Lacerta: part 8


You better have a good reason for suspecting one of my men.


I had my suspicions, however the latest attack sealed it for me.

Barry struck me the first time I met him. There was something familiar about him, so I looked through some newspaper articles and found something interesting.

James throws a stack of papers on the table


What am I looking at?


A serial killer from a few years ago.

His name was Chuck Berry. He was young, but vicious, leaving a number of bodies in his wake.

Chuck disappeared at the same time Barry joined the force.

Another thing that stood out to me was his apprehension at the idea I would help with the case. At first, I thought it was because he thought I was taking his job, but what if it was because he was worried he'd get caught?

After all, isn't there an unspoken rule to help fellow officers?


That's ridiculous! You think any of us would harbour a known criminal?!


I did know a bit…




The last chief knew as well. I saw Barry starting a small fire, but we brushed it off as him being unique.

However, once the fires started, the old chief hated the idea so much it might be one of his officers, he retired.

The fires only got worse after that…


Which transitions to my next point: motive.

Other than Chuck's clear obsession with fire and violence, if the fires started getting worse, then it's likely something spurred him on.

Something like, I don't know, being passed over for promotion for a person from out of town.


Are you saying he didn't want me to become the chief?


No, it's not that he didn't want you to be the chief, he wanted to be the chief himself.

Think about it, as chief, he would have the final day over which cases got attention, so he could brush his own crimes under the rug.

If Chuck was our killer, then it would explain how he knows where the different police officers live.


You expect me to believe this?

This is all just your theory!


Do you have a better solution?

If so, I'll hear you out



That's what I thought, now, we can ask Chuck more questions once we have him in custody.

If it turns out I'm wrong, feel free to give whatever punishment you think is fitting.

In exchange, I want you to put out a warrant for the arrest of Chuck Berry and give me full authority.


The chief hesitated a moment, before shaking James' hand


Thank you very much.

I swear, I'll find him.

Look alive people!

We have a manhunt to do!

The chief falls into his chair


James Spectre, that boy scares me.

How can he be so young, and so fearsome at the same time.

It's as if there's something otherworldly about him.

James is in a boardroom with several officers


Do we have an idea where he is yet?

Officer 1

Yes sir, we believe the suspect to be in his home at the moment.

He seems to be unaware of the manhunt.


Good, let's keep it that way.

I don't want him to catch wind of this.

The second he knows we're investigating him, it's over.

Officer 2

Mr. Spectre, they're all in place.

Should I give the order to engage?

James gets up


No, tell them to stay put until I get there.

I don't want anyone or anything going in or out of that house until I'm on site.

C'mon, we need to get moving.

 The longer it takes us, the more likely it is he tries to run.

At Chuck's house

Chuck looks out a window as he sees officers taking positions around various street corners


(Cops? What are they doing here?)

(It's not just a couple either…)

(...I get the feeling there are swarms of them just lying in wait.)

(This must be that brat's fault!)

(The cops were never smart enough to figure me out before he showed up.)

If only we had never gone to recruit that brat, thanks to him, I'll need to scrap this identity again.

To think all those years of work went to waste!

Chuck goes to the firepit before looking around


(I thought I was being overly cautious when I had this secret escape installed…)

(...I guess it just goes to show you can never be too prepared.)

Chuck starts removing bricks from the fireplace when he suddenly hears voices


Mr. Spectre! All units are in position!


Good. Prepare to enter on my count.



(He came here in person to capture me!)


Remember, he is not your friend. He's a cold blooded killer.

If he tries to run, stop him.

He won't escape again.




(No time to be delicate if they're just going to break down the door anyways!)



As Lacerta emerges, Chuck braces himself before charging into the wall breaking the firepit



Lacerta kicks down the door as James and police flood in


Damn it, so that's what that noise was!

He duped us!

Keep some people stationed in here, everyone else, scatter and search the streets!


Where are you going mr. Spectre?


After him, of course.

Chuck is running through alleys as he runs into someone and pushes past them


(Stupid brat!)

(I won't forget this, this humiliation!)

(You won't be getting away with this!)

Fade back into the forest with Chuck's backstory

Chuck young is in the forest as he smiles happily before looking up

Chuck (young)

Ready or not, here I–

Chuck looks up as the joy vanishes from his face, the forest set ablaze

Chuck (young)


Chuck runs through the forest and finds his step-brother passed out on the floor

Chuck (young)


W-why aren't you answering?

Wake up!

This isn't funny!


Chuck is standing in the rain, tears indistinguishable from the raindrops as he stands with his parents

Chuck's step-mother sobs uncontrollably as she leans on Chuck's father

Bystander 1

Did you hear what they said?

Apparently, the blaze came from that big manor that burnt down yesterday.

Bystander 2

I bet the boy had something to do with that too!

It's such a shame he wasn't the one to die in that fire.

Bystander 1

It really is.

Chuck snaps as it shows a more grown up version of Chuck walking down the street

Bully 1

Well well, if it isn't he guy who killed his brother!

What happened? Were you jealous?

That was a mistake, now there's no one else to protect you!

Chuck (young)


Bully 2

What was that?

Speak up!

Chuck glares at them

Chuck (young)

Is this a game to you?

Bully 1

What if it is.

What are you going to do about it, huh?

Chuck smiles before he punches one of them

Bully 1 collapses as teeth fall out and Bully 2 looks scared

Bully 2

W-what did you do that for?!

Chuck is smiling as he stands over Bully 1


If it's a game, I want to play too!

Let's see, how about we see who can take more punches!

Doesn't that sound fun?

Chuck winds up for another punch as it fades to him standing above them, with blood splattered all over him and a feral look in his eyes


There, I win!

I can see why you did this now.

It was fun.

Let's play again some other time.

Chuck walks away, revealing the mangled bodies of the bullies.


My brother's death taught me something.

You can't always rely on someone else to show up and solve your problems for you.

Sometimes, you need to take control for yourself and do what needs to be done.

If there's a roadblock, break it.

If someone hits you, hit them back twice as hard.

If something pisses you the hell off…

…Burn. It. To. Hell.