Fornax: part 7


So, are you the wonder boy I've heard so much about?


So what if I am?

Narrator box

New York City: 1932


They say you have a secret technique to knock people out without even throwing a punch.


Care to find out for yourself?

One round will cost you $10 ($175 USD today)

Sinatra puts $10 down


Money's no matter to me.

Now, shall we do this?





You're crazy!

Ok mr. Suit and tie!

You're on!

Taylor and Sinatra are standing in a make-shift ring


The rules are simple!

First one unable to fight will be declared the loser!

We'll only be doing one round!

$10 on the line!




Better if you just surrender now…

Cause you won't know what's about to hit you!

Taylor moves close to Sinatra

Sinatra dodges out of the way



(Why hasn't he thrown a punch yet?)

(Doesn't he see me coming in for the attack?)

(For whatever reason, it can't actually attack on its own…)

(I need you to hit me first!!!)

Taylor brings Aries out in front of him and takes a defensive stance


So that's your Manifesto, it looks like I was right.

This "secret technique" of yours, it looks like it was just a Manifesto.

From the looks of it, I'd assume it's a close-range brawler. That could be a good match with the other…



A mani-what's it?


I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, but I don't really care!

(This time, I'll definitely bait him into attacking me, and deflect with it!)

(But, it is weird he could see it, I've never met anyone who could)

Taylor lunges for Sinatra

Sinatra dodges again


In the name of sportsmanship, I'll play along.

Sinatra throws a small napkin out


Canes Venatici: Alpha.

This is what we call a Manifesto, 

Think of it like a guardian angel.

A being that exists to protect you, and in turn, it has a symbiotic relationship with you.


Are you telling me you're like me?


Oh mercy no…

I'm nothing like you…

Another Canes Venatici attacks Taylor, pinning him to the ground


…I'm so much better.

Now tell me, wonder boy…

I have a job proposition for you, I'm in need of people with your specialty, and I would be honoured if you were to join me as my personal bodyguard…

What do you say?


As I looked up at this man, I realised how weak I was.

I couldn't beat this guy in a suit, I didn't know if I killed my father, I couldn't even throw a punch!

I've always just been reacting to what's happening around me…

I decided that if I was going to live my life not knowing what to do, why not let someone else decide for me?


Taylor, I'd like you to meet my bodyguard, Deacon.


I thought you said I was gonna be your bodyguard?


It's my firm belief that living creatures work best when working together for a shared goal, take for instance my Canes Venatici: they work as a collective pack to do what they couldn't on their own.

I would like to apply the same principle to you two.

I believe by working with a partner, you'll become even more powerful than you are on your own.


Boss, with all due respect, I do not require a partner.

I am perfectly capable of carrying out my duties on my own.


You two will be working together.

This isn't a request…

…This. Is. an. Order.


Yes sir…



Now, I'll let you two get to know each other, I have some business to attend to.


Uh, hi, I'm Taylor


I don't care.



Uh, so why did you decide to follow the boss?


He who graciously bestowed a power upon me wanted me to seek out others with similar abilities, so I've taken it upon myself to judge all other Manifesto users to see if they are truly worthy to wield such an ability.


Uh…uh huh.



(What's this guy's deal?)

(Why's he so serious?)

(And what's with the way he's talking?)

(I've never met anyone like him…)

(And what's with that mask?)

(What's he hiding under it?)

(I wonder…)

A man falls to the floor

Scared man

I-I'm sorry!

I'll pay back your boss the money I owe him!

Just please, let me go!

I can get the money!

I swear!


Heh, sorry, but I think you've had plenty of time to get that money…

I think at this point, the best thing we can do is take out an insurance policy on you, then help you "take a trip"...


Don't be so hasty now Taylor…

There might still be a use for this…

What was your name?

Scared man



Well then, "Brian", you have a Manifesto, do you not?

Show it to us.



R-right away!

A small and plump Manifesto appears


On second thought Taylor, I believe you were right.

We have no further use for this wretch other than the insurance.

Deacon turns away and begins walking


Dispose of him however you see fit..


You're just leaving?

The Boss told us to stay as groups of two, remember?!


I do remember, however, why should I have to stay with such a useless man such as yourself.

That Manifesto of yours can't even be used in a fight.

How are you supposed to be of help to yourself, let alone the boss?

He made a mistake when asking you to join.

Just go back to the gutter where filth like you belong.

Taylor Narration

His words stuck with me.

They showed me that no matter how much I thought I had changed, I was still just as useless as before.

Useless like when Father beat me.

Useless like when Mother attacked me.

Useless like when Father killed Mother.

Useless like when the Boss beat me.

It was all for nothing.

This new power didn't change who I was.

It could only react to what was happening around it.

It couldn't make the first move.

I normally left the thinking to Deacon (I didn't understand most of what he said though) but this is one thing that I just couldn't stop thinking about: if only there was some way for me to make myself stronger…


Boss, I wanna become stronger!



But why?

You're already stronger than most Manifesto users.

Your ability is a great one that turns its foe's strength against themselves.


I don't wanna just be reacting to what's going on around me!

I wanna be able to attack and defend!

Is there any way I can make my Manifesto stronger?!


Taylor, what I'm about to show you is a secret you may never share with anyone. Not even Deacon.

Do you swear to not tell anyone?



Of course I won't tell!


Ha, that's why I like you Taylor.

You're up front about what you think!

That's a great quality in my opinion.

Now, as you're aware, my Manifesto is made up of many different 'dogs', however, there is more to my ability.

I found a way to transcend one's Manifesto.

Through rigorous mental and physical training, you can evolve your Manifesto.

There are a number of ways to go about this, but I found the best way is through combat experience.

Sinatra forms Canis Major



I-It's different from normal!


This is an ability I call 'Canis Major'.

It's an advanced version of my 'Canes Venatici'.

I believe that you too can possess one of these 'superior' Manifestos.

What do you say, will you accept the offer and all of the hard work it entails?


Do you even have to ask!?

Fades to black

Taylor narrator

I wonder…

Why am I remembering all of this now?

And wait, I feel like something's missing…

That's right!

The detective!

Me and the detective were fighting that guy with the tough Manifesto!

He lit the detective on fire…

Took his friend captive…




That's right!

He got me with his attack…

Huh, I guess that means this is it for me, huh.


Oh well, I knew what I signed up for.

I can't help but wonder, what would've happened if I said no?

What if I just decided to go and meet Deacon like I wanted?

As crazy as the guy is, I can't help but wanna see him…

I wonder…

What's he doing right now?

Camera shows Taylor's body collapsing back at the fight with Chuck