Corvus: part 1


Don't let him get away!


Really now, James

We're both tired, let's just let bygones be bygones

Bury the hatchet and all that

I'll even let you reconsider my offer!




Lacerta emerges, looking equally beaten up with black flames emerging from the black parts of its body and it fires off bullets



John's manifesto blocks them



He got Caroline, and stole this guy's manifesto too!



James rushes over to Caroline, whose body has been split almost in half


Caroline, I'm so sorry…

I underestimated him…

I thought I could do it alone, no, I thought I had to do it alone.

This is all my fault, I shouldn't have gotten you two involved in this, because I was weak two more people had to die—

Caroline softly punches James


You're a weird guy…

We've only know eachother for a few weeks, but that was enough for me to trust you with my whole being and for you to weep over me like this.

If I told you it was ok, and to just move on, I know you wouldn't be able to do it…

…so instead, don't forget my death, you told me that you have to atone and honour the lives you cut short…

…in that case make me one of those lives




You say the ghosts never leave you, they're always there with you.

So think of it this way: it's not us cursing you, it's us trying to help you and protect you, because like how we were all important to you, you're important to all of us.

Coughs as blood continues to spill out


Damn, never realized how much I depended on my Manifesto until it was gone…

James, earlier I told Queen that I trusted you with everything I have, so believe me when I say: you will beat that monster. I know you can.

James cries as the light leaves Caroline's eyes

John claps


What a touching scene

I'm starting to tear up over here, too.

Will leaps towards John, but a bullet flies past him


No, you can't beat him.

I don't want you to die here as well.


Good call, it seems you've learned your place

I guess that was time well spent


James, what even happened to you?!

20 minutes ago, at James' office


Hi James, you called?


Franklin "Mad dog" Sinatra 





Both of them died in the same way: strangled to death, except there were no traces of the killer, police assume it's just two separate killings, but that's because they lack information

Both of these two possessed Manifestos.

Tom P.

Ricky Roll



The barn spider

Chuck Berry

Dr. Sunshine

All of these people suddenly gained a Manifesto after coming into contact with the same person.

That same person was present at both the farm with the time loop, as well as the site of Gregory's murder.


I'm afraid I still don't understand, what's a Manifesto?


At first, when I heard about a person who could give out Manifestos, I assumed he had the ability to create them…

…but at the farm, my friend said he found a dead body. I assumed that Chuck was responsible.

However after Gregory's murder, it started to paint a clearer picture in my mind.

I realized my killer didn't have the ability to create new Manifestos from nothing, he had to get them from somewhere: other Manifesto users.

He kills people for their power.

That made me wonder, what could a man like this want?

I never thought it could be you.

I mean, why would you need to kill people for their power?

You had a large business that was thriving during a time when almost everyone else is struggling just to put food on the table.

Then, a terrible thought entered my mind:

What if my killer doesn't do it out of necessity, but for sport?

John shudders as James glares at him


See, this whole time I was operating under the assumption that I was dealing with some mastermind, a genius you might say.

But in reality, I was dealing with nothing more than a lucky animal.

All of his murders were pure luck.

He had killer instincts, and he just so happened to wind up with a power to help him.




Every single murder just happened to be the right place at the right time.




That's why he has no trail left behind!

It's because there are no connections to be made in the first place!

My killer was just an idiot the whole time!


You're wrong!

I've had it planned from the start!

The second I realized what my Manifesto was capable of, I started concocting my plan to end up in this position!

Flash back

A young John looks up at Corvus, squatting next to him

A man with prominent facial hair walks into the room


Son, it's time for church.

We can't be late.


Yes father.

(When I walked into that church, I would always see the tapestries of God, the devotees, all bowing down and praying to God, an entity they couldn't see, but still believed was there.

Every last one of them always believed that this god they prayed to was a fair and equal one.

Someone who would care and listen to their problems.

That day, I learned what my dream was.

I wanted all of it.

Everylast detail, from the worship, to the power, to the influence he held. 

I wanted it all for myself.

I wanted, no, needed to become God.

I took the power I possessed as a sure sign that I was special.

Because, if no one else can see it, and it only obeyed me, wasn't it possible this was an angel?

John looks outside the window of a church and sees a crow perched on a tree

I named it Corvus: The crow symbolizes death, and death means the judgement of one's soul.

In class


Can anyone tell me what "Damnant quod non intellegunt" means in english?

A hand shoots up


Uh, yes, Joseph?


The phrase translates to: "They condemn that which they do not understand"


Very good!

Joseph, I can tell you're going places


I would bide my time well, throwing myself into my studies, pursuing every field imaginable, while at the same time honing my power.

John walks out of a private school as a group of thugs stand outside

Thug 1

Hey, rich boy, why don't you come with us.

See my friends here haven't had much money in a while, and I figure he should see what the big city has to offer.


No thank you, I need to go.

I have better things to do than socialize with the likes of you.

The second thug shoves John against a wall

Thug 2

I guess going to a fancy school doesn't mean you're smart.

Just hand over the money and no one gets hurt.


You…dirtied my uniform…

Thug 2

A dirty uniform is the least of your problems unless you hand over some ca—

The thug goes flying into a tree

Thug 1

What the hell–

Thug 1 gets uppercutted and falls

John starts kicking the boys


You! Pieces! Of! Filth!

How dare you do this to me!


Now that's enough!

In the principal's office


Headmaster, I'm so very sorry for what happened earlier!

I don't know why my boy would do such a thing!

He's normally so well mannered!


Yes, in class, his teachers described him as an exceptional student with a bright future…

…However what this incident shows is that the boy has issues with his temper.

We'll overlook this outburst seeing as your family has a very long history with our establishment.

He will need to take a temporary leave of absence though, other students claim they don't feel safe with him around.


We completely understand.

Thank him, Joseph.


Thank you, headmaster.

I'll be sure to reflect on my actions.



What the hell were you thinking, boy?!

Have I not taught you to control that temper of yours?!


I'm sorry father, I'm not sure what came over me.


Enough of this, driver, stop here!

John is pushed out of the vehicle


You can reflect on your actions as you walk home.


Very well then…

The carriage drives off, as the two thugs from earlier emerge from some bushes

Thug 1

Well? How'd we do, boss?

Thug 2

Did they buy it?


It was a great performance.

What happened to your arm?

I could have sworn I broke it with Corvus.

Thug 2

Don't worry!

I managed to protect myself using my ability!


You don't say…

Well, I appreciate the two of you doing your part, thanks to you I'll be on a leave of abscense for a short while.

Thug 1

Now, about our "payment" boss?


Ah, yes, I did say something about a reward, now didn't I?

Here's your reward.

Corvus grabs both of them by the throat


I made it very clear when I hired you two, not to touch me.

No one may sully a deity.

For that sin, you must pay with your lives.

Not to worry, I'll take your abilities and find more worthy disciples for them.

John is shown walking near a lake, a panel shows the two boys bodies lying on the ground

John stops as he sees a young boy next to a dead animal