Corvus: part 3


I looked into your background.

Nothing shows up before the Great War.

The first time your name appears anywhere, was in a newspaper article talking about how a retired war vet had opened up a bank out of nowhere.


What can I say?

I'm not a fan of the press


This goes beyond that, not a single person, no hospital workers, no one in the city's underbelly, not a single person can remember ever meeting someone named John Goode.

You're like a ghost

No, actually you're like a Manifesto




You exist, it's just most people can't perceive you.


(He's trying to rile me up, you've gotten this far, don't slip up at the end)

What's a Manifesto?



Lacerta grabs John's arm from





Falling for the same taunt twice?

You reacted to the word "Manifesto" back in the bank as well.

And you were so focused on me you didn't see the forest for the trees.

Lacerta's been hiding since you came in.

I didn't want to use it, but if you're who I think you are, then it's too late for that.


No! You're wrong!

I only reacted because I recently got my Manifesto and was shocked you knew about them!

Crazy how that works, right?


Nice joke.

Manifesto isn't a commonly used term to describe these things.

Besides, if you want to play off you're shock, you should have referred to the more common use of the word.

It's over, John.


(No! I refuse to let myself end it here, I was hoping to wait before stealing his Manifesto, but it looks like I'll need to do it now!)


I just have one question for you: why'd you do it? Why lie to so many people? You could've made a real difference in this world.


Would you take "divine purpose" as an answer?

Corvus elbows Lacerta, pushing James back as he reaches for James


You really think I'd let you take my power that easily?!

Lacerta fires off a bullet into the hand reaching for James



John makes a sign with his hand


Corvus: Atlia!

Corvus' body starts turning into a gas as it fills the room


*koff* *koff*

Ugh, what is this?

I can't see a thing!


(Atlia: a relatively useless ability, not even worth bestowing onto someone else. It creates a thick smoke screen, and that's the extent of its power, however it has its uses in situations like this when I need to make a quick escape!)

(I've put distance between him and myself, I should change Manifestos into something better suited for combat!)

(In a tight space, there's only one thing that comes to mind)


*koff* it looks like the smoke's clearing up, I need to follow him again, and quick!

I can't let him get away!


Lacerta rushes in a punches something away


What is that?

The black shape begins to stand up again, as the surrounding objects begin melting


(A different ability?)

(Is that why the smoke went away?)

(Wait, there's something familiar about this ability, it almost looks like—)

The smoke clears, revealing 3 Canes Venatici


This Manifesto is one of the newest I've gotten, but it has many uses.

I really am blessed I came across it.


I was right!

He did kill Sinatra, so this is his ability…

The dogs are tough, but Lacerta's gotten much stronger since we last met them!

Lacerta fired off 3 bullets towards Canes Venatici, however the bullet passes through the dogs



(What happened?!)

(Is this really the same Manifesto I fought before?)

(Is it possible his Manifesto doesn't just steal powers, it also adapts them to make them stronger?!)

(Wait, if he stole Gregory's Manifesto, then what will happen with the luck manipulation?)

(I don't want to imagine what happens if he figures it out, I need to defeat John before it's too late!)

The dogs start multiplying out of the objects found in James' room


Huh, I guess that part is still the same.

Oh well, sorry doggies, but I don't have time to deal with you!

Cut to John


(As long as I keep the leader of the pack with me, Corvus can change back into its regular form or into a different Manifesto.)

(This should have put enough distance between us, I don't see him catching up with me anytime soon, I should be fine to leave Corvus as is for the time being—

James slides down a lamppost




I told you, you aren't getting away!


Stubborn aren't you?!

How did you even get down here?

John looks up to see a giant hole in the wall that James made


I was planning on renovating the office anyways.


Even so, you just made my job much easier!

The debris begins to form into more dogs

One leaps and latches onto Lacerta, James winces before shooting it with Lacerta

The dog disappears as John stumbles


Looks like I was right.

They aren't invincible.

This is just a different version of the same power.

The original Canes Venatici had armour-like fur, while yours has cloud-like fur that lets attacks pass through it.

As long as I know where to attack…

Three dogs leaps at James from behind as Lacerta destroyed them all


…your dogs aren't a problem.





What's so funny?


This is what I was looking for!

I could never be certain until I experienced it for myself, you truly are special James.


 Want to share?


Your Manifesto is different than others!

It's like mine!

We possess multiple abilities!

My Corvus is able to give and take Manifestos, but then it also adapts the Manifestos to fit the new user.

Do you understand?

It's an extension of Corvus' existing ability

Your Lacerta has it too, it can shoot its bullets at a super high velocity, but those bullets also have the ability to erase Manifestos!

It's not often you meet two powers so similar, yet opposite!

One power that relies upon other Manifestos, and another than exists solely to destroy other Manifestos!

An early theory I came up with was these "mutations" are drawn from the latent desired of the user, but I've never been able to confirm it for myself.

Until now that is, think back, every time your Manifesto's become more powerful, was there an intense feeling associated with it?


(He isn't…wrong?)

(Lacerta's healing ability when I desperately wanted to keep fighting)

(Its faster bullets when I was determined to win against Sinatra)

(This black hair and flames when I was disgusted with Dr. Sunshine and wanted nothing else but to defeat him)

(And the first time, when Lacerta manifested and I wanted nothing more than to destroy it.)

James stares at Lacerta


Do you understand, James?!

Manifestos exist for the selfish, our desires are what spur them on to become more powerful!

Even our powers exist to fuel our selfish desires: mine to give me every power I desire, yours to erase everything you hate!

These powers to fuel our selfish desires are innate proof that we're better than everyone else!

Our powers are designed to let us and only us achieve what we perceive as just and correct!

So join me James, let us do whatever we want with these powers and let the common ants worship us like the gods we are!


I've heard that before.




When I met Tom, he told me you gave him a Manifesto and told him to do whatever he wanted.

I also heard that line from Ricky when he described how he met you.

I'll give you this: it's one hell of a sales pitch.

Too bad I'm not buying what you're selling for even a second.

I can see now why so many people worship you.

But the issue is I'm not like them

You prey on people who are at their lowest moment, but unfortunately for you, that's not me.

I have things, people I'm fighting to protect.

So call me selfish, but if Lacerta exists to erase things I don't like, I guess that means it exists to erase your Corvus.


I guess it really is fate that we met, isn't it James?