018 Market Opens

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The only headache was the more than 600 tons of copper. Such a large amount would require at least several trips back and forth to transport, and it was also a problem to dispose of it without leaving any trace.

If you act normally, it will be fine if no one pays attention to it, but once it is investigated in the future, it will definitely become a source of great suspicion.

A student who had just awakened two days ago harvested more than 600 tons of copper in his first exploration of an alien space?

You know, a nether energy shuttle can only carry about one hundred tons at most.

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation that may expose Heaven's Market, Song Chi must find a way.

It is still the Dongjiang Xinhuo Shopping Mall not far from Dongjiang Community. On the top floor of the shopping mall is the Xiongying Machinery Store.

"10 tons of mithril, 34 tons of fine gold, 11 tons of cold iron, 15 tons of mercury crystals, and 45 tons of copper. Converted at 70% of the market price, there are a total of 177.8 strands of the zero-order floating land source. Count you as 178 strands."

The clerk said with a polite smile.

In this regard, Song Chi argued hard.

"Beauty, 30% off is really low. Most other stores offer 20% off..."

The young lady still had a smile on her lips, but she didn't answer. Her meaning was very obvious. If you can't accept it, just go and buy it at a 20% discount.

In a word, there is nothing to talk about.

Seeing this, Song Chi retreated and sought the next best option.

"Otherwise, how about you get a 20% discount and I spend all the Floating Land Origin in your store?"

The people at the Eagle Machinery Store finally agreed to this proposal, and Song Chi also used all 203 strands of Floating Land Origin to purchase goods in the store as agreed.

1000 Tungsten War Shields

1000 tungsten spears

A Xinghai universal translator

100 bottles of basic genetic optimization solution

The above are the extra things on the Sky when Song Chi left the Eagle Machinery Shop. For this, he also paid an additional 17 strands of zero-order floating land origin.

In the southern suburbs of Jiangyuan City, there is a very famous forest park in Jiangyuan City, Dongshan Forest Park. Every holiday, there is an endless stream of people climbing here. But what many people don't know is that behind this forest park they have Invisible places hide the largest black market in Jiangyuan City.

Of course, in the hearts of those real Jiangyuan executives, the existence of this black market is tacitly understood. Jiangyuan City needs such a place, not just Jiangyuan City, but also the White Tower Floating Land, and even the entire salary. In the realm of strong fire civilization, which floating land of life does not have a black market?

It's like the dark side of a city. The brighter the place, the bigger the black market behind it.

Song Chi knew this place because he and his father Song Chao visited it once a few years ago.

It was that experience that made Song Chi aware of this place hidden in the darkness of Jiangyuan City. After that, he also visited it alone several times, so this time he seemed to be very skilled.

Disguise, set up the name of the nether energy shuttle to be invisible to the outside world, and sold more than 500 tons of copper to several shops in different areas of the black market.

After a series of operations, it was almost completed in one go, without any ambiguity.

The prices in the black market are relatively dark, and the purchase price is only 65% of the market price, but there is nothing that can be done about it. After all, he is a rookie who has just become Captain Xinhuo. He has no own shipping channels and wants to avoid exposing himself. You have to suffer this loss. More than 550 tons of red copper, with a market price of 110 strands of level 0 floating land origin, were in Song Chi's hands, but only 71 strands were lost, almost half of which was lost.

Gritting his teeth and returning to the Sky Mall, Song Chi exchanged all 90 strands of Floating Land Source in his hand into zero-level and first-level life nuclei, and swore in his heart that he must exchange this amount of money in the market. Earn back the losses.

After collecting the exchanged 700 level 0 pieces and 20 level 1 pieces, a total of 720 life proto-cores, the preparations before opening the market were basically completed, and Song Chi did not stay outside for too long.

After returning home, he briefly told his parents that he was mentally exhausted and might need to sleep deeply for a day or two. After getting their consent, he quickly returned to his bedroom.

He was not in a hurry to enter the Heaven's Market and start his first market transaction, but quickly fell into a deep sleep.

The mental exhaustion after breaking the limit is not just talk. He is already exhausted. If he hadn't arranged everything, he might not be able to hold on.

Twenty hours later, Song Chi woke up from a deep sleep. Although he had not fully recovered, he was much better than yesterday.

At the Heaven's Market, after half an hour of busy work, Song Chi placed all the items purchased yesterday into the ten shops in a reasonable manner. After making sure that everything was arranged properly, he stepped towards the "ultra-remote space" at the innermost side of the market. Go to the random drop-in station.

Behind him, ten fire sunflower terracotta warriors with red glow all over their bodies were divided into two columns and followed closely. After a whole day, the fire sunflower terracotta tree parts had completed the buffering.

In front of the ultra-remote space door random delivery platform, Song Chi clicked lightly once and was about to activate the delivery platform when a prompt sounded.

[It has been detected that this market has been opened for the first time in ten thousand years. You can designate the specific area where a space gate will be placed. ]

After hearing this reminder, Song Chi's heart moved.

The words "Strong Domain of Mechanical Tribe Civilization" quickly emerged from the bottom of his heart, and soon filled his entire mind.

If it were before getting the Level 1 Floating Land Origin Core Fusion Body, he might not have much reaction to it.

But it's different now. The Grade 1 Floating Land Origin Core Fusion Body in his hand is equivalent to an energy-supplying artifact for the members of the Machine Tribe, and its value is naturally incomparable.

Opening the communication bracelet, he clicked on the encyclopedia of alien civilizations and creatures that had been downloaded and could be viewed without the need for an Internet connection. Song Chi found several mechanical civilizations recorded in it. After selecting the coordinates of one of them, he clicked The ultra-long-range space door random delivery platform in front of him was activated.


As the delivery platform emitted a strong tremor, ten rays of light lit up from it.


Ten rays of light shot out from the launch platform one after another, rushing out of the semicircular protective cover on the outer layer of Heaven's Market, turning into ten rays of light and shadow and submerging themselves in the quiet void space.

Tens of seconds later, in the entrance area of ​​Heaven's Market, ten whirlpool-shaped space entrances quietly emerged. Song Chi immediately ordered ten Fire Sun terracotta warriors to guard near these ten space gates, and at the same time, he placed the The "Xinghai Universal Translator" was placed at the entrance of the market.

After all, there is a high probability that those who will come in later will be from completely different races. If they are very low-level creatures that have not even mastered the common language of the Star Sea, this Star Sea Universal Translator will be the key to ensuring that they can communicate without barriers.

After doing this, Song Chi finally used his ability as the market master to create a light curtain at the entrance of the market that engraved the various trading rules of Heaven's Market.

This light curtain is formed by the laws of the secret space of Heaven's Market. No matter what kind of creature sees it, it can immediately understand the meaning of the various rules listed in it.