Lacerta: part 4

Mercury bursts through the door as he sees James reading on a couch

James (young)

Oh, welcome back, Mercury!

Aren't you early though?

Mercury runs and hugs James

James (young)


Is something wrong–

As James looks at Mercury's face, he sees tears streaming down

Mercury (young)

I was so scared they had gotten here before me!



Who are "they"?

Mercury (young)

Listen, James.

This house isn't safe anymore!

James, I'm so sorry for everything until now, but my work has finally caught up with me!

I'm sorry, but this is where we have to say goodbye.

I can't put you in harm's way!

James (young)

What are you saying?!

This can't be goodbye!

You're like a father to me!

And…and I thought I was like a son to you…

…but I guess I was just reading too much into things.

Mercury (young)

James, it's because you're like a son to me that I can't be around you.

I'll only cause you problems for you–

James punches Mercury

Mercury (young)


James (young)

If you're just going to leave me anyways, then what was the point of all that training!?

I wanted to be stronger to protect my family, but if my family is going to disappear anyways, then what was the point of it all!?

Mercury looks at James before sighing and smiling to himself

Mercury (young)

Alright, I'll let you stay–

James (young)


Mercury (young)

On one condition.

If things are looking serious, you run.

If you feel overwhelmed, leave. 

Forget about me, and move on with your life.

I'll let you stay, if you can agree to all of that.

James (young)

After all that training, there's no way I would be scared!

James and Mercury shake hands

Mercury (young)

Alright then, since we're in this together, I'll tell you everything I know about the people coming for us.

I worked for a gang, it's brand new, so the members are few in number, but have extraordinary power.

The first problem is Taylor, he's not a proactive fighter, but his Manifesto lets him reflect all attacks launched against him.

Second is Deacon, Deacon is fiercely loyal, and the feathers dropped from his Manifesto cause explosions.

Finally, the most powerful of them is the boss. Sinatra.

Even I don't fully understand his Manifesto, I only know it takes the form of a pack of hunting dogs.

If you and him end up in a confined space together, you need to escape.

That's the only hope you have if you want to live.

James (young)

That's great!

With all that information, we can come up with a plan to beat them!

Mercury (young)

There's one more member I haven't mentioned.

James (young)


Mercury (young)

His name is May.

He's new, but I don't like him.

He has a dangerous look in his eyes, it's different from the delusional loyalty of Deacon, or the overwhelming presence of Sinatra.

His look is that of a wild animal, one sizing up its prey.

I've never seen his Manifesto, but the boss has an obsession with them, so it's unlikely he would recruit anyone to the gang who didn't have one.

Sinatra (young) & Mercury (young)

Since there's no telling what he can do, he's the most dangerous member.

Sinatra (young)

I bet that's what he's thinking, and we'll take advantage of that caution.

Mercury won't be fighting recklessly so long as he has the boy to worry about, which means he'll be on edge until he learns about May's Manifesto.

The second he's gauged its abilities, his attention will return to fighting alongside the boy, so our best bet is to keep May hidden and take advantage of that fear.

Taylor (young)

But we can't exactly put May or Deacon in charge of the boy, both of their Manifestos are designed for killing.

Deacon (young)

I'll have you know my Manifesto is as versatile as they come–

Sinatra (young)

No, Taylor has a point.

That's why you'll be the one to capture the boy.

Deacon, you and Apus will patrol the perimeter of the cabin to ensure they can't escape, May will come with me to delay Mercury until Taylor returns with the boy.

If we capture the boy, we hold all the bargaining power.

The three nod as Mercury holds out a gloved hand

Sinatra (young)

Let's go.

The glove turns into a dog with an A on its head as the dog leads the charge

Cut to Mercury and James inside, a loud explosion goes off outside

Mercury (young)

They're here.

James, time for us to go!

As they run, towards the door, a dog suddenly leaps out at Mercury

Mercury (young)

(Where did Sinatra's Manifesto come from!?)


Plan B!

We can assume they have this door blocked!

James nods as he makes a sharp turn down the hallway

Mercury manifests Cancer as it covers the dog's nose and mist is released

The dog suddenly vanishes as Mercury gets up

Mercury (young)

(Even if the Manifesto is still there, most people have a hard time controlling their Manifesto when they can't see it.)

(Now, to catch up with James–)

Mercury gets sucker punched in the gut and sent flying back

May (young)

Oof, you're as strong as they say!

Normal people have a broken rib or two after one of those!

Mercury (young)


May goes in for another punch, as Mercury prepares to counter, a dog leaps at him from behind

Mercury takes the full brunt of both attacks and falls to his knees

May (young)

Awww, boss, I thought you said I could handle this.

Sinatra (young)

No, when I saw him going in for a counter, I knew I needed to help you.

Your hunger for battle is a liability as much as it is a strength.

Mercury (young)


Sinatra (young)

Hello, Mercury.

Do you wish to surrender yet?

Mercury (young)

What do you think?

Sinatra (young)

I thought not, but it's never good to make assumptions.

Especially not when Manifestos are involved.

Cut to James as he's about to reach the door before Taylor cuts him off

Taylor (young)

Sorry, kid.

Nothing personal!

James brings out Lacerta as an image flashes through his head

James (flashback)

Mercury, how did you name your Manifesto?

Mercury (Flashback)

Well, I thought about what would make the most sense for it and named it based on that.

But at the end of the day, it's your power. So give it any name that makes you happy.

Back to present

James (young)


Lacerta fully manifests for the first time as it winds up and uppercuts Taylor

Taylor (young)


The boss wasn't joking when he said you'd be an asset.

You're so young but you have so much strength.

I don't think I'll be able to hold back anymore!

As Taylor stands up, the black flames begin to engulf him and Aries appears

James (young)

So, one punch wasn't enough, I guess I'll have to show you how strong Mercury made me!

James launches a flurry of attacks, but Aries takes them all and James takes the full brunt of the attacks.

Taylor (young)

You're right, those attacks are strong.

I think if it wasn't for my Manifesto, I would have been done for.

But it's still too early for you to fight me.

Come back after another ten years or so, and maybe then you'll stand a chance.


I've captured the boy!

Do you need some help?

It shows Sinatra standing on Mercury's back

Sinatra (young)

Do you not trust my strength, Taylor?

Taylor (young)

Of course not, boss.

It's just, you were the one who told us to be careful.

Sinatra (young)

Yes, but he let his guard slip when he felt the immense pressure emanating for the hallway.

Mercury (young)


(How could I have forgotten to warn you…)

(The trouble with Taylor is that he doesn't like to hold back against opponents…)

Sinatra (young)

I call this a complete success.

Now do you see how foolish it was to attempt to betray me, Mercury?

You can try, but your past will always catch up with you.

James tries to open his eyes

James (young)

Ugh…Mercury…I'm sorry…

I thought I could beat him…

Mercury (young)

No, it's my fault.

I should have stayed with you…

Sinatra (young)

What a touching scene


You may enter now, we're finished.

Deacon (young)

That was fast.

I believe you might have overestimated these two.

Taylor (young)

No, they're strong. We're just that much stronger.

Sinatra (young)

Tell me, Mercury.

Do you recognize the gap in power between us?

Do you understand how futile it all is?

I'm sure the boy will become a great soldier in time, and I'm even willing to offer you a second chance.

You can join our ranks once more!

All you have to do is agree to become my loyal dog.

Obeying my every command.

What do you say?

Mercury looks towards James

Mercury (young)

I'm sorry, James…

Mercury takes a deep breath in

Cancer appears on Mercury's back

As it appears, it releases mist into the air

Sinatra (young)

Should I take this as a no?!

Mercury (young)

(James, I know you wanted to stay together, but I can't let them get their hands on you and ruin your potential.)

(I just know that you'll be able to make a great difference in the world if you're allowed to spread your wings.)

(There's more to my Cancer than hiding a Manifesto.)

(Cancer is able to release a certain gas that allows it to erase not only perception of a Manifesto, but memories too.)

(While it's impossible to completely erase memories, my Manifesto can make them fuzzy, shift around details.)

(You won't be able to remember a lot of the time we spent together, but I'm sure that's for the better.)

(These three will also forget all about what's happened in the last two years.)

(They haven't spent much time around you, so it will be harder for them to remember.)

James, Deacon, May, Sinatra, and Taylor all collapse and fall asleep

Mercury (young)

I'm sorry, James.

Even if you won't remember all of this, I want you to know…

Mercury starts tearing up

Mercury (young)

I want you to know, you'll always be my son.

Mercury lies James on a couch and places his jacket on top of him as he carries the gang members away, disappearing out of the horizon.

The current James watches this scene with tears in his eyes as Mercury stands next to him.