022 Orange Glory Quality Components

There is an old Chinese saying: "If you want others not to know, you have to do it yourself."

Even though the Broken Star Sea is vast, news may not spread once or twice. However, if one wishes to ascend in the future, heavy reliance on Heaven's Market is essential. The number of times one must engage exceeds hundreds of thousands?

If rules are broken today due to momentary greed and the reputation of Heaven's Market is tarnished, the consequences in the future will be unstoppable. Losses will be thousands of times greater than the gains from clever plunder today.

Song Chi, who had lived two lifetimes, naturally would not make such a foolish mistake.

More than twenty fully armed mechanical tribesmen approached Song Chi's stall without hesitation. The one at the front produced a strange object glowing with purple brilliance.

This object resembled an eyeball, emitting a strong purple light but with a gray-green hue. Countless small pupils densely covered it, causing a tingling sensation on one's scalp.

Ignoring its external appearance, Song Chi raised his eyes and quickly discerned the attributes of this strange object:

[Rare Object: The Original Eyes of the Multi-Eyed Tribe]

[Quality: Purple]

[Evolvable: 1 {Soul-Destroying Pupil Cannon}, 2 {Medium-range Soul Wave Detection Radar}]

[Remarks: These exquisite purple objects contain extremely powerful energy.]

After reading the attributes, Song Chi remained calm and shook his head decisively without hesitation.

This decision was not merely superficial; even his heart was undisturbed.

The components derived from the ①-level floating land's original core fusion body were also purple, their properties matching those of the multi-eyed eyeball convertible into a ship-based main gun or patrol radar.

If the other party's offer was solely for this rare item, what purpose would his transaction serve? To exchange a purple engine for a ship-based main gun or patrol radar? Ridiculous.

Song Chi's reaction did not surprise anyone. After being rejected, the machine tribe retrieved the multi-eyed eyeball and brought out another item from the exquisitely crafted portable machine box in hand.

This object emitted an extremely dazzling orange light.

Seeing this striking orange brilliance, a surge of excitement coursed through Song Chi's heart.

Orange-quality rare objects. Such items in the Broken Star Sea were suffixed with "glory". Now, with an orange-quality rare object of glorious quality before him, how could he not be excited?

[Strange Object: Advanced Crystal of Dark Matter Energy]

[Quality: Orange]

[Evolvable: {Dark Matter Energy Shield Generator}]

[Remarks: This unique orange item, composed of extremely pure dark matter energy nurtured for tens of thousands of years, holds astonishing value.]

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Song Chi endeavored not to display any abnormality. At the same time, he secretly resolved to acquire this component, convertible into an orange glory-quality "ship-based energy shield".

"Not enough!"

This sequence of emotions transpired in an instant, yet Song Chi, speaking again, delivered an answer that infuriated all present mechanical tribesmen.

As the red light flashed, the mechanical clan leader spoke once more.

"Orange glory-quality rare items are insufficient. Human, may I conclude that you lack sincerity in negotiating equally?" Song Chi offered no response, donning an indifferent expression.

The reason for Song Chi's confidence lay in his inherent support.

The Level 1 Floating Land Origin Core Fusion Body was indeed a mere purple-quality strange object on the surface. However, relative to carbon-based life, for silicon-based life like the mechanical race, the energy core equated to their heart.

A strange object capable of supplying unlimited energy, with output power far exceeding other energy cores, would undoubtedly drive every mechanical clan to madness.

Thus, while carbon-based lifeforms saw the floating land's original core fusion body as merely purple quality, to every mechanical race, its value surpassed even that of orange-quality rare objects.

Song Chi's demeanor caused the eyes of more than twenty mechanical tribesmen to glow red, ready to take action.

Observing this, Song Chi grew cautious, thoughts racing through his mind. In the next moment, the scene above the entire market transformed: an illusory pupil a hundred meters in diameter swiftly materialized. Simultaneously, over twenty mechanical clans felt an icy gaze lock onto them from top to bottom, an intense death threat enveloping them.

For a moment, nearly a thousand aliens throughout the market were alarmed. Though the giant pupils in the sky were not directed at them, they all broke into cold sweats. Many aliens silently rejoiced that they had refrained from causing trouble earlier.

Only after more than twenty mechanical tribesmen abandoned their intent did calm return to the entire market.

The mechanical clan leader once again departed the market, unable to reach a final decision on Song Chi's asking price.

After some time, the leader returned, this time with a mechanical suitcase in hand.

Approaching Song Chi, the leader opened the brand-new suitcase before him, casting a strong purple light that suddenly illuminated half the stall area.

As the surrounding aliens eyed the six purple wonders within the suitcase, their gazes flickered with intrigue. Yet, recalling the expansive eyes that had recently dissipated, they couldn't help but shudder inwardly, swiftly dispelling any peculiar thoughts that had surfaced.

"In addition to the advanced crystal of dark matter energy, you may select one of these six purple wonders. Should you decline, this transaction shall cease."

Song Chi understood clearly; this represented the maximum offer the prominent figure behind this mechanical group could accept. Should he press for more, the other party might simply depart.

Assuming this, Song Chi refrained from further price increases, meticulously scrutinizing the six purple-quality rare items before him.

With no room left for negotiation, he must select the one among these six purple wonders possessing the highest value and best suitability.

Among the six strange objects, excluding the previous multi-eyed eyeball, two of the remaining five could not be converted into shipboard components of the Xinhuo flying ship, thus initially dismissed by Song Chi. The remaining three were:

[Gathering Stone]

[Ten Thousand Years Star Core Fire]

[Snoke Starship Cannon]

These three rare items could be converted into propellers and shipborne secondary guns, respectively—two types of spacecraft components, all highly valuable. The Ten Thousand Years Star Core Fire was exceptionally rare and could enhance the Fire Seed's quality.