021 Starry Sky Behemoths and Apocalypse Mechanical Civilization

The Broken Star Sea, the Apocalypse River System, the Falling Whale Star Region, and the void cracks dense zone.

As a well-known restricted area in the powerful territory of Apocalypse Mechanical Civilization, this star field has always been inaccessible.

Tens of thousands of years ago, a war broke out between the "Long-finned Void Whale", the overlord of this star field, and the mechanical legion led by the "Creation" Intelligent Brain of the Apocalypse Civilization.

That battle changed the color of the galaxy, but no creature knew the final result of the battle. They only knew that from then on, the Void Whale Star Territory was changed to the Falling Whale Star Territory by the Apocalypse Civilization, and this star territory also began to be filled with dense space cracks.

For countless years, any creature that dared to enter this star field rashly would eventually be swallowed up by these cracks and completely turn into debris and dust under the ethereal wind.

On this day, a mechanical fleet suddenly broke in, breaking the silence of this star field.

There are not many airships in the fleet. Dozens of large and small warships tightly surround a large flagship and move forward cautiously.

The flagship in the middle of the fleet is greenish-brown all over. The thick greenish-brown armor layer will be firmly covered by a steel behemoth that is a thousand meters long and more than two hundred meters wide. At the bow of the flagship, a rail gun with a diameter of nearly a hundred meters is silently exuding its terrifying intimidation.

"Are you sure that the other party has escaped into this star field?"

In the main control room of the giant steel ship, the silver-armored robot sitting in front of the main control desk spoke coldly.

The energy fluctuations emitted by the silver-armored robot are not strong. They are only of the first level. Compared with the second-level and third-level robots standing behind it, it is hardly worth mentioning. However, for some reason, its status is obviously far higher than them.

"According to the final radar detection results, the opponent's signal was indeed in this star field before the signal finally disappeared."


Before he could finish his words, a prompt tone sounded first.

"Discovered the fluctuations emitted by an unknown space gate, coordinates xxxxx."

The red light in the silver-armored robot's eyes flashed uncertainly, and a few seconds later the command came from its mouth.

"Go over and have a look."

In Heaven's Market, there are less than two hours left before the official end of the market transaction, but the excitement has not diminished at all.

Not only is Song Chi using this to make a profit, but the aliens from the star sea on the other side of the space gate are also doing the same.

After discovering that certain products were sold in the market and could easily be sold for twice or even higher prices, the high-level aliens on the other side of the space gate began to send out a large number of their zero-level aliens to sell these types of materials crazily. Everyone makes a lot of money.

And they, who enjoy it endlessly, will only feel that 24 hours is too short, so how can they be willing to waste a minute and a second?

Song Chi was naturally happy to see the results. After all, he could collect a 10% transaction tax for every batch of materials sold. After more than 20 hours, plus the proceeds from the sale of the genetic optimization potions, he has accumulated a total value of resources exceeding three thousand strands of zero-order floating land origin.

Compared with the 300 strands that were patched together before opening, it has actually increased ten times.

Just when the trading in the market was getting more and more lively, the appearance of a figure was like a stone thrown into the water, causing the originally noisy market to suddenly become silent. Hundreds of creatures of different shapes and races all turned to look at the new figure entering the market.

Although there were originally many types of creatures in the market, without exception, they were all carbon-based life forms with flesh and blood. But now, what came in was a mechanical life form whose entire body was composed of metal parts.

"Machine clan!"

A well-informed foreigner immediately revealed the identity of this mechanical life.

Following closely, the eyes of the aliens flashed with vigilance almost at the same time.

The reputation of the mechanical race in the entire Shattered Star Sea is not low. These mechanical beings are often labeled as crazy and extreme. Therefore, many civilizations and races in the star sea basically keep a distance from the mechanical race.

The red sight swept across the regular light screen at the entrance of the market. This mechanical race, exuding the aura of the zero-level pinnacle, stepped into the market. The flashing red sight swept across all the foreign races present one by one. It seemed that they were searching for something.

Seeing this, there was some commotion among the aliens, but in the end they acquiesced and allowed the machine race to scan the entire market space from the inside out.

Hegemony is all hegemony, but after all, the other party has not touched the rules of the market. In order to seize the last trading time to earn more resources, no creature is willing to take the initiative to stir up trouble and waste their precious time.

During this process, a small episode occurred in a corner that the aliens did not notice. Song suddenly changed from a consumer who kept wandering around to one of the vendors.

In addition to some life proto-nuclei on the stall he set up, what was placed in the middle was the Type ① Floating Continent Origin Core Fusion Body.

Not long after, the mechanical race who had not found their target stopped in front of Song Chi's stall as expected.

Pointing at the Type ① Floating Land Origin Core Fusion Body on the stall, a cold synthetic sound without any emotion came from its body.

"How to trade this rare item of purple quality?"

After hearing this, Song Chi, who had already planned in his mind, immediately responded.

"The purple-level Floating Land Origin Core Fusion Body will only be exchanged for other types of rare items. As long as you can come up with a suitable rare item that satisfies me, you can take this Floating Land Origin Core Fusion Body at any time."

When the words fell, the machine clan did not answer the words. Instead, he turned around and quickly headed towards the market gate.

Countless question marks suddenly popped up in Song Chi's mind, and he thought that his answer was not too much. Could it be that the energy core technology of Apocalypse Mechanical Civilization has made a new breakthrough, and it no longer looks down on the purple wonder-level Floating Land Origin Core?

Just as he was muttering, the machine race that had just left not long ago re-entered the market, followed by more than twenty other zero-level machine races.

The more than twenty mechanical tribesmen who appeared later firmly guarded the previous mechanical tribe, and the level of vigilance was extremely high.

Seeing this scene, Song Chi's mood instantly changed from gloomy to clear. Although his expression did not change, his heart was filled with joy.

The larger the opponent's formation is, the higher the value of the rare items used to trade the floating land's core fusion body. Otherwise, they would never be so wary, which made him look forward to it even more.

As for using the power of the laws of the market to take the initiative to rob, to be honest, Song Chi really had this idea in his heart, and he also knew very well that if he really used the laws of the market secret realm to take action, there would be no chance of missing, but in the end he was still suppressed.

Once such a precedent is set, it is only a matter of time before the reputation of Heaven's Market collapses.