Lacerta: part 5

James stands crying as Mercury stands next to him


James, I'm sorry.

I wish I could've told you back when we met each other, who could have guessed that would be where I die.

Still, for what it's worth, I'm glad to have died next to my son.

James mumbles something under his breath





James hugs Mercury


I'm sorry!

I said so many awful things to you!


Don't apologize, it was my fault you couldn't remember anything.

I'm just glad that I was able to meet you again in this place.


Speaking of which, where are we?

Mercury places a finger on James' forehead


We're in here…

Mercury bumps James' chest with his fist 


…but we're alive because of this.


What does that mean?

You're alive? That can't be right, I held your dead body.

Am I imagining all of this?


Nope, I'm real as can be, though, I am in fact still dead.

I'm alive in more of a spiritual sense.

If I had to say, it was Manifestos keeping us alive.




Manifestos have far more power and potential than I ever would have thought.

I wish I could have learned more.


What's that supposed to mean?


Oh, I thought I already told you I'm dead.

What you're talking to is my Manifesto.


How does that work?


If I had to guess, I would say it's like the energy that creates Manifestos is what's really connecting us.


I'm sorry, I'm lost again

What "energy"?


I'm sure you've experienced the phenomenon of black flames before.


The black flames?

Are you saying, they're what create Manifestos?


Now you're understanding!

Whatever it is that makes up those black flames is what creates Manifestos, those black flames are the excess energy from creating them.

My theory is that when we experienced one another's Manifestos, this energy got entwined, allowing me to appear here.


So when you said this is your Manifesto, you meant this was a part of yourself that attached itself to me.



In theory, everyone should have these levels to a degree, but no one really knows what lets some people develop Manifestos, and others not.

Whether it's all divine intervention, something you're born with, or plain luck, I don't know how many decades it could take for us to find out, but something I'm certain of is I wish I could see it with my own eyes.

I know it's awfully rude of a deadman to ask for a second final request, especially after you granted the first one, but you're a detective, so after all of this is done and you've defeated that guy with the black hair, could you investigate Manifestos for me?


I think you mean "if I win"


No. When you win.

Don't forget who trained you after all, I'm sure if anyone could defeat that monster, it's you.

James smiles as his hair is engulfed in the flames again and begins to blacken slightly more


Thank you, Mercury.

Thank you for everything.


Don't mention it, now, time for me to get going, there are other people who want to talk with you.




I told you, didn't I?

I'm here because our Manifestos came into contact, so in theory, you should be connected with each person that's ever come into contact with your Manifesto.


Then, why can't they all manifest themselves here right now?


I could only do it because I died, so now, this is the largest piece of me left.

It's the same for everyone else that has died, only their consciousnesses will manifest here.

Goodbye now, James.

If you ever need help again, I'll come back from the grave a second time to help you, just like I did today.


Heh, thanks, I'll keep that in mind!

Mercury fades into black flames


Well, wasn't that sweet?

I thought he'd never leave.

James goes rigid as a bead of sweat drips down his forehead


What do you want?


Ouch, that's cold of you.

Is that anyway to greet an old friend?


Where do you get off calling us friends?

Leave here right now, Chuck.

The figure speaking is revealed to be Chuck


Oh good, I was worried you had changed after all the hard work I put in.


What the hell are you talking about?


You wouldn't believe how happy I was when I died.

Most people hate the thought of their own deaths, but I could and did die happily if I was killed by you.


And why is that?


It's easier to show you, isn't it?

Why don't we think back to the day we first met…

Transition into flashback

A police officer is standing in front of a desk

Police officer 1

To be completely honest with you, I feel ashamed beyond words right now to be asking a kid for help, but you came highly recommended and all of your cases were solved with efficiency and accuracy.

You're only 16, but I just know you'll go places.

The figure behind the desk is revealed to be a younger James

James 16

Enough of the sweet-talk, do you mind cutting to the chase?

Police officer 2

Hey, watch your tone, you brat!

C'mon Eddy, we don't need to be wasting our time with this punk

Police officer 1

What are you saying?

You know as well as I do that we haven't been making any progress, even the chief himself recommends the kid.

As far as I'm concerned, he could curse my whole family and I'd be fine with it if it means stopping the bastard on the streets.

Police officer 2

Whatever you say, just be ready to hear a lot of "I told you so"s from me when the kid gives up.

Police officer 1

Sorry about him, I'm here today to request your help with a case that's had us stumped.

I'm sure you must have heard of the string of arsons and murders that have been occurring around town recently, we've been having a hard time pinning down a culprit or even any suspects.

There's no connection between the cases other than the crimes themselves and the period of time.

Our leading theory is that it's a group–

James 16

I'll stop you right there.

I don't want any of your ideas clouding my own.

Police officer 2

Hey, watch your mouth, brat!

We're on the same side here!

James 16

I understand that, I simply want to approach the case as best I can without any knowledge other than the reports.

Just so you know, I refuse any reports with even a hint of bias in them.

If one of those folders contains the personal opinion or theories of any of your "detectives," you might as well rip it up rather than handing it to me.

Police officer 2

Are you saying you won't use our reports because of your stupid policies?

James 16

It's not that I won't use your reports, it's more I don't even need them in the first place.

Police officer 1 & 2


Police officer 2

What's that supposed to mean?!

Police officer 1

I can't say I follow either.

James 16

You'd be surprised how much people can hear, especially in a big city like this.

I have enough connections that your reports won't be helpful.

Of course, if I solve the case using my connections alone, I'll also be taking the credit. Alone.

How would it look to your boss if a 16 year old "brat" solved a case that you and your opinionated reports couldn't?

I don't think he'd be too happy about that, what about you?

Police officer 2

Why you…

Forget this!

We tried, let's just get back to it on our own.

Police officer 1

I'm sorry about him, like I said before, I could care less about the credit, I just want this monster behind bars.

If it means working with you and leaving out opinions from the reports, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

So please, work with us.

Use your connections and our resources and stop this monster before he claims another victim.

Police officer 2 stares in silence for a few minutes as James smiles

James 16

Your friend could learn a thing or two from you.

I don't want this guy on the streets anymore than you do.

I'd be happy to work with you on this case.

Police officer 1 smiles

Police officer 1

Thank you so much! Let's get started right away!

James 16

I wasn't finished.

I'll work with you on this case…

…but not him.

Police officer 2


Why the hell not!?

James 16

Anyone who loses their temper that quickly over a difference in opinion isn't fit for this line of work.

To be a good investigator, you need to be able to keep a level head.

You'd be a liability during the investigation, and I know my connections.

There's no way they'd feel comfortable talking with a guy like him around.

It's better for everyone if you would just leave now.

Police officer 2

Ha, there's no way we'd agree to that, right Eddy?

Police officer 1

Police officer 2


Police officer 1

I'm sorry, it's for the best.

I'll meet you back at the station.

Police officer 2 clenches his fist as he turns around

Police officer 2

I won't forget this, brat.

James 16

And that's why I won't work with you.

Outside, police officer 2 takes off his hat and is revealed to be Chuck

Chuck (young)

That brat really grinds my gears…

And I can't believe Eddy wouldn't support me, some partner he is.

I need to blow off some steam.

Chuck plays with a lighter in one of his hands