Laura hadn’t exactly walked on her own will and accord to the entrance of the school building, her tiny friend had talked her into it, and then tugged her arm into going. Cameron tagged behind them closely, also looking eager to see why Grayson had decided he wanted to school in Warmaukey of all the big schools he could have gone in the big cities of the world.

The front hallway leading directly had been crowded with students. People talking over one another, girls seemed exasperated. Laura eyes caught onto a couple of sophomore girls converged against their lockers, one of them was red in the face, her left hand was being used as a fan, in her right hand was a baseball hat — the front had a signature of Grayson scribbled against. The girl was so excited, she almost seemed to be in tears. In fact, Laura picked on the few drops that already leaked down her face while the girl’s friend squeaked and giggled with equal energy and excitement.

Few steps away from the girls, some junior boys converged together, talking about the celebrity’s ride.

“Did you see that power bike?”

“Mad cool, bruh!”

“How long do you think I can save up for it if I start some big job, let’s say about after college?”

“Tops 25.” One of them said, nodding slightly. “Or if you’ve got some high paying job after college, maybe 20. I don’t know. Math’s not my thing.”

The rest nodded in agreement.

Laura rolled her eyes. Oh please, she thought, it’s just Grayson. But deep down, she knew he wasn’t just Grayson. There were so many Gray’s in the world but his would stand out. Always. Just as he did at that moment she spotted him, standing out among unending fleets of students. No matter how casual she always tried to make him appear in her head, he was anything but that. He was extra ordinary, his presence itself commanded attention and effulgence. Just at the age eighteen, he was already a millionaire, a teenage celebrity, supermodel and influencer. The last time she’d checked his net worth, he was about 467 million USD, a whole year ago.

She always wondered how he managed to fool her into believing he was a normal kid when she was fifteen. And truthfully, she’d never heard of a Grayson Cortez, not until she came across him at the orphanage. After he left, while trying to find his socials, she’d stumbled upon his name on google. It said child celebrity and millionaire. Child celebrity and freaking millionaire! Then her self confidence had dropped to ground level zero. What had he wanted with a normal girl like her again? She was mad, but not extremely as she should have been.

“Just look at his hair...” Megan’s voice had drawn Laura out of her thoughts. “Look at his smile too, and oh my God, his skin, his eyes!”

Then she looked at him.

As a whole.

Looked at his hair. His smile. The dimples in his cheeks. His skin. Acknowledged his height as well. There appeared to be no physical flaw. While he signed fans properties and took selfies with those who had asked, his head whipped left and right occasionally and Laura could tell it was in search of her. After what felt like forever, their eyes connected and his lit up in recognition. He began sauntering through the crowd, approaching her stealthily, dispersing them. One after the other, the flocks began separating until it was just a few lingering the hall.

“Why are you here?”

Grayson adjusted his backpack against his back, and wiggled his eyebrows over his face, grinning. “As you can see, I’m here as a student.” He said. “Just like you and everyone else. It’s a school.”

Laura looked him over. The really tall boy towered over her. His appearance alone was seductive. The boy's rugged features were alluring. His brown hair were tousled and strands dangled very close to his smoldering eyes. His face was carefully structured. As if God had molded him just to spoil the eyes. The glimmering grey eyes of the boy were full of life and grace. He had a Roman nose and a plump pair of lips that was in form of a teasing smile. His jaw was an angular shape that was shaved clean and smooth. His olive toned skin looked so ridiculously right and he smelled so good. He had on a thick grey sweater, looking seemingly hand crafted and a pair of blue jeans.

Laura’s frown remained intact. “Student, my foot. Why are you here exactly?” She asked again, this time more cold than the first question had been. “You don’t tell me you left your big city boy’s life just to come here for scraps?”

“What do you mean scraps?”

She rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest. Her stance seemed a little on the sassy side. “You know what I mean. The last time I checked, you so preferred the city life that you left this town and every body in it, me.” her voice mirrored pain, though she tried to hide it behind the anger it was laced with. “Like we were some piece of trash. Cut that. Like I was some piece of trash.”

Grayson’s smile froze and then it slowly diminished till it was gone with no trace. His chest rose as he exhaled in exhilaration to the blonde girl’s claim. “I said I’m sorry, Laura.”

Laura stepped forward. She was looking up at him, her nose flared and her index finger stuck out to poke him in the chest as she spoke, laying extra emphasis on each word that came out of her mouth. She poked him hard. “Sorry...” Once. “Doesn’t...” Twice. “Cut...” Thrice. “Shit you done to me!”

“Does hurting me cut it?” Grayson said, in a low tone. He was looking down at the point, just in the middle of the chest where the blonde girl attacked with a finger. “Cause you seem to be doing that already.”

Even after she was done talking, she jabbed him still. Her chest rose in. Out. And then repeated the cycle again. Her face was red, and her fist was clenched beside her. Her senses was clouded with rage, pure rage, and all she wanted to do was hurt this boy. If only he could feel seventy percent of the pain she’d undergone. How she’d cried the night she aborted her baby while she had her hands pressed against her mouth to muffle the internal screams of agony that threatened to burst out in fiery screams of rage. She couldn’t even cry out. She suffered in silence, alone, by herself with no one but Cam to console her. For weeks after, every night, in her bed she wept. Not wanting to alarm her mother about it, she muffled the screams with her pillow and soaked them with the tears.

“That’s enough, Laura. You’re hurting him.”

Someone was tapping Laura’s shoulders from behind but she couldn’t tell who it was. The voice sounded from the horizon, far away, distorted, and very unclear. Thick rancid sadness thickened to clot against her chest and choke her. Her raised finger seemed to be stuck on repeat. She poked, even more aggressively and as she did so she felt an oncoming headache. She could hear the pound of her heart behind her ears, her pulse pulsating, she could hear each drag of breath that expanded her chest. Slow, unstable-In, out, pause, repeat. The world was in blur and her ears were a ringing siren and amid-st all that, she could hear someone calling, a voice, or maybe she imagined what she needed to hear. A faint like voice was repeatedly saying, “Take the pain out on me if it helps you.”

While another was countering it. “Laura, stop.”

“You’re hurting him.”

Only a few people lingered in the hallway now, watching the scene unfold. Grayson didn’t seem like he was bothered by the violent jabs on his chest. Even though spot had turned sore and would have reddened. He knew it would be bruised later on but also he knew he deserved it. Tears poured down the blonde girls face as she repeatedly struck at the same spot.

Megan looked too scared to step between them, even though she was standing right beside her friend. “Laura, stop,” She whispered again and then looked over her shoulder at the taller boy who was doing nothing but watching the scene as well. “You should really stop her.”

For a second or two, Cameron looked reluctant and then he stepped forward and got into action. He as well had a deep grudge against Grayson. His books landed in a pile on the floor. He wrapped his arms around the slim girl’s waist and then lifted her off the floor in a swift move. With such agility, he pulled her away from causing more assault on her ex. Laura didn’t fight to be let go. Instead, her body trembled in his arms. At such close range, he could feel how tensed up he was. Her breathing was in shuddering gasps, her nimble fingers quivering. The moment he let go of her and she was standing, she took off in the direction they’d come in a jog at first, and then she picked up the pace. Her footsteps faded the further she went.

Megan went after her, equally running.
