
"Ahem, ahem," Stacey faked a cough.

"Don't you dare!" I walked away, but he held my hand.

"I'm very sorry. Sorry for not telling you. I just came back yesterday. I wanted to buy art pieces for my new house. I knew you'd be here, so I wanted to surprise you."

"You mean you're back permanently?"

"Yup, I'm back to take care of my bestie"

"I don't need you here. Go back to LA; you have a life there." I've seen him going through hard times before. I want him to stay where he'd be able to smile freely.

"Who says I can't have a life here too? Miya, what was that just now?"

"What?" I asked, knowingly.

"I didn't see you as a person who could attack her family openly. You instigated things." He grinned.

"Should I have left it because she's my family? Anything that's wrong is wrong; there's nothing to drag." I said, sternly.

"Aii, you're a great person. My respect," he bowed dramatically.

"Thanks for helping there. If I had said everything, it would've been misinterpreted." I was very grateful to him. He backed me up well.

"My pleasure. I knew the moment I saw it that it was a fake. That woman, what is she thinking about? Was it really a mistake?" He isn't acquainted to Aunt Chloe. All he knows is that she's a member of my family.

"It wasn't a mistake. When I said it was fake, her expression was like, 'Oh, I've been caught.' It should have been 'What?' It wasn't a mistake." I explained, wide-eyed.

"That's my friend! You notice every little details" he nudged me.

"I know, right? So why couldn't I see what was right in front of me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. You're done with college, so what do you want to do now?" I was curious.

"I gave my dad my medical certificate. I'm never going to practice! Never! I'm going to hold on to my dream. I want to open my own studio and exhibit in this country. It's my life, and I'm going to have it my way." He said with determination.

"That's good, man!" I nudged his elbow, a conspiratorial gesture.

"Do you know any competent lawyer? I have some documents that I couldn't understand the legal terms used there."

Ahh, I took a picture of the bloodied document. I'm going to put an end to what was up in their sleeves.

"Like a business lawyer?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yes, I know one. Her name is Barrister Dawn. She's very competent but pricey." He smiled.

"That's absolutely fine by me. Send her number to me."

"Okay, I will. By the way... why do you look so lean? Don't you eat well?" He touched my cheeks, softly.

"Ahh, I was sick. I had an accident some months ago." I informed, absently.

"What? Why didn't you tell me? Are you okay?" He scanned me thoroughly.

"If I had told you, you would've taken a business flight to see me. I'm fine, don't worry. I'm done with my drugs too. Everything is fine." I smiled, and he smiled back.

"Amiyah, spare me some minutes." Aunt Chloe came to me, wearing a fake smile. I was expecting this moment. Now it's time to wear my mask.

"Stacey, I'll be back." I left him and went with Aunt Chloe, looking naively. It's time to play the good bad niece-in-law.

She went to her office and left the door open, I didn't shut the door too on purpose. I don't know what she wants to do to me, so I think I'll be safe with the door open.

Her office was tattered with papers on the floor. I could picture that moment of her throwing them away from her table, angrily. It makes me thrilled.

"Hey, what were you trying to pull there?" She looked at me slowly, trying to figure me out.

"Aunty, I'm upset too! Why will someone sell a fake art piece for my Aunt Chloe?! That person is really bad." I faked an angry gesture.

"Does this situation look funny to you? You just ruined something important!" She yelled.

"Aunt Chloe, are you mad at me right now? I saved this gallery from greater harm." I told her.

"Hey!!!" She screamed.

"Why are you yelling at her?!" Grandma came in.

Nice timing!

"Chloe, you should learn to say the two-letter word 'Thank you.' Amiyah, is your savior. Or didn't you think too far? If you had sold that piece for five million at the auction or even higher than that, you know what would have happened then? The person who purchased it will find out that it's fake, post it on the media the people there were pretty influential. And what will happen to GM Gallery's image then?! Don't you think at all?" I could see disappointment dripping from grandma's eyes.

Aunt Chloe didn't dare to utter a word.

"Chloe, have you lost your mind?! How can someone so incompetent be handling a gallery?! I can't take this anymore. When Valerie was handling the company, we had no such issues! May her soul rest in perfect peace." Grandma mentioned my mother. That was true; mom dedicated her life to this gallery.

"Why will you bring her up now?!"

"Why won't I mention her? She was the perfect owner of this place. This is it, I don't think I can do this again" I was wondering what Grandma wanted to say now.

"What do you mean, mother?"

"A person that doesn't check the art piece, doesn't know the news about artist they are dealing with, doesn't work how to apologize, doesn't handle her staff well is not fit to be the leader. You're stepping down as from today. You will be there to train Amiyah. She will be fit for the role. Making the final decision. My dear I'm putting GM Gallery in your hands now" She held my hands, tenderly. I knew Grandma was a reckless person making a decision on the current situation but I didn't know she could be like this.

"I'm not...in... support of this, mother" Aunt Chloe was stuttering. I know she is about to lose her mind now.

"Ahh, I forgot to say this. It's an order not a suggestion" Grandma wanted to leave when Aunt Chloe grabbed hold of her hand and blocked her way.

"Mother, Amiyah is just recovering. She has amnesia, remember? She doesn't remember anything!" She reminded Grandma. I thought Grandma didn't think too deep before but I realized I was wrong.

"You thought I didn't think of that. That's why I asked you to assist her. You will be by her side while she makes the decisions. We are cleared here" Grandma dropped her hand but she grabbed hold of it again.

"Mother, if I lose Regal Gallery I'll kill myself! You know how much I protected it with all I have"

"Do it"


"You wanted to kill yourself then do it. Everyone has rights now. You have the right to do everything you want so if it's to end your life, do it" Grandma said with no feelings at all. That's just how I remembered her, she was stern!

"Don't hold me back again. I'm livid with anger I can slap you, dear" she removed Aunt Chloe's hand from her's and left. I quickly followed her.

"ARGH!! ARGH!!! What just happened? Was my gallery taken away by that small rat. I won't agree. I don't agree. I won't back down for Amiyah Hermes! Never!!" She yelled, angrily. Only I could hear because I stayed by the door a little bit.

Chloe, that monster! I wonder why she is so obssessed with something that isn't hers.

I kept up with grandma's pace and saw Stacey still waiting. Ohh, I can't talk to him now. It will raise questions. Grandma will ask who he is? When I met him and so on? I can't get caught now.

There was Stacey walking our trails. I was busy giving him hints telling him to ignore us, nodding my head but he just won't listen.

"Hello ma," he greeted Grandma.

"Who are you, young man?" She asked, politely.

"I'm..." He wanted to introduce himself, calmly

"A customer! He told me he buys art pieces here so we were talking about some collections before I was called by Aunt Chloe" I cut him off. Grandma mustn't find out.

"I see. You will have to call her Mrs. Hermes now, you are with the decisions. I'll leave you two. I didn't come to stay for too long" she smiled and left us.

"Hey, what happened just now?" Curiosity was drolling off his face.

"Were you blind? I told you to ignore us?" I remembered giving him signs.

"How could I? What just happened?" He asked again.

"It's nothing. I'll be off now. Let's eat together sometime soon" I wanted to go.

"I'm going home too. Should I drop you off?" He asked as we walked together.

"Nope, I brought my car also. Let's walk to the parking lot together" we both walked to the parking lot together talking about our good old days in L.A.

I tapped on my car key and my car made an opening sound.

"Wow, you are driving a carnival. I'm impressed!" He touched my car. He was crazy about cars.

"That's expensive from someone riding a Porsche" I laughed. This guy!

"My car is very expensive... I got it..." He wanted to start talking but I have to be home before Aunt Chloe start throwing tantrums. I know she will deal with whoever told me about the auction event.

"I'm so sorry but I have to go now, Stacey. Bye friend" I smiled to him and drove off urgently. I must save Rhoda, my new friend from whatever is coming to her.

* Hermes Villa *

I came in and tossed my purse on the end of the table and sat down with grandma who was seeing business news.

She turned to me, wide-eyed "When you were at the event did you have maybe a flashback of memories? The doctor said when you are in a familiar place amnesia patients tends to remember somethings. Did you?"

"Oh..yes. I recalled an event I went after mom's death. The workers were keeping her artworks inside a room" I informed her stylishly.

"What? Her artworks are not displayed?" Grandma asked, loudly.

When will she start noticing things without being told?

"They aren't, Grandma. Aunt Chloe kept them" I answered simply.

"Chloe did? Gosh, this girl. I want her works displayed in the gallery tomorrow. Do you remember anything else?" She was inquisitive.

"Nothing else, Grandma" I told her. Aunt Chloe came in with Rose. I saw her in the gallery when I arrived but after sometime she disappeared into thin air.

"Mother," she was about to start a conversation again.

"I'm tired. Amiyah, help me" she stretched a hand to me, I took it and helped her through the stairs.

I was about to go inside my room when I heard Aunt Chloe "Assemble the maids now!" She ordered Cheryl.

Cheryl ran and all the maids came forward. I knew she wanted to find who spilt the beans.

"Who among you told the sick Amiyah about the event?" She asked, threateningly.

"Mom, you don't do things like that this days just sack all of them and let's employ new ones!" Rose interfered, while strolling through her Instagram page.

"Don't interfere. I know what I am doing here. Speak up! Are you deaf or what?!"

"It's not me"

"Not me"

"I wasn't the one"

"I wasn't there at that moment. I went to shop for groceries." They were all denying and Rhoda was biting her nails.

"I..." Rhoda was about to come clean when I spoke.

"Aunt Chloe, was I not allowed in the gallery. The gallery is for our family, right? Then why shouldn't I attend when every family member were there? Am I an outcast in my own family" I was glad that I was able to stop Rhoda from confessing the young girl would've lost her job and her dreams because of me.

"Were you there all along?" Rose looked up at me.

"It's not like that, dear. It's just you haven't fully recovered yet" she explained, pretentiously. I knew she was lying. She is pained and angry but she tried to suppress this emotions with her pretentious smile.

"I'm done with drugs. I'm fully recovered now!" I yelled. The situation was so frustrating. She was frustrating me.

"Also, I wasn't informed about the event by any of the maids. I heard when you were telling Rose the clothes that will fit the event" I lied, obviously. I didn't hear any of that but I know Rose sense of fashion is bad so Aunt Chloe pick clothes for her for every event.

"I did?" She asked me.

"You guys can go" I dismissed the maid and went upstairs.

"Mom, don't you think Amiyah is crossing the line this days. Cut her wings before she flies" Rose patted her mom's arm and went to her room.

* Knock! Knock! *

"Come in" I closed the lid of my laptop.

Rhoda came in hurriedly and locked the door behind her. Looks like she has something urgent to say.

"Rhoda," I called out softly.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. I didn't know you weren't supposed to know about the event. I'm sorry. I'm very sorry" she apologized, continuously.

"No, no. I should thank you. Rhoda, you were the hero of today. If I hadn't gone to the event I won't have been able to prevent something bad from happening. Thank you for saving Regal Gallery, today"

"Really, ma'am?! I saved a gallery!" She was happy.

"Shhhhh, keep your voice down. You may not know but this is a very scary place" I told her.

"Ah, thank you young madam" she whispered, softly.

"Until when will you call me that? Just call me Amiyah. Young madam? It's not comfortable" I smiled

"Eii, I wouldn't dare to" she looked at me with respect.

"I want that! You calling me ma'am make me uncomfortable. Call me Amiyah from now on" I told her, calmly. I hated powertripping.

"I can't" she was scared.

"It's not a request, its an order" I ordered, with a smile. I really wanted to be close to her. The fact that she her life is just like mine and she puts up that smiley face all the time makes me attracted to her.

"Okay, Amiyah" she smiled and I returned the smile.

"Why do you make it sound so awkward?"

"Because I'm not used to it. You're different from them. Young madam Rose never treated me like a human being before. She called me human trash once. She is very mean" she told me and I shook my head.

"I know how mean she can really be" I recalled seeing her on the bed with my ex boyfriend, Liam. A very horrible scene.

"You can leave now. I want to rest" I didn't want to rest. I wanted some time alone. Time to think and clear off my head anytime I recall that moment, I feel weak in my knees.

I had one regret though, I should've pluck their hair out of their heads and ask them "Why me?", "Why did they choose to hurt me?" It could've been better if it was another girl. Just another girl but my cousin. It was horrible, disgusting and painful.

"Oh, okay" Rhoda left my room.

* Liam's dorm * * Next morning *

It was snowing outside. He wore his coat about to go somewhere.

"Where are you off to?" Tom asked.

"It has been a while. I should go see Amiyah" he wanted to walk pass him.

Tom stopped him "Are you for real? You guys broke up five years ago. She dumped you with a message and went abroad for years. She blocked you, she didn't reply your messages, you went to L.A just to find her but you couldn't. You saw her post a picture of her and her friends just doing well over there"

"And so what? She is ill. She needs me" he wanted to leave.

"What? Can you listen to yourself now. You sound so lame" Tom held his hand and blocked the way.

"Do I look like I care about how I sound to you? Get out from my way!" Liam was angry.

"Hey, get a grip!! Let's be rational here, if you are not there for her will she die?! This is wrong! You keep forcing yourself on her. Stop it! A man should know when to stop!! She broke up with you!! You guys are done! Done!!" He emphasized on the last word.

"Then what do you want me to do? I... I... don't get it. Why did she abandon me like that? I didn't do anything wrong to Amiyah. She was my first love. She was precious to me. I did everything I could to make her happy. But...but...but...she left me" he cried.

"I understand. I completely understand. Bro, you did nothing wrong. It's her lost. She lost something very precious and she will regret it soon!" He hugged him, consolingly.

* Hermes Villa *

"Mom, can I come in?" She opened her mom's room door a little bit.

"Yes, my daughter" Aunt Chloe held her head. She was having a spilling headache. Everything that happened still feels unfamiliar to her.

"Mom, set up a date with Liam's family. Get close to his mother let's use her to fasten things between us. Liam doesn't look at me at all. I met him at a mall today. I had lunch with my friend there. I called him again and again, he was ignoring me on purpose so I chased him when I caught up with him, guess what he said to me "Oh, Rose, hi. How is Amiyah? Is she healthy now?" That's what all he asked. He didn't care about what I was doing there. The perfume I wore. My clothes or anything" she complained.

"Rose, why will you keep following a man that was clearly ignoring you? It's pathetic. Try to play hard to get sometimes" her mom was pissed.

"Ahh, mom... Playing hard to get is done when the person looks at you. Liam doesn't look at me!! Amiyah, that girl can't be happy. I don't want her to be happy when I'm not"

"We failed five years ago. His mother is crazy. They have unbelievable demands from their daughter in law. Do you think you can handle it?" She asked Rose.

"I will atleast pretend until I get married. Mom, why do I feel like you don't want to help me. Amiyah is back! She took Regal Gallery away today. Who knows what she will take back tomorrow..."

"Rose, mom has a big big headache right now. Come back later"

"Promise me you will do something about it" she was very desperate.

"Mm, I promise!"

"I'll leave now" she left her mum's room for her's.