My chest rose in an unusual rhythm.I was desperately trying to catch some air into my lungs to be able to breath with ease.
I was alone in this forest as the hazy fog made it impossible for her to see ahead. I just fought of some bullies in Queens College and was going back to my classroom.
"What the hell is going on here?" I breathed not fully grasping the situation on ground.
All I had was my necklace so I caressed it praying for my father's guards find me soon in this place I don't know. It was like praying for a miracle.
Miraculously, I disappeared in another place entirely different. Although, in the same forest that place was so cold that I felt I could die from the cold. I felt my feet moving but didn't know what moved them.
Strangely. Very strange event.
A deep sign escaped her thin, parched up lips when I realised what happened. I summoned to call out for my parent now.
"Mom, Dad!" I heard my voice echo far away. I continued calling but it was to no avail.
I ran my fingers in my black long curls and kept walking even though I wasn't seeing anything clearly. I was strangely not so terrified as if I have been here before.
I saw a big tree and wanted to rest under it for the meantime my parent will find me.
I sat under it as a strange breeze started to blow my hair so I rested my head well on the tree then I touched something as hard as a rock.
I took it up and look closely.
It was a skull! A human being skull!
I was so terrified that it dropped from my hand then I examined where I sat well. I saw not only skulls but a whole skeleton of up to two people.
I was out of breath now crawling with my hands from that tree as my leg didn't listen to me that period. The tree fell suddenly and started booming into a rose flower then it came towards me. Moving. The prickly thorns injured me as I tried to touch the beautiful rose flower.
Terrifyingly, every rose flower started turning black.
It turned black!!!
And my vision becomes blurry as I blacked out.
I have always told my grandfather that I will never ever get married. Little do they know, why I made that decision.
Actually, I had a boyfriend elementary school, Joel. We were eight years then, planning to get married when we're twenty but you see.... It didn't end well. He cheated on me and stopped caring for me. He even asked to be freed from me! As if he was in bondage!
Joel was a very handsome and intelligent boy that's exactly why liked him. Although, he was not serious in life. He took nothing in this world seriously.
Everything was going very well until Kara came. That sly b*tch!
She seduced Joel with just a new pencil and mathematical set.
Who can believe that?
After that, I made my decision NOT TO EVER TRUST BOYS.
All I want now is to travel all the world, see beautiful things, eat all the tasty food there is, mingle with good people and learn their culture.
The sea!
Yes, the sea!
I want to live in a deserted house on the sea. Alone!
"Hey, Amiyah. Wake up!" Ana woke me up for class when I was sleeping soundly like a baby.
"Mmm" I answered in a sleepy tone.
"Wake up, you lazy fellow!" She jerked me hard.
"Let me sleep. Give me five minutes" I was still enjoying the night not knowing it was morning.
"Hey!!" She increased the pressure on jerking me up but I didn't budge instead I used my purple bedsheet to cover my face.
"Okay, I tried my best. Well, it seems you will be late on your very first day in college" she stood up from the bed and continued her assignment.
"What's the time?"
"What?! Why didn't you tell me?! I'm going to be late" I jumped out of the bed, straight into the bathroom.
"Don't blame me! You were the one talking about food in your sleep" she yelled back, making fun of me.
Yes, I think I did talk about food in my sleep. I didn't eat dinner yesterday and that is very unlike me.
Although careful of what I consume, I love food! Good food!
But, I'm not fat or too slim. Just average weight. My life is full of drama or no! My life itself is a drama. I don't have parents. They died some years back. Grandpa died some days after that. It was like a massacre of good people in my family.
I have a grandmother. She is crazily stern. Although, she is what I'll call the best grandmother. She has been through a lot so I bet that made her the rock she is today.
"Hey, where is my towel?" I jumped out of the bathroom to take my new towel.
"Easy girl" she laughed at me again.
"Shut up and get dressed too" I told her from the bathroom.
"You bet I've done that" she yelled for me to hear.
* Ten minutes later *
"Do I look okay?" I asked, wearily. I'm the definition of classy the way I dress and put myself together but people doesn't really know the worth of the things I wear. They don't live in our world so its very hard for them to tell the worth.
"Yup, lets move" she took her bag.
"Food should come first" she looked at the fridge where we store pizza.
"Eating is a luxury for me now. Lets go" I dragged her outside before she could object.
Of course, I'm Amiyah, the girl with almond-shaped and very dark eyes with long eyelashes. I have a wide, round face with pointed chin. A lady of royal appearance.
I'm a dark skinned average height beautiful lady of twenty five.
I have a tiny waist and I'm tall and slender. A lady of royal appearance, I must emphasise on that.
This is my first day in Aim High College. Not my first year though I'm the transfer student.
"Why are you late?" A girl asked me as I sat next to her.
"Hmm" I didn't know what to say to justify myself.
"You will have to tell that to Grumpy he already marked his attendance list that means..." Grumpy was Mr. John, the arts teacher's nickname. He had that Grumpy attitude that everyone acknowledge so he was given that name in secret.
"That means I am absent today" I completed what she was about to say.
"Bingo! He's not easy to convince" she told me.
"You? You at the back chit chatting! What did I say last?" The lecturer pointed at us. I really didn't want to be in anyone's bad books on my first day. Think I'm in trouble now.
"Let me do it" I told the girl who I found out her name, Lisa. I would be so guilty if I let her carry the cross alone.
"You sure?"
"Yes" I stood up as the class gave me a clapping aviation. Some was to cheer me up and some to celebrate my already predicted downfall.
But, not to worry I've good sense of reasoning. To be completely honest, I didn't remember what he said in verbatim I can multi task my brain I surely heard him talking about Bildungsroman.
"Sir, you talked about Bildungsroman novels"
"Go on"
"Bildungsroman is a German term referring to the novel of growth and formation. Often centres on the development of the mind and character of the protagonist as he/she passes from childhood through varied experiences of maturity..." I answered confidently.
I knew this literary device but was that what he said? I don't care I tried my best now.
"Wow" Lisa was dumbfounded.
"Give her a round of applause" Mr. John instructed and they did so.
I was so relieved!
I'm safe now!
"Lets move on"
* After class*
Mr. John was about to leave when I jumped in his way.
"Gosh!" He was surprised.
" sorry sir. That wasn't my intention at all. Sir, I'm the new transfer student. I came in a little bit late and... You have taken your attendance" I said softly as possible, not to make him mad.
"Then that is is!" He wanted to walk away but I stopped him again.
"Please sir. I don't want a bad record on my first day here. Please sir" I stopped him, pleadingly.
"Umm... The librarian is not on sit today. Do you mind taking his job. Some books will be delivered today so take them in and record all the books. Also, put them in their right places" He gave me orders and I couldn't object.
"You don't want it?"
"Yes, I mean no. I mean I can. I will. Why not? Its okay by me" I stuttered. To be honest, that work was too much for me. I had to enjoy the school view today.
The breeze, the noise, the food, the everything. I wanted to make new friends but everything became vain. Just vain!
Meanwhile, Ana was at my back glued to the wall. Eavesdropping, of course.
"Hey, what did he say?"
"As if you weren't listening to everything. When is the next class starting?"
"In an hour"
"I should've been done by then"
"Seriously, have you seen the library?"
"Nope. That's why you will take me there"
"I'll just join you"
"Thanks" we walked all the way to the library while enjoying the school view. It was really a masterpiece. The building itself and the atmosphere.
The college was filled with so much hustle and bustle. There was so much going and coming, in and out of hotels and so many people chatting with one another. Under the tree, on the football field. Virtually, everywhere.
I was proud of the brilliant academic reputation, proud of their modern buildings and large grounds surrounding it, with their standard pitches for various games and sports.
We finally arrived at the library and collected the new textbooks. It was not as huge as I expected so the work was done quickly. Some students were reading quietly and the atmosphere was that of the graveyard.
"Hey, I'll go get food quickly. I'm famished!" Ana ran to the cafeteria, to get snacks of course. I bet they will be no good food here.
Suddenly, the people reading were trying to make their way out upon sighting some riff raffs. They moved in gang of five as if there were the owner of the place. Or better still, a villain in play with upbeat music as the background song.
I can't believe they were intimidated by those...
"Hi, please can you give me that?" He asked, politely unlike he looks. Think he's this crappy team's leader.
"Okay.." I passed him a book with ”Life goes on” to him. He used that opportunity to seize my hands in his.
"Ah, thanks" he dropped my hand when he noticed me trying to pull away.
"You see we run this place. We do as we please. Do everything we ask you to and you're free from our wrath. Don't be in our bad books" he threatened, nicely.
I must say its starting to scare me a little but I won't show it. Why? Because I'm cool.
One of them let out a snare when he saw I was lost of words. I mean, I haven't experienced something like this before. My family is rich! I swam in power in the school I was coming from but now... Seems that not the case anymore.
He took my phone from me and unlocked it "Here, take to this address and come by 8pm"
"Excuse me" I managed to say.
"Cut the crap, you unreasonable seniors!" A voice said among the little crowd. I recognise this voice. It is... What? I can't believe this... Its Liam!
I said before my life is a drama but think it will get more complicated with this guy in the story. I managed to go on with life without him and he just keeps coming back again and again.