Crux & Eridanus: part 8

Will takes a step forward as Evelyn takes a step back


You…why do you have those black flames?

Only people like the master with exceptional control of their Manifesto should have those!

(This boy–no–both of them…)

(...They both have the potential to become incredibly dangerous threats!)

(I know master wanted them alive to take their Manifestos, but neither must be allowed to leave here alive!)


Her Manifesto starts whipping towards Will and Auriga 



What's this?

It's almost like there are after images, except it's the opposite…

These images show me where she's going to attack!

Will dodges around the various attacks





Use lethal force!

Stop holding back!




I'm really sorry, doctor, but it looks like I can't be pulling my punches anymore…

I don't even want to imagine what would happen if I did and gam-gam found out.


(Are you telling me I've been struggling against this guy and he wasn't even going all out yet?!)

(I need to figure out what makes this guy tick, and fast!)

Uh, you called that woman "gam-gam," does that mean she's your grandma?


Uh, yes…she is…

She raised me after my mom died…


I'm so sorry to hear that, but at least you're lucky your grandmother was there for you, right?



I wouldn't say that…

My grandma was the one who stabbed my mom right in front of my eyes.

Caroline shudders as he says this


I can still picture that moment clearly…

The boss standing in my doorway, laughing as he choked my mother's dying body, my grandma praying to him as if he was some sort of twisted deity…


Your boss?!

You mean John?


Yeah, he's easily the most terrifying creature I've ever met.

He's selfish, determined, and delusional…

But the scariest thing of all is that he has the power to make all of his dreams a reality.

You all made a mistake crossing him.

He's not the kind of person to be taken lightly…


What does he want?


He says he wants to create a paradise here on earth, a new Garden of Eden you might say, but all of that is just an excuse for his ego and his selfishness.

Believe me, that man doesn't believe IN god, nor is he envious of him…

…John B. Goode believes he IS God.

As far as I know, he's lived his entire life with the single minded goal of making everyone else recognize this.

He doesn't see people as individuals with their own lives, hopes or dreams…

…to him, we're all just small pieces on a game board.

We're his to control and remove as he sees fit.


Sounds to me you aren't a fan of his…

…And if this guy thinks so little of you, why are you listening to him?


Were you even listening?!

He's the most terrifying person I've ever met!

There's no way a human could stand up against that and win!


And why not?

Just because no one's done it before, doesn't mean it's impossible

Look at me, I'm a girl raised in an orphanage, but now I'm a doctor!

Think about it, who won in David vs. Goliath?

Just because the odds don't seem like they're in his favour, doesn't mean it's an impossible task.

James is capable of some amazing things, especially when he's doing them to protect and help other people.

Let's stop fighting.

All of the fear you have of John, that's how much we trust in James.

Queen starts tearing up


I-I'm sorry I was punching at you earlier!


Water under the bridge, now, let's go help Will—

Evelyn comes flying as she catches herself with Eradanus


Or maybe not.


Phew, doc, I think I won!

Need any help beating this punk?

Queen cowers behind Caroline


Relax he's with us now


Oh, welcome to the team then!

I'm Will, nice to meet you!





What the hell do you think you're doing?!

Use Crux and beat those two!

I know you're capable of it!

Ugh, why'd such a great ability get wasted on you?!

If only my son or I had inherited that power instead—


Th-that's enough!

Everyone is stunned as they look at Queen

Evelyn starts bubbling with rage


What was that?

My ears must be failing me in my old age.

Why not say that one more time.


I…I said that's enough.

Ever since I could remember, you've always been comparing me to my dad and making fun of my mom.

But mom was such a kind and caring person…

She even gave her last breath to protect me!

You always tell me how my dad should have inherited my Crux, and how your ability proves your special…

…but that's my mom's power!

You never gave me anything, all you did was bully and manipulate me!

But not anymore.

I'm gonna fight back against boss, no, mr. Goode.

I'm gonna become my own person


Oh, Queen…

…how utterly stupid!

I mean, I knew you were weak, but I never saw you as the sappy type!

You want to go off with those two and claim it's because your friends?!

Well fine.

Master has no place for weak links like you!

Ericanus floats above Crux IV


What's that?


Oh shit!

That's her Manifesto!

Once its strings are connected to a target's limbs, she takes control of their body!

If she manages to take control of a target that big, it would be disastrous!

Crux II leaps up slicing at the strings with its arm


You fools!

You really think I wanted that overgrown briefcase?!

What I really wanted was this!

Queen's masterpiece!

The perfect puppet for combat!

Masted would always say, the only thing holding back Crux's potential, was Queen's lack of killer instincts!

But if you paid this puppet with my skills, there's no way I could lose!

Crux II's limbs begin to contort in unnatural ways


Woah, you were fighting that thing?


It didn't look like that when I was fighting it…


My…my puppet…

She's hurting it…




What do you mean?


I told you, didn't I?

My puppets have a life of their own.

Sure, my Manifesto lets me control wooden objects, but in order to make them move like that, it helps breathe life into them!




Wait, if that means what I think it does…

Caroline starts to smile



I don't get it, what does it mean?

Why's she smiling?


You didn't really get a chance to see it during our fight, but my manifesto lets me rewind or accelerate living creatures.

Normally, I only use it on plants, or bacteria…

…but what if we considered Manifestos to be alive?

Sure, they don't eat, or sleep like we do…

…but they certainly are capable of making decisions on their own, and they move better than some other creatures out there!

So, with all that in mind, ever since learning more people had these powers, I've been wondering if Lyra could work on Manifestos too!

And if your ability breathes life into objects, then my Lyra is the perfect counter!


Had your fun talking?!

Hope it was worth it!

I'll crush you all and present your fresh corpses to my master!

Both Lyra and Crux II leap towards each other as the rings on Lyra's arm accelerate


(I feel…almost relieved.)

(After this, all that waits is for us to meet up with James and turning John over to the police)

(James will meet Queen, and he'll join us three in our adventures)

(We'll run into danger, but just like today, we'll pull through together!)

(Life's looking up for us!)

Lyra punches Crux II, destroying it



We won!

Why aren't you guys celebrating?


Why…why is he here!?

John is sprinting towards them, blood leaking out of him, covered in bullet wounds holding a broken arm


But if he's here, then where's James?!

Caroline charges towards John


What are you doing?!


We can't let him walk away and give him time to recover!


Ah, James' friends!

I'm sorry doctor, but I'm in need of that Manifesto far more than you are right now!


Oh yeah? Then come and get it!

Corvus slices through Caroline as she falls


I'll take you up on your offer.

Now you, your death would surely shatter James!

Corvus reaches out again, but Queen dives in front, protecting Will





What a shame, but I suppose this turn of events works out in my favour too.

Now, to dispose of you—



Will turns to face the noise but just sees a bloody and beat up James, overflowing with the black flames


Damn, looks like he caught up sooner than I thought.

Well, I'll leave him a different parting gift then!

Queen grabs onto Will and whispers something as Will's eyes widen


Good bye, James!

I'm sure I'll be seeing you very soon.