James Spectre: part 1

James jumps awake as he looks around the room and sees Will sleeping on a desk, startled awake by James





I'm so glad you're awake, I was so worried for a while there, but then your hair started doing weird things, and I was sure you were alive!

I-I didn't know where to bring you, I wasn't sure if the hospital was safe or where John might have connections, so I decided to bring you back to your office!

James smiles softly


Thank you, Will.

I'm glad you brought me back here.



(There's something different about him, I'm not sure what it is)

(But the air around him seems to have changed.)

Oh, that's right!

I'm not sure where you live, so I wasn't able to get you a change of clothes.

The ones you're wearing right now are pretty torn up from your fight with John

James looks down and sees his trenchcoat nearly torn to shreds, beyond any hope of repair


That coat took the worst of it, I think.

Is it special to you?

You're always wearing it.

James rustles through a large dresser in the back of the office


The coat itself wasn't special to me.

I was just trying to be like someone I respected.

James stops and pulls out Mercury's old trench coat, the one he was given when they separated.


This one, however, is special.

I just didn't realize how important it was before now.


Huh, would you look at that…


…It's a perfect fit.

Will, tell me, what happened with John?

I refuse to believe after everything that happened, he's willing to just lie back and let me recover in peace.


About that…

Will walks James towards the giant hole in his office and points off into the distance where there's a pillar of black flames rising from.


That's been going off ever since you went unconscious.


And how long was that?


Three days…



And we know it's John responsible for that?


Well, considering it looks like the same black flames that have been appearing around Lacerta and Auriga, I figure it has to be someone with a powerful Manifesto.

If it's not John, then he's certain to go there to try and steal that Manifesto.


Great, then even if we're wrong, we can wait for him there.

James takes a few steps away from the giant gap in the wall


What are you doing?


What does it look like?

Getting a running start.

James bolts and leaps across the gap between his office and the building across the street


What is it?

Are you going to just keep staring or are you coming?


Uh, I'm on my way, just give me a minute to go the normal way.

I'll meet you there.


Suit yourself, but this way is definitely faster!


I'm sure it is…

(Was it just in my head?)

(For a moment there, it looked like James' legs were different…)

(They almost reminded me of Lacerta's.)

(He must have used his Manifesto to clear that jump!)

(There's no way a human being could do something like that otherwise, right?)

(I shouldn't think about it too hard…)

Will rushes down the stairs

Cut to James as he leaps across rooftops


(I'm not sure why, but I've never felt stronger or healthier!)

(I was torn to shreds in that fight against John, but I've made a complete recovery!)

(It must be thanks to all of them and their help…)

(I promise, I'll make sure no one else needs to suffer like you all did!)

John, I hope you're ready, because I'm coming for you!

Black flames begin to emerge from James' legs as he runs even faster than before

The statue of Liberty stands, towering over James as he looks up at it and liberty island.

Will wheezes as he finally catches up to James


What took you so long?


Huff…Sorry, I'm not as fit as you…

I'm winded just from running here, quite the place John chose to make his final stand.

I didn't picture him as the patriotic type.


No, he isn't doing this to be patriotic.

That statue represents new opportunities.

John's making a statement.


What statement is that?

Now that he has Caroline's power, he's got new options?


I think more realistically, it means he's become a new person.



Is that even possible?!


Yes, at least, I'd imagine it is.

I never said anything because Caroline was on our side, but her power…it scares me.

The ability to control life itself, if it were to fall into the wrong hands, the results could be catastrophic

John could hypothetically use it on everyone in New York and turn us all into infants.


What, but I thought Caroline needed to touch someone to change them!


You're right, Caroline did.

But John is not Caroline.

I noticed it in our fight, he used a Manifesto I'd seen before, but it was far more powerful than before.

I don't know to what extent John can change Manifestos, or how much stronger they can become.

Does it become powerful immediately, or does he need to practice with it?

Is the effect still the same, or can it change to suit him and his needs?

How many Manifestos does he have, and is there a limit to the amount?

There are so many variables when fighting John, that even I'm not sure what to expect.

If you want to turn back, now's the time.


You really think I've come this far just to turn back?

Don't be crazy.

I'm here with you until the end!

James smiles


Heh, thank you, Will.

In that case, are you ready to go?

The two step off a boat as James looks around


(Lucky us that there's no one here right now)


Thank you again for taking us here on such short notice.

I'd suggest leaving though, things are about to get loud.

Boat driver

Oh don't worry, anything to support up and coming writers like yourselves.

Just make sure to give me tickets to the play once you've finished it!


Haha…will do.

James, it's just us.

I can't even see the flames anymore, are we even sure he's still here?


He is.

I can feel it.


Is that your intuition talking?


No, Lacerta is telling me something's here.



James and Will look up to see John standing on top of the statue's crown


I'm so glad you made it!

I was getting worried when you didn't appear

I was thinking of leaving soon, so you woke up at the right time.



Sorry to keep you waiting, why don't you come down so we can talk?


Sounds good to me.

John leans back and falls off the statue

James and John both turn to look at each other in shock

As John's falling, 4 black wings appear out of his back and glide him down to safety


I thought you had gotten cold feet and didn't want to fight anymore.


Don't be silly, I've been looking forward to this since I got my hands on your friend's Manifesto.

I never really got the chance to go all out against someone before, and before I knew it, I couldn't fight in my peak condition anymore.

It was looking like despite all my careful plans, and all the power I had amassed to defend against it, I was going to lose to old age.

However, your friend gave me a silver lining, she gave me a second chance at life, and a third, and a fourth, and however many I need!

If I thought I was strong before, that would make me invincible right now!

I now have all the powers and knowledge I've collected over the course of fifty years, and the youth and body to use them to their fullest!

I really do owe you James, I was thinking of ending my plans until you managed to reveal to me the fact that there was another way!

Honestly, the only reason I've been able to make it this far was because of you!



It's ironic, isn't it?

You fought against my old disciple in order to save the person I needed to procure the last piece of the puzzle!

You've done me a great service, James.


By disciple do you mean Dr. Sunshine?


Is that his name?

I was never truly interested in learning more about him than I needed to.

He was alone and seemed easy to manipulate, so I figured it would be a worthwhile investment to make him one of my disciples, and it paid off in full!

I would've loved to have gotten my hands on his Manifesto, but there were too many witnesses around him, so the opportunity never truly presented itself.

It was a small price to pay, after all, in exchange for his loss, I acquired your friend's Manifesto, and a worthy opponent to gauge my new strength against!


Will you stop calling her "your friend"!?

She has a name, Caroline!

She had a life, she had people who cared about her, dreams that she can never follow now–

John moves at near superhuman speeds and picks up Will by his throat using Corvus


This Manifesto is very interesting

James, why don't I show you what this Manifesto is truly capable of?