019 The Bustling Heaven's Market

There are many rules listed on the light screen, but the first one at the top only has eight words:

1: You and I wish to trade freely.

The second article is more concise:

2: Fights and conflicts are prohibited.

As for the subsequent ones, none of them are strict, but they can ensure the basic order of the entire market and Song Chi's own income.

3: For each transaction in the market, you need to pay a transaction tax of 10% of the transaction amount.

4: If you encounter a language barrier, you can use the universal translator at the entrance of the market for a fee, one zero-level life core at a time.

100: The duration of this market transaction is 24 hours, and the current remaining time is 23:58:27.

After arranging everything, Song Chi entered the market on his own. He did not pretend to be the owner of the market, but pretended to be a curious boy who was lucky enough to enter the market, taking a look here and there.

Not long after, a subtle spatial fluctuation suddenly came from the entrance to the market. A creature with a human body and an ox's head, holding a thick mace, and a vigilant creature stepped out of one of the spatial doors.

As the master of the market, Song Chi received the reminder from the market immediately.

However, he did not look back but continued to browse in various shops. When the market was opened for the first time, he naturally had to give a personal demonstration to prevent the subsequent creatures that entered the market from being confused.

Unsurprisingly, after reading the series of rules prompts on the light screen at the door, the creature with the head of a bull and the body of a cow saw Song Chi constantly wandering among the shops. He quickly reacted and imitated what he had done, and quickly started checking items sold in various shops.

While calmly assessing the other party, Song Chi checked the "Encyclopedia of Star Sea Civilizations and Creatures" stored in the communication bracelet, and soon located information about the other party.

Race name: Ox-headed people

Introduction: The half-orc race is common in the Broken Star Sea. Most of these races are still in the era of tribal primitive civilization.

Racial advantage: advocating force, individual combat power is amazing.

Racial Weaknesses: There is almost no technological development, and everything relies too much on their physical bodies.

Song Chi raised his eyebrows and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that at least one of the ten space gates has landed on a floating land in the Star Sea of unknown grade. It's not bad. At least it's guaranteed that it won't be an air force."

You must know that according to the information he has obtained from many markets in the world, he knows that the space gate delivery platforms have no rules at all. They do not guarantee that they will be placed on a certain star sea floating land, nor that they may appear in the quiet starry sky, the uninhabited asteroid belt, etc.

Therefore, in the previous market opening processes, there were embarrassing situations where no creatures entered at all. Especially during the zero-order market period when there were only ten space gates, the probability was the highest.

While pondering, the zero-level bull-headed man entered the shop where the "Basic Gene Optimization Potion" was displayed. He glanced at the light curtain in the center of the shop that introduced the effects of the gene optimization potion, and the bull-headed man suddenly looked ecstatic.

But soon the look of vigilance returned to his face.

"%@%]/@" He suddenly spoke, and at the same time, Song Chi, who was far away in another shop, also heard the other party's voice in his ears.

There was no doubt on Song Chi's face. What the other party said was not the human language of Xinhuo, but the common language of the Star Sea. As a person who has received higher education for more than 20 years, he can naturally understand it.

The meaning of the other party's words is also very simple: "How to determine the effect of these gene optimization drugs."

Song Chi pondered for a moment, and then with a thought, the message on the light screen in the middle of the Gene Optimization Potion Shop quickly changed and turned into a coherent lingua franca of the Star Sea.

"You can pay a deposit to get tested in person."

Seeing the writing on the light screen, the ox-headed man's face condensed. As an elite warrior of the "Cang Niu" tribe, it still cherished its life. It was naturally unwilling to use this strange medicine personally. Who knows what the so-called genetic optimization agents are: real or fake, toxic or non-toxic?

After some hesitation, there was a sudden commotion outside the market, and the ox-headed man suddenly became anxious. He knew that other creatures had entered the "Heaven's Market".

In desperation, it didn't hesitate any longer, and directly took out "fifty" zero-level life nuclei from its body and pledged them to the shop, then picked up a potion and drank it in one gulp.

The next second, it only felt a huge and gentle heat flow beginning to spread continuously in the body. This heat flow flowed through every inch of its flesh and blood, constantly repairing and transforming every cell in its body. At the same time, severe pain surged from every part of its body, Came everywhere.

Two minutes later, when the ox-headed man opened his eyes again, the light in his eyes could no longer be concealed. He felt the seemingly inexhaustible power in his body and his physical fitness that had nearly doubled. The ox-headed man had never been able to hide his eyes for a moment. I feel so powerful.

After reacting, it spoke quickly.

"I want all the remaining 99 genetic optimization potions."

As he said this, he was about to take out more life nuclei from his body. As an elite warrior of the "Cang Niu" tribe, he had quite a lot of life nuclei in his body.

However, at this time, there was a sound of footsteps behind him, and at the same time, a fluent Xinghai Common Tongue sounded.

"Wait a minute, I also want to buy this genetic optimization potion."

Turning around, I saw that the creature walking into the shop from behind was a creature with an extremely large head. Two tentacles supported their head, which accounted for more than 90% of the body weight, and looked nondescript.

The attitude of this creature is very clear. It also wants to purchase the genetic optimization potion. Although it has not yet tried the effect of the potion, it is not difficult to see from the eager attitude of the ox-headed man that the effect of this genetic optimization potion must be extremely amazing.

At this time, a new message came from the virtual light screen in the middle of the store.

"Each customer can only purchase up to 10 potions at a time."

On the street not far away, there was no information about the big-headed creature from the Xinghai Civilization and Biological Encyclopedia. Song Chi knew clearly that this was a brand-new creature that had never been discovered by human civilization.

But this is not the point. Song Chi regretted it at this time. If he had known that the primary gene optimization potion was so popular, he would have bought an extra batch. The price difference is "five times". Is there any way to get money faster than this?

In desperation, he could only add the stipulation that "a single person can purchase up to ten bottles". Anyway, the quantity is only so much. Instead of selling out all at once, it is better to use it to attract more people.

It didn't surprise him.

After learning about this purchase restriction, the ox-headed creature and the big-headed creature bought ten potions each, and then hurriedly left the market, apparently to summon their fellow creatures.