James Spectre: part 2

John is choking out Will, as James brings out Lacerta's arm and prepares to fire





That's right, don't shoot too early or else you won't be able to see my demonstration.

This Manifesto only works on LIVING things, remember?

Will brings out Auriga, and black flames begin to surround it




(James, I don't need Auriga to know this is it for me.)

(When he moved in almost a second to grab me, I immediately knew I was outclassed, but if I'm going to die, I at least want to know what happens…)

Will has a look of shock on his face before he begins smiling


What's with the dumb grin?


Only…one of you is leaving here today…bastard…

Will spits blood onto John's face, he becomes furious

Will looks at James before smiling again


I'll make sure Caroline doesn't get lonely while we wait for you…



John puts a finger up to his lips


Shh, he's sleeping.

Poor fool, he doesn't even realize his organs are already failing.

John holds up Will's body as he goes limp

John drops Will as James catches him


Thank you for coming all this way with me, Will.

I'm so glad you were my first friend.

You can rest now, I'll finish this.

James lays Will's body down


Wow, not going to cry over your friend's body this time?


No, I can mourn him after I've defeated you.


Oh? And how exactly do you plan on doing that?

James points a finger gun towards John as Lacerta(?) emerges


I'm going to destroy your Corvus so you don't have the chance to ruin anyone else's life.

John's face contorts into an unnatural grin


I'd like to see you try!

The two glare at each other for a few seconds before James fires off multiple bullets as John seemingly vanishes

James is stunned as John appears next to him

Corvus releases a flurry of punches against James, and he blocks with Lacerta while being pushed back


Wow, it seems your senses have dulled.


(What the hell was that?)

(I couldn't even follow him with my eyes, can he really move that much faster just because his body is younger?)

(John is a dangerous existence that can't leave this island)

(His strength paired with his new powers to manipulate luck and life are too powerful!)

(Who's to say he doesn't have even more dangerous Manifestos, waiting to be used!)


Have you enjoyed your breather, I'm actually going to try this time!

John disappears again, however when he appears behind James he gets shot by a bullet from Lacerta's tail



Haaah, it looks like Corvus and I weren't the only things that got stronger…

I mean look at your Manifesto, I can feel the power oozing out of it!

Lacerta's appearance has drastically changed, its body is now covered in almost plated armour formed from the black flames, it's face and build have become more reminiscent of James than before, even down to the scales on its head mimicking the part of James' hair overtaken by the flames


Killing you just became all the more worthwhile!

Man, those bullets are packing way more of a punch than before, it took me longer than I thought it would to heal that!

It was a lucky shot though, there's no way I'll let you get off another bullet!


Let's test that out.

Lacerta fires off a series of bullets from both hands and its tail

Corvus reflects all the bullets, however John notices his Manifesto's hands are injured and so he uses Lyra to heal them


(Hm, it seems the bullets have become even more powerful than I originally had thought.)

(Normally, Corvus should be more than capable of dealing with something like that without suffering from any side effects, however for them to hurt Corvus is unheard of.)

Ha ha ha…

(James Spectre, your Manifesto truly does only exist to destroy whatever stands against you!)

(I couldn't have made a more perfect opponent if I tried!)

James, this battle of ours shall go down in history as the pillar of my new world!


Not if I have anything to say about it!

James vanishes in a similar manner to John as John manages to react and catch Lacerta's fist


Are you saying you're happy fading into obscurity?

Lacerta aims its tail at John as he manages to evade it at the last second

Corvus kicks Lacerta to the ground


Are you content with being lost to time?

Having a meaningless existence that amounted to nothing in the end?


Huff…and what if I am?

Knowing I stopped a crazy man like you is enough for me…

I'm perfectly fine with the world forgetting my name after I die.

People die when they're forgotten.

Lacerta begins firing off a barage of bullets, that John continues to narrowly evade


If it takes me being forgotten to finally let myself rest, then I'm fine with it–


Then let me help you!

Corvus punctures James in the chest as the rings around its wrist begin to accelerate

James flashes John a smile before Lacerta shoots off Corvus' hand

John recoils in pain as he stumbles away, and heals his missing hand


Damn, I thought that could work.


(What's his problem?)

Have you given up on life in the end?

After letting so many of your friends die, you're just so eager to join them?


No, they can wait for me.

I trust them.

I already told Caroline and Will I can't join them until I've dealt with you.

Now, why don't you try getting in another shot?

That last one was free, but I'll make you work for it this time!

John's faced becomes embroiled with rage as he makes another charge for James launching a barrage of attacks

Lacerta responds in turn with a barrage of its own, as well as firing off bullets from its tail



(It's no use, I can't make this a battle of distance because then he has the advantage, and in close quarters, Corvus isn't a match!)


I was really hoping to defeat you with this power alone.

Imagine the irony of you being killed at the hands of your friend's Manifesto.

However it seems that I underestimated you, so why don't I change things up?!

John crosses both his fingers as he lays his arms across his body

Corvus begins to melt



(That black goo, it's the same as last time when his Manifesto began transforming into its other forms!)

(I need to destroy it before it completes its transformation!)

Lacerta begins firing off a series of bullets before 4 hands deflect them all

Corvus' new form is revealed, it appears to be wearing a black mask covering the left half of its face, having 4 eyes, tears streaking down its face, large horns and a roulette wheel situated between the horns


What do you think?

I haven't needed to use this Manifesto in…I don't even know how long!

It's so rare that a Manifesto comes by capable of going toe-to-toe with Corvus!

Take this as a badge of honour, James!

You truly are special!


Gee, thanks, I feel great!

James prepares to fire more bullets but stops when he sees the roulette wheel begin to spin

The wheel stops and lands on a tyle saying "X2"

Corvus begins to physically bulk up in response to the number that the wheel landed on


Ha, so this is all it does?

Corvus wasn't strong enough already, so you wanted to make it bigger?


Oh believe me, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

You won't even believe what else Corvus has to offer!

Why don't I give you a taste!

John leans in for a step before disappearing



(How has he gotten even faster!?)

(There shouldn't be any way for his body to keep up with those kinds of speeds!)


What's the matter James?

You look awfully confused.

Have you begun to understand what this form of Corvus can truly do? 

This ability is called "Capricornus"

It appears to be quite straightforward, by spinning the wheel on Corvus' head, it changes Crovus' strength accordingly

However, it's not just the strength that becomes enhanced, but all of my physical abilities!

As John and Corvus run circles around James, it begins launching punch after punch at him, knocking out teeth and causing bruises

John stands before the beaten up James again and wipes the dust from his clothes



Have you changed your mind about joining me?

It's still not too late.

You have so much potential now that all your ties to the old world have been severed, so why not stand as my right hand in bringing about a new order to this world?

Those common masses don't even know the first thing about true suffering or what it means to sacrifice yourself for a greater mission!


Ha, don't make me laugh.

What greater mission?

Your only mission is to yourself.

James stands back up as the wounds on him from earlier have completely healed


You don't know the first thing about sacrifice or hardship, every bad thing that's happened has happened because you wanted it to.

Because of your selfishness and your hatred for others.

You're the problem, John, you and the cruel world that lets someone like you get so far by trampling over the kindness of others.


(How can he already be standing up?!)

(I'm certain I beat him within an inch of his life!)

(There's no way he could have healed that quickly, Lacerta shouldn't have that kind of power!)



This world can be a cruel place, but that's why it's our job to overcome that and become better people.

You and I will never see eye-to-eye, so it's almost time we finished this, wouldn't you agree?