.

It's never been something I've been curious about…

The world never cared about me, so why should I care about it?

I was born rich, my father was a cruel man…

…it makes me feel sick just calling him my father…

…but there's nothing I can do about that.

Father wasn't a nice person, far from it…

When I would cry as a child…



When I wouldn't listen to him…



When I tried defending mother…



That sound, that feeling, it's all been ingrained into my body…

I can't forget that feeling, those words that he'd tell me…

I'm not sure why, but when he attacked me, I'd just put up with it, letting it happen…

But whenever he'd try to attack mother, I'd always jump into help

Past Taylor

N-no! Please, hit me instead!

Just, just don't attack her…

Taylor's dad takes a swig from his bottle

Taylor's dad


What was that?

You think you're some kind of hero?

Are you gonna rescue her?

Well fine then…

…I'll hit you today instead.

Taylor's dad raised his hand


I turned to mother, hoping she'd be proud or happy that I'd stood up for her…

Taylor's mother looks disgusted

Taylor's Mother

You little brat, what do you think you're doing? Huh?

Why did you have to go and run your mouth like that?

Do you know what you just did? 

Why did you have to go and make him angrier?!


Don't you love me?

Don't you want me to be happy?

So why would you hurt me like that?

He's gonna take all his anger out on me.

That little stunt of yours just killed me, did you know that?

I'm gonna die…

I'm gonna die and it's all gonna be your fault…



I'm not going to let that happen!!!

If I had never had you, I never would have married that beast!!!

I could've been happy!!!

I could've been safe!!!

Do you know what you did to me!!!

You're the reason I can never be happy!!!

She goes to the kitchen

Past Taylor

I-I'm sorry mother, I-I just wanted to help!

She picks up a knife

Taylor's mom

You wanted to help?

Is that right…

In that case…

Just hold still for me, alright?

I'll make sure this is over with quickly~

Taylor's mom cuts him with the knife and blood begins gushing out

Past Taylor



P-please stop!!!

I-It hurts!!!

Taylor's mom







She keeps cutting him until Taylor's father comes in and pulls her off of her

Taylor's dad

What do you think you're doing?!

How dare you ruin my brat!

What am I meant to do with him now?!

How do you expect me to go around town with him looking like that?!

Didn't you think about what happens after?!


Past Taylor jumps up

Taylor's dad



Taylor runs as fast as possible

Police Officer 1

What happened here?

Police officer 2

According to the husband, the wife went crazy and started attacking her kid, cutting him everywhere…

…he tried to stop her but had to kill her…

Taylor's dad & police officer 2

"I had to do it for the kid"

Police officer 1

Can we see the kid?

Taylor's dad

He's upstairs, be gentle with him please, this has all been a traumatising experience for the boy.

Police officer 1

Hey kid, mind if I ask you a few questions?

Past Taylor shakes his head

Police officer 1

Did you like your mom?

Past Taylor nods his head

Police officer 1

Did she ever hurt you?

Past Taylor nods his head

Police officer 1

Could you show me?

Past Taylor takes off his shirt where it's revealed his whole body is covered with fresh scars

Police Officer 1

Woah…Was it your mom who did all of that?


Sir, looking at the condition of your kid, I can almost guarantee the courts will be on your side in the ruling.

You can rest easy, your kid's safe now.

Taylor's dad

Thank you officer…

Taylor's dad looks behind him to Taylor with killing intent in his eyes

Taylor's dad

…I'll make sure to work through what he's feeling and make sure he's completely fine.


After that, it was like something changed in him.

He wouldn't just hit me cause he was drunk or angry…

…he started to find it fun.

Past Taylor


Taylor's dad

Shut up!

Bite down on this plank of wood if you need to scream!

Taylor bites down

Taylor's dad

Y'know what bothers me?

It's that damn face of yours

It's so pretty and clean…

Of course, your mother wasn't a complete idiot, she saw that your face would be too obvious of a place to cut you…

…it'd get people asking questions…

If only she was as discreet with the rest of the body, then I could've just let her be.

But she had to go and do something so stupid…

Well, what's done is done…

Now, brace for this one, it's bothering me that your face doesn't match with the rest of your body…

Where do you want me to cut you first?

Taylor's dad

How about your cheeks?

They're so pudgy, you oughta do something about that, girls aren't gonna want you if you're fat.

Then again, no girl's gonna want you once we're done here.

That pretty boy face will be long gone by the time you're interested in girls.

His dad cuts

Taylor's dad

What about the eyes?

I bet you hated watching as I stabbed her…

Actually, I bet you enjoyed it…

You are my son after all…

It's only natural we'd share some common interests.

His dad cuts

Taylor's dad

As the scene continues, the camera slowly zooms in on Past Taylor's expression

I think to end today, I'll cut that mouth…

Y'know, if you hadn't run your mouth to me, she wouldn't have attacked you.

So in the end…

He cuts

Blood flies off

Taylor's dad

…This is all your fault.


I returned to school after that, I had to pretend like everything was normal.

I couldn't tell anyone about what father had been doing to me…

I just had to put up with their glares and their judging eyes…

I could always tell when they were looking at me…


Taylor's dad

What do you think you're doing bringing those girls home!?

I told you didn't I?!

You're not a pretty boy anymore!

You're as horrible outside as you are inside!

Teen Taylor

B-but Father! They insisted on it!

I couldn't turn them down!

Taylor's dad

Did they now…

Okay then…

If they insisted on it, you can bring girls home in the future…

Teen Taylor smiles

Teen Taylor


Thank you Father!

Taylor's dad

Your welcome…

…but if you're gonna bring girls home…

…I'll make sure you don't get to enjoy them!!!

Taylor's dad begins driving a knife towards his eyes

Taylor braces for impact before the knife gets knocked back

Teen Taylor


Taylor's dad




Teen Taylor

Eh? W-what is that?

Aries is standing in front of Taylor


Taylor, non nocere tibi iam erit in befall

Teen Taylor

W-what is that?

Taylor's dad rushes him with the knife again

Taylor's dad


Aries blocks the knife again, blood begins falling out of Taylor's dad

Taylor's dad



I didn't know what that thing was, all I knew was it saved me from him…

Taylor's dad

Boy…get me a doctor…now…


In that moment, while seeing the man who'd tortured me my whole life begging for my help, I felt powerful…

It thrilled me to see him like that, so I decided to leave the bastard like that.

Who knows if he survived.

Didn't stick around to watch, I wanted to be free as soon as possible…

I walked around for a year, not really sure what I was doing, just drifting from place to place, using the strange thing in front of me to win fights and earn money from gambling.

Then, I decided to pick a fight with the wrong person

Sinatra walks into the room standing before an older Taylor