Corvus: part 4

Canes Venatici rush to attack James as he fights them off


So you aren't at your lowest moment yet?

I guess I'll just have to bring you there myself.

Maybe then you'll feel more motivated to join me!

John begins to make a hand sign


(What's he doing?)

(He made that gesture earlier when he summoned that smoke…!)

(Wait, what if—)

The Canes Venatici all return to their original objects as Corvus changed again into Corvus: Atlia


We're doing this again?


Oh don't worry, I'm changing it up a little.

The smoke surrounds James as John makes a hand sign reminiscent of a dog's head

Corvus: Atlia begins to change back into Canes Venatici


This is a special move only my Corvus could pull off:

Corvus: Canis Major

The smoke itself begins to form into dogs that surround James


(Canis Major? That was the technique that made a giant dog with tougher fur than before!)

(I guess John's version goes for quantity over quality)

I thought you were smarter than this! 

I told you, I can beat your Corvus as long as I know where the attacks are coming from—

James looks down to find his foot has been bitten into by a Canes Venatici


And did I say my only trick was to turn the smoke into dogs?

When it comes down to it, the ground's an object too.

A dog leaps at James, as he gets ready to shoot, the dog turns back into smoke



(Damn it! He's using the fact that the dogs are objects to his advantage!)

(And by showing me I can't even rely on the ground beneath my feet, he's forcing me to stay active!)

(I can't get close to him!)

(He's also more creative than Sinatra when it comes to using his Manifesto!)

(He knows he won't be able to get by with brute force or sheer numbers, so instead, he's using the inertia from the objects to weaponise them!)


It seems you've realized the helplessness of your own scenario.

Having second thoughts about joining me?



(At the end of the day, it's all about destroying the pack leader, his dogs still have an origin, and he'd probably keep it close to him so he can turn it into a different Manifesto.)

(I just need to get a better view of what's happening!)

James crouches as the dogs overwhelm him


It looks like I overestimated you.

*koff* *koff*

Oh no, Corvus is taking a drain on my body, the adrenaline is the only thing keeping me going right now.

I'm feeling each and every destroyed Manifesto.

I need to steal the doctor's power quickly!

John turns away as something leaps out of the crowd of dogs




(I wanted to get as much height as possible to end this in one shot)



Corvus' arm gets enveloped in the black flames as it fires off a single bullet, going clean through John's shoulder



Fuck! That hurt

James uses Lacerta's tail to cushion the fall, coating it in the black flames


I'm starting to get a hang of this.

Now, John, you're going down.

John holds his shoulder as he looks at James


Why don't we call a temporary ceasefire?


Not a chance.

We fight until one of us collapses.


Are you in any position to say that?

You're covered in claw marks and bites from my dogs.

I haven't even used all of Corvus' abilities


Who cares.

I'll keep whittling you down until you surrender.


I don't know what I was hoping for.


Corvus appears, engulfed in black flames


(I can do this, no, we can do this!)

(Lacerta, I resented you for so much of my life, but something changed recently. This past year has forced me to open my eyes, be willing to accept you and be grateful for everything you've done for me.)

John, you say that selfishness is what defines Manifestos.

But I don't think that's true.

I can think of so many abilities that, when used properly, could work towards the benefit of everyone.

I was wrong, the problem isn't solved by blaming Manifestos and saying they're the cause of everything that's wrong with my life.

Neither is condemning others.

Pushing the blame onto others won't solve anything, it will only cause more pain.

John, humanity isn't the problem, people like you and your twisted ideology are the problem.

So it's time I stop holding back.

You were my friend, but I can't let you get away after everything you've done.


Wow, what a load of bullshit!

Did you come up with that yourself?


Don't preach to me as if you've already won!

Lacerta raises its fists as they get engulfed with the black flames


(After seeing John, I swear, I refuse to take anyone or anything for granted.)

(Humanity is wicked.)

(I still think that's true, but despite that, I still want to help everyone I can.)

(From today on, I will defend others until my dying breath.)

The flames around James become more fierce as more of his hair is dyed black, Lacerta begins to change too

Corvus and Lacerta leap at each other and exchange blows

John makes a hand sign


(I don't like to use this since it takes a larger toll on my body than a full change, but once I defeat James, I'll be taking the doctor's Manifesto to control living beings!)

(Once I have that power, I'll become unstoppable!)

(At first, I wanted James' Lacerta for myself, but now, I can't let it get any stronger!)

(The longer this fight drags on, the more determined James gets, which in turn makes his Manifesto more powerful!)

Corvus manages to connect a punch with Lacerta's jaw


(For the sake of my future, James Spectre can't be allowed to live!)

Corvus lunges at James 

James looks at him


Haven't you heard?

Nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal.

John looks down to see Lacerta's tail aimed at him as a bullet is fired into his chest

A fist connects with James forcing him to the ground

John pants as he holds the hole in his chest


(Fuck, I'm truly at my limit now, i can't keep fighting him…)

(James Spectre, if I had to describe your tenacity and seemingly endless strength in one word, I'd have to say: you're a monster.

James pushed himself back up as the black flames engulf Lacerta even more than before

James' hair becomes even darker


(I have no other option!)

John begins sprinting away 


(I need that doctor's Manifesto, now!)

(I'm barely standing as it is!)

(I was able to soften the blow with the black flames, but it won't be long until James is back on his feet!)

He makes a hand sign


Corvus: Circinus!



(I can't reach him, there's no way to hurt him until he changed Manifestos!)

(I just need to stay near him!)

(As long as I can see him, I can shoot him when he lowers his guard!)

Back to present


Now that he has Caroline's power, he must be even stronger than before!


How are we supposed to beat him?!

If when you were healthy you lost, how can we hope to win now?!

And what about Caroline!?

Shouldn't we do something about her!?

James puts a hand on Will's shoulder


Just trust me. We can do this.

We won't let Caroline die in vain.


How can you say that?!

Don't you care—

(No, it's not that he doesn't care, he's holding it together for my sake…)

(James, I don't know what happened during your fight, but you've grown.)

James is holding back tears


Tell me, what can this giant thing do?


It's a puppet, there are a few of them

The user's able to control multiple at a time, so that's what we need to watch out for


He shouldn't be able to do that.

He needs time to work on and improve whatever Manifesto he's using, besides, he's only just gotten it.

Paired with the injuries I gave him, if he's using this Manifesto to buy himself time, he must be desperate.


Right, the other thing we need to watch out for is whatever's inside.



Isn't that giant thing the Manifesto?


It is, but there's more to it, smaller, more dangerous puppets.

Queen—the user—told me to be careful of one puppet in particular:


Corvus: Crux III.

A hand grabs onto the door, as it pulls its body out of the puppet

Its eyes glow