Lacerta: part 7


For as long as I can remember, I've always been alone.

Random figures

Ew, stay away from my child!

Get that thing away from me!

Why would you even bother to bring it with you?

It's a negative influence on the rest of the children.

Chuck, you should just leave the school, none of the students like having you here, and frankly, neither do I.

A young Chuck gets pushed into the mud

Bully 1

Ha ha ha!

Look at the little baby, are you going to cry!?

Bully 2

Why are you crying?

A pig like you should be happy in the mud!

Chuck (narrator)

The only one that ever stood up for me was my step brother.



Stop that!

Bully 1

Uh oh, you got lucky this time, freak!

Bully 2


Run now!


Tsk, they got away.

Can't believe the lengths some people go to just to bully others.

Are you okay, Chuck?

Chuck (young)

Brother, why are people so mean to me?

Did I do anything wrong?


Of course not!

You've never done anything wrong, just keep being yourself.

If people hate you for that, that's their problem.

Chuck (young)

But, I don't like it when people are mean to me.


No one does, it sucks how people make bullying like that into a game.

Chuck (young)



Yeah, they do it to have fun…!

I have an idea, Chuck, why don't we play a game of our own?

Will that make you happy?

Chuck (young)

What kind of game?


Hmm, how about hide and go seek?

Chuck (young)


Let's play in the forest!


Alright, I'll go hide, but no cheating!

You've got to keep your eyes closed!

Chuck (young)



Shows a small ember as smoke begins to rise

Cut to James in the police station


Are you telling me the point of those letters wasn't to say he would stop committing crimes after this, but Fornax is actually planning on hunting us all down?


Thank you for repeating what I just said, I was worried I would forget



This isn't the time for sarcasm!

How do you propose we stop Fornax before he claims anymore police?


I think we should hold a press release.


What are you saying?!

There's no way I can admit to the public that our officers are under threat!

If they can't trust us, who will they trust?


Don't pretend this is about trust and not about your pride.

Fornax is cocky and prideful.

I saw him outside the station earlier, also, each of his attacks come after the police make a public announcement, sometimes even on the same day as your speeches.

How do you suppose he knows when to perform his next attack?

He comes to the press releases.

If you really want to catch Fornax, you'll hold a conference and place police all throughout the building.

It's almost guaranteed he'll come, and once he's entered the building, we can try to bait him into losing his temper.


What happens if he does?


What do you mean?

Then we stop him.

Your problem is that he doesn't leave any clues behind right, well if he attacks in a small conference room, then it will be easy to find him.




If I hold a conference and confess my failure, I'll be a laughing stock…

…but I can win back my dignity if I manage to arrest him, so in the end…

James and Andrew watch him silently as he sits at his desk, deep in thought


…Alright, Spectre.

We'll go with your plan.

But this better work out.

I won't hesitate to take you down with me!


How scary.

Don't worry, I'll make sure no one gets hurt.

I predict by the end of this week, we'll have caught "Fornax"

2 days later

A room is filled to the brim with journalists and civilians


Are you really sure about this, Spectre?


Of course.

There's no way he wouldn't be here for this.

(with the officers in disguise, there should be no way for him to realize just how many officers are truly in this room.)

(Of course we have a few standing up here and some at the exit to keep up appearances, but within the audience, there are 18 plain clothes police officers.

Various officers are shown, with Chuck being shown wearing a fedora

The police chief comes up to the stand


Dear members of the press, I would like to thank you for coming to this conference. There is something I would like to share with you all…

…Over the past few weeks, we've received various letters from Fornax and I would like to share the contents of the most recent letter.

As the police chief talks, James notices some smoke begin to emerge


As the letter said, our brave officers' very lives are on the line, yet they stand strong nonetheless.

We would like to thank you all for your continued support in our hunt–

Suddenly, a massive flames roars to life in the centre of the room

James reacts, jumping to the origin and grabbing the nearby people as well as holding some with Lacerta


I knew it!

Everyone make your way to the exit!

There's no time to explain!

One of the police officers tries to open the door to no avail


The door's locked!

We can't get out!



James looks around as Chuck begins to grin


(How lucky!)

(Not only can I kill the brat and all these officers, no one will ever find out it was me!)

(I knew it, you weren't nearly as bright as you pretended to be, brat!)

(This is where it ends!)

As James looks, he sees a window and moves towards it


Everyone, stay back!

Lacerta unleashes a flurry of punches onto the wall, breaking it

James climbs down after



One at a time, please jump out, I'll catch you!




(How did that brat break a concrete wall!?)

(No child, no, no human should have that kind of strength!)

As James and the officers on the ground catch people, James looks and sees Chuck looking upset

In the police station



You better have a good explanation for what happened in there!


Like I said, if you'd just listen, you'd understand–


Not only are they talking about demoting me, this whole scandal has just ruined my reputation even more and made Fornax seem like a master criminal to slip through our fingers yet again!


Again, let me speak!

I think I know–


You think you know!?

That kind of talk isn't gonna cut it anymore!

I asked Andrew and Barry to bring you on because I thought you were supposed to be a genius!

But, no!

You're just a fool with an ego!


I don't want to hear that from you when you won't even spare me five seconds for an explanation!


And why should I?!

What possible explanation could you have!?


It's that Barry!

He's Fornax!

I just know it's him!


Now you're attacking my officers!

What possible reason could you have to think that it's one of my officers?

How should I know it's not actually you!?



All of their attention turns towards Andrew


I…I also think that Barry is Fornax.

Chief and James looked at Andrew in shock


I know I'm not the greatest detective, but Barry's always been a bit off.

The press conference was the final straw though.

He was talking to himself and laughing while the fire was raging, and when Spectre started to save people, instead of helping or trying to save people, he grimaced and was shooting daggers towards mr. Spectre.

I know that I might not have a lot of good evidence, but please, at least hear him out, Chief.

The chief stands there, with his jaw hanging open


Was that enough to convince you?

The chief begins to shake before looking at James


Alright, Spectre.

I'll hear you out.

For the last time.

James grins


That's fine by me.