Lacerta: part 6

James starts the chapter gazing out his window as Chuck walks away

Police officer

Excuse me, sir, but why did you say all of that to my partner?

It's gonna be a real pain to deal with him back at the station–


He seemed really familiar to me…

Police officer

What does that mean?


I'm not sure myself, I'd need to read over some old files.

But that's besides the point, what's your name?

Police officer

Andrew, why?


Andrew, there's something I want to discuss about this case, this killer we're looking for thinks he's playing a game with the police.


What do you mean?


To him, these aren't crimes, or something wrong, instead he's just playing the game.


I still don't follow.


He's been writing letters to the police taunting you, right?



How did you know?


I didn't. It's just a guess, the killer has a set pattern, everytime the police talk about him in the news, or whenever there's an article criticizing him, another fire is started.

It's as if he's responding to the fact you want to catch him saying "catch me if you can"

Only an incredibly cocky and petty person would do that, so following that train of thought, if you were confident in your ability to evade the police and enjoy flaunting that fact, what would you do to aggravate them?


Send taunts directly to the police to antagonize them even more, so we talk about him more and he responds with even more fires…

But why does he wait for the police to talk about him before he starts a fire?


Because it gives him a challenge.

Games are always more fun to win when the odds are stacked against you, and I think this is how our killer goes about doing that.

Before I come up with any more theories, I'd like to see the letters for myself, care to share?


Sorry, the chief got so mad that he tore up all the old letters.

I only have the most recent one, if that's alright.


That's fine. Any small hint can help.

James examines the letter and it goes as follows:


I've been very generous giving you time and chances to catch me, but at this rate, New York will be reduced to ashes before you're able to find me.

Because I'm such a kind person, I'm willing to play another round with you. This next wave of attacks will be unlike any before. This will be your last chance to catch me. I'll be ready for you.

My warmest regards, Fornax




That's what the papers are calling him, because the buildings are like furnaces.


This letter, he doesn't say anything of substance other than the fact this will be the last wave of attacks.


What does that mean?

If we can get through this next wave, will he just disappear?


I doubt it.

Someone like this isn't willing to just flicker out. He'll make a show of it.

(Final wave…)




What is it?

Did you figure out something important?!


I might just be overthinking it, but if I'm right, we need to get to the police station immediately!


I have my motorcycle outside!

We can take that!



I'm praying that my hunch is wrong, because if not, every officer in New York is in trouble!

Transition to the police station, as reporters are crowded outside

Police officer


You're finally back, wait, who's that and what happened to Barry?


This is the gumshoe the chief suggested we consult.

Chuck wasn't happy about that though and decided he would come back on his own.

Police officer

Damn it, he couldn't choose a worse time to pick a fight!

We're completely swamped over here!

Fornax got another victim!

Andrew & James



Who was it?!

Police officer

I…I don't want to say it out here, I'll let you know once you're inside!

James scans the crowd and stops

Standing in the back is a person holding a lighter



James uses Lacerta to push forward as he runs towards the figure



What do you think you're doing!?



(I've got you!)

Lacerta's arm swings out but just grabs empty air


(Where did he go?!)

(There's no way he should have been able to get away in time!)

(I wish I could have gotten a better look at him, but the fact he ran almost confirms that he really did come to the station just to see what the media did.)

(Fornax…you're not as clever as you think you are.)

(You'll slip up soon, and when you do, I'll be sure I'm the one to catch you.)

Behind a building, Chuck is pressed against a wall as James is seen around the corner

Chuck falls to the ground



(I've never felt that kind of thrill before now, I could feel the killing intent coming from him as he charged for me!)

(Ever since I was young, there have always been people that piss me off, they all pushed their morals on me and told me how I should be living my life.)

(It wasn't until I saw that wildfire that I realized what you do when something pisses you off.)

(It's not enough to just hurt them or make them say sorry.)

(I realized there was a better way to make sure they never do something like that again.)

(Nothing can piss me off if I burn it all down before they get the chance.)

(That brat though, I don't think anyone's made me feel that humiliated in a long time…)

(...but it's fine, I won't have to worry for too long.)

(So he thinks he's hot shit just because he's gotten lucky once or twice, well if everything goes to plan, I'll pay back everyone who criticized and made fun of me behind my back, and I'll prove to that boy that he's no better than me at the end of the day.)

(Humans are useless, lazy, disgusting creatures that are better off serving as my kindling.)

(I won't stop until I make that boy understand that fact.)

In the police station, James, Andrew and the chief are standing face-to-face


Mr. Spectre, thank you for agreeing to assist us with this case.

It brings me great shame to ask for the help of a mere boy after the big show we made in the news about catching fornax–


It's exactly because you made a big show that I needed to be called in, right?

Can't have the new police chief break his first promise of catching a mysterious arsonist.

Though, I suppose I should thank you.

Before you brought attention to the case, there was no connection or pattern between any of the arsons. 

They would happen at random times, at random houses.

However, after it was published in the news that the new police chief was going to bring the arsonist to justice, the arsonist decided to reply to each of your calls to action with a call of his own, and now it's finally come back around to you, hasn't it?

The police chief looks sullen

Andrew looks between them



What does that mean?


How did you know?


Know what?


After reading the most recent letter, anyone could figure it out.


Figure what out?


This information cannot leave this office.


Ha, good luck with that.

If you have even a single competent detective here, they'll figure out the pattern before long.

It's better to just be honest about what's happening to focus everyone's efforts.


I still don't get what's happening here!


I can't tell them, who knows how many will quit once they catch wind of what's going on!


If they quit, that means they clearly aren't cut out for this line of work.


Can you two just spill out what it is you're talking about already!?

I can't follow the conversation if you keep being so vague!


Andrew…you don't need to get worked up.

This is nothing to concern yourself over–


Fornax is targeting police officers now.




Spectre, you brat!

What do you think you're doing?!


He's working the case, isn't he?

There's no point in working together if we aren't sharing information.


Is this what you were talking about earlier at your office?


Yes, I didn't say anything because I couldn't be sure until there was conclusive evidence, however based on what the chief said and how your friend didn't want to say anything in front of the press, it's a safe bet that I'm right.


How does that make sense though?

Why are we being targeted?

And how did you figure that out so quickly?


I read between the lines.

Remember what that letter said?

This last wave is unlike any before.

It's the last chance to catch him.

So it's better if we get started, don't you agree?