My supposed life saver

"Cut the crap, you unreasonable seniors!" A voice said among the little crowd. I recognise this voice. It is... What? I can't believe this... Its Liam!

"You can't force her to come if she doesn't want to. Leave now!" He moved in between us and he's crushes cheered him up. People started swimming in.

What is this? Liam! Is this a drama or what? Are we shooting a soap opera or what?! Can this people just stop clapping for this jerk.

"Liam, don't be like that. You gat many girls so leave this one to my boss" One of his minions said. They talked as if I'm a thing that can be possessed by any random person. They don't know who they are dealing with, seriously.

"Hey, tell me..." Their boss as said wanted to lay his filthy hands on me and Liam was mad all of a sudden.

"Don't you dare touch her!" He held his hand, with anger.


"She's mine! This girl is mine!! I want her more than anyone in this world. Lay your filthy hands on her and you will regret your existence!" I couldn't believe he said that.

I hate him!

God, he made my day even worse as I saw some people bringing out her phones to record it. Well, that's the society we are so I'm not surprised.

A society where we are ready to gain more followers than upholding the status of a woman. No one came out to defend, everyone was quiet until someone summoned the courage to come and then they do what??? Film it! I'm so offended now.

"Lets go, Jayson" One of them dragged their leader out.

"I'm cool, okay! I can walk on my own!! Its not over" He yanked his arm away from him and they left. Party over!

People started to take their leave.

"Are you okay? They must've startled you" He was trying to be the caring person he always pretended to be.

"Its okay now" he nudged me with his elbow, a conspiratorial gesture.

His he kidding me? Did he have a memory loss or something? I broke up with this piece of shit eight years ago when I found out he cheated on me with my cousin, Rose. I can't believe he behaves as if nothing happened after breaking a woman's ego and telling them indirectly that they are insufficient.

"Wow, you must think that you're the saviour now. You think I'll be thankful, you jerk. Don't ever show up in front of me again" I left him in the library and walked out.

"You still haven't changed. You still get on my mind, Amiyah Hermes" He smiled at the fierce woman walking out. He knew she was just flustered else she would have given her a piece of her mind. But, I didn't know what I did wrong.

I finally left that place and almost eyes was on me.

"Hmmmmm" I walked gently to the lecture room.

"Hey, what happened? I saw the video. I swear I didn't know he was a student here" Ana gave me a box of sandwiches and yogurt as we find a place to sit

"Who is that?" I pretended to be fine.

"Hey, you can't lie to me!" She yelled and everyone stared at us. I couldn't fool her anyway. She has been my friend since I was ten.

"What an awful gift for a first day in Regal University!" I laughed, sarcastically.

"Let me teach that jerk a lesson . How dare he show up here? " She tried to stand up but I pulled her back down as I ate my sandwiches.

"No drama" I smiled, reassuringly.

"Does he stalk you?"

"Of course not"

"Don't tell me you barge into each other. Of all the nerve. This school is wide enough to avoid someone for a whole semester"

"Maybe that's why you didn't see him. He certainly started before me. He was quite popular"

"Why is he?"

"Beats me" I replied as the lecturer came in and all side talks stopped to avoid getting kicked out.

* * Regal Studio * *

The place was well equipped with all... Liam sat down looking stressed on a rotating chair as Tom came in.

"Why did hell will you say this?" He dropped the phone on Liam's lap. It was the video made in the library.

"She's mine! She's mine!! She's Mine!!!" It said repeatedly. They have edited the video and it has many likes must say.

"I don't know. It just came out of my mouth"

"You said you two broke up"

"We did. Although, I don't know what I did to get a breakup message from her. See, I'm sorry okay. Its not going to repeat itself. Take care of it as you always do" Liam told Mark, his good friend.

"I can't help you. It has gone viral" Mark said and stomped out.

When I am finally trying to move on without you, you still came back, Amiyah. I thought my pains were healed but they were still bleeding.

Finally, class is over. I yawned and packed my bag ready to leave with Ana.

"Hey..." A lady with ponytail hair kept her fancy mug on my table.

Drama again!

"You're the girl in the video, right?" She asked knowing the answer.

"Why are you asking the obvious?"

"Ha ha ha, just see that nerve. Hey..."

"Amiyah is the name"

"Never look at my Liam again! He's mine and mine alone" she pointed a finger at me which I helped her put down. Ana just stood and watched me show what I'm truly made of.

"My Liam? So lame. Take him, consume him, do whatever you want with him its none of my business. I had a long day today so I'll leave now" I didn't want problem again today.

"You! How dare you!" She yelled at me and it made me mad.

"You!! How dare you!!!" I yelled thrice as loud intending to scare her off.

"I'm not someone you can pick on. I'm that strong" I said and left.

"You heard her, right? I don't think you will like to see her crazy side. You can't withstand it" Ana wrapped it up and followed me.

"Wow! That was amazing" Ana cheered for me.

"I'm always that amazing" I bragged. Honestly, I wasn't until I lost my parents. I was someone who will describe as rich with no brains then. I was bullied, bullied and bullied again but grandma gave me the courage I needed and threw me into the lion's den.

There are two ways to survive in this world; you either trample on them or let them trample on you, grandma taught me that. So right now, you think I'm very unlike the rich princess I'm supposed to be. Wait and enjoy I'll tell you how and when my attitude changed.

"You like blowing your trumpet, uh"

"I'm starving again" I complained with a soft smile to Anna as my stomach rumbles.

"College food?" She noticed me not saying anything so she persuaded further.

"College food is the most delicious. Lets have it" I still didn't budge as I remembered the event.

Not too long after my parent died, I was poisoned. That too two times. My Aunt sacked my nanny saying she was the one who did it but I found that odd. Nanny loves me. She couldn't do such a thing. Even if she did, she should be punished not sacked.

I felt like I had no one again in this world. I knew my Aunt aided the person in poisoning me. Some days after nanny left, she gave me poisoned fruits when I said I wont take anything. I was so scared it will repeat itself and it did.

I yelped in pain and call out to people but I was alone in my dark room.

"Hey,why are you thinking so much? It's college food. If there is poison it will kill virtually all off us here" She urged me to eat with her hand in mine.

"Okay..."I smiled, softly in pain.

As I entered the cafeteria, I was surprised. Its so huge! Many people were sitting enjoying their meal while talking to their partners. Isn't that amazing!

"It really fascinating that you can keep your head up high after the event" One girl passed me by and stepped on my toes purposely.


Drama again!

"Oops sorry" she apologised, sarcastically. I let it go.

I took all the food they have including sausages. I wasn't a picky eater. As we cleared the plate we had a long chat.

After that we left the cafeteria.

On getting outside, I received a call from Aunty.


Family drama this time!

"I'll take this quickly" I told Ana and went to one corner.

"What is it?" I said before Aunty started sprouting rubbish.