Corvus: part 2

John watches the boy as he begins hitting a carcass with a stick


Woah, woah, careful, you might get a splinter

The boy looks up at John, hollow eyes


(This boy…he lacks purpose…he lacks faith.)

(This boy could become a valuable pawn in the future, much better than this mutt.)

(It served its purpose, and at least now I know that when an ability's user dies, the ability dies with them.)

Tell me, boy, what do you see?

Fade into the future, an older John is sitting at a desk reading books


Joseph, we need to talk.


What is it, father?


Joseph, more bodies have turned up recently


Oh, that makes five this month, I'll be careful on my way home


That wasn't what I was implying.




Don't play dumb with me, we both know why you've been getting home late, we know what happened to those boys who attacked you.

Do you really think you could get away with this?

I covered for you when you were younger, buying the silence of others, I thought you would come around on your own.

But this has gone far enough, Joseph

Either turn yourself in, or I'll report you to the police myself


I'm…I'm so sorry, father!

I just can't control my anger!

Is there any way for you to forgive me?


Oh, son, I don't want to do this: believe me, it brings me no joy to discover my own son's crimes, but for the good of our society and the good of our esteemed family, I must turn you in


Very well then…

Let's go.

John's father nods

As he starts walking, Corvus appears and knocks him out

John breathes heavily as he stands over the body

His mother walks into the room



Have you seen your—

Joseph, what have you done?!

John looks back, his eyes glowing as Corvus looms over him


Oh, mother.

Such a shame you had to see this.

Don't worry, you'll be joining father very soon.

John closes the door


Sir, have you seen your parents?

John puts back on his soft smile as he looks towards the servant


I'm sorry, I haven't.

I'll be taking a short walk now

John glares


There's no need for anyone to come with me.

John leaves

He stops outside and punches a tree with Corvus 


(Fuck, were they still breathing?!)

(I left because I couldn't have any of the servants finding me with the bodies, but I need to deal with these servants and my parents…)

(Shit, I'll need to change my identity, Joseph's life ends here, dying mysteriously alongside his family and servants.)

(If only I had an ability that let me control fire, I could dispose of them all in a matter of seconds…)

(I'll need to find something that lets me attack in a large area)

(If only I had an ability like that saved in Corvus…)


(Wait, I have set up some "insurance before…)

(The pieces I've put in place have finally become useful)

John is walking as a young dr. Sunshine is behind him

Dr. Sunshine

Sir, what is it you need me for?

You said I'd be needing to kill someone, but who exactly is that?


Don't ask any more questions.

You know as much as you need to.

Remember, what's about to happen is something you can never tell anyone about.

The doors burst open as John stands in the entrance


Young master! Terrible news, your parents! They've been killed!

We sent a messenger to the police earlier, we need to—

Blood spurts out as the man falls down

Dr. Sunshine

Sir, what are you doing?

Is this…your house?

John's Face is obscured as black flames begin to engulf him



Dr. Sunshine


Is everything alright?



What could be better?!

I've just figured out what my plans so far have been missing

I was too obsessed on gaining power in the short term, what I should be focussed on is spreading my influence!

I need to make "friends" across the country, no, across the world!

But to do that, I'll need funds.

You've figured out how to use your ability, right?

Dr. Sunshine

Of course


Good, I want you to turn every person in this building into a statue, or at least make sure they can't move.

Leave the rest to me.

Dr sunshine nods as Ophiuchus emerges

John walks down the hallways, grabbing a candle




I can't move!

Oh, sir!

Thank goodness your alright, please help me…sir?

John's smiling as the black flames are roaring off of him


Help you?

Of course I can.

I'll help you be happy.

To find eternal happiness.

Corvus emerges

The man's eyes widen in fear


Oh no, it seemed like he knew Corvus was there.

I wonder what his ability was.

Oh well, the death of one ant couldn't possibly ruin my mood! 

Not today!

Today is the death of Joseph, but also the birth of a new man!

How about…John.

John Goode.

I like how that sounds!

He drops the candle as fire spreads around him, with only John's silhouette being visible alongside the statues of servants near him



A tragedy to be sure.

There's no way a human could have survived that, there was only bones and ash left when we went in.

Count yourself lucky, mr. Spectre.

If you hadn't left to report the murder to us, you may have gotten caught in the fire too.

I'm sure as mr. Cardy's most faithful servant, you'll receive a rather large compensation in his will.


Money can't be weighed the same as a human life

Mr. Cardy, despite his wealth knew the value of family to be above all else.

I hope young Joseph is able to find peace.

Cut to John watching


So Spectre was the one to live…

That shouldn't pose a problem, he should stay out here in the boonies while I make my name in the city.

Goodbye Mother, Father, Joseph.

Fast forward, 1919

Military officer

Congratulations, we're shipping out. Go home with your heads held high knowing you're returning, not as mere men, but heroes.

The crowd cheers, John steps away


Aren't you going to join the celebrations?

A man wearing a rag over his face looks up at him


They wouldn't want me to join them, I'd only ruin the mood with this face.


Don't say that, appearance isn't what matters, it's all about the soul and how we choose to live our lives.


Easy for you to say with those good looks of yours.


I'm being honest here, and to prove it, why don't I give you a gift?


A gift?


Yes, with this blessing I'm about to provide, you'll realize what it means to dedicate yourself to a higher purpose.

So take it.

Revel in the knowledge that a new world is quickly approaching, one where outward appearances aren't what matter, but individual accomplishments.

One where men like you and I, who have known great sacrifice will rise triumphant.


How can you know all that?


Like the commander said, I am not mere man.

I am God.

John looks older as he holds a newspaper with the headline "Spectre Family Found Dead: Monster Child to Blame!"


(So, Spectre preached about the value of family, yet it was his own child that killed him. I owe that boy a debt of gratitude.)

Cut to the (near) present


My name?

Spectre, James Spectre.

John looks at him in shock



(This must be the monster child the newspaper referred to!)

(So the sole survivor of Joseph's death has a child, who coincidentally winds up in the same neighborhood as me.)

(It makes me think fate must be at play)

(He's a detective, so I should be careful not to tip him off in anyway.)

(I want to know everything.)

(What is his ability? What really happened the night his parents died? Who would push him past his limits and make him into a perfect pawn? What makes James Spectre tick.)

(I'll keep sending pawns his way to break him down and force him to improve himself.)

(The only thing I've learned about the black flames is that they manifest themselves when a person has been pushed to their limits, or when they overcome a crucial mental block holding them back.)

(Show me James Spectre, just what is it that will make you improve your Manifesto.)

(I've never been this close to stealing a Manifesto that has managed to create the black flames on their own, I need to know if that power will become mine as well, or if it will die with the user!)

(My curiosity knows no bounds!)

(James, I'm going to keep pushing you to become stronger and stronger, so that one day you will become a valuable asset to me)

Present day


John B Goode, what do you have to say for yourself?


Maybe I let you grow too much after all.