023 Improving The Quality of Fire Seed

Song Chi felt his hands trembling beneath the stall. If the previous orange glory-quality rare items had filled him with endless joy, seeing the Ten Thousand Years Star Core Fire among the three rare objects before him now sent a deep buzz through his heart.

It was the sensation of being overwhelmed with excitement, the mind buzzing with intense stimulation.

In truth, upon seeing the properties of the Ten Thousand Years Star Core Fire, Song Chi had already made his choice. However, to conceal his desire for the "Ten Thousand Years Star Core Fire" from the mechanical clan, he proceeded to feign interest in examining the detailed attributes of each strange object one by one.

[Strange Object: Energy Gathering Stone]

[Quality: Purple]

[Evolvable: {Charged Energy Propeller}]

[Remarks: A strange purple object acquired.]


[Strange Object: Ten Thousand Years Star Core Fire]

[Quality: Purple]

[Evolvable: 1 {Star Core Thermal Engine}, 2 {Fire Seed Upgraded Fire Source}]

[Note: Purple strange object with fire attributes, possessing multiple uses.]


[Rare Item: Snoke Starship Cannon]

[Quality: Purple]

[Evolvable: {Snoke Star Cannon}]

[Remarks: A starship gun left behind by the ancient civilization of Snoke, after a long period of refinement, finally became a purple marvel.]

It must be said that besides the Star Core Fire, the other two strange objects boasted excellent attributes. Yet, they failed to sway Song Chi's inner resolve in the least.

Seeing that everything was nearly settled, Song Chi wasted no time. He directly chose the [Ten Thousand Years Star Core Fire] alongside the [Advanced Dark Matter Energy Crystal] to finalize the deal.

After acquiring the [Level 1 Floating Land Origin Core Fusion Body], the mechanical tribe wasted no time and swiftly departed from Heaven's Market.

Before long, amid Song Chi's tumultuous thoughts, this first market transaction officially drew to a close.

In unison, the myriad alien races of the star sea raised their heads as the market sky surged, eight characters inscribed in the air.

"The sea of stars is boundless, destined to meet again."

Ten seconds later, amidst the despondent emotions of the aliens, a potent repulsive force acted upon all creatures still lingering in the market.

In an instant, a whirl ensued, accurately teleporting all beings back to their original positions before entering the market.

Within Heaven's Market, once the structures emptied, silence enveloped the market abruptly. Song Chi had no time to lament. He took stock of the resources in his possession and promptly summoned the Sky.

A few minutes later, Song Chi stepped into the Sky with a contented expression.

Following a preliminary inventory, the total value of his current resources approached 4,000 strands of zero-level floating land source. Accounting for the modest expenditure on upgrading the market earlier, he netted a profit of 3,700 strands of zero from this market transaction, alongside three strange objects.

The white [Adamantine Rough Stone], the purple [Ten Thousand Years Star Core Fire], and the orange [Advanced Dark Matter Energy Crystal].

Within the Sky, as he boarded the shuttle, the colorless fire hull inside began quietly transforming the three strange objects in his possession.

Upon completion of their transformation, the properties of these three strange objects underwent significant changes.

**Jinyan Hull Armor lv0**

Quality: White

Consumption: 3/s

Protection: 13

Upgrade Requirement: 5 strands of Floating Land Source (Level 0), 500 energy points, 1 ton of fine gold. ...

**Fire Seed Upgraded Fire Source (Ten Thousand Years Star Core Fire)**

Effect: Enhances the Fire Seed's quality by one level upon incorporating the colorless fire seed.

Note: An extremely rare fire, beneficial for fire seeds, holding immense allure for low-quality fire captains.


**Dark Matter Energy Shield Generator lv0**

Quality: Orange

Features: Increases shield value by an additional 40%.

Feature 2: Doubles shield protection value.

Consumption: 10/s

Protection: 38

Shield Value: 532/532

Charge: 30s; 1-hour buffering after overload.

Upgrade Requirement: 10 strands of Floating Land Origin (Level 0), 1000 energy points, 1 ton of mercury crystals.

Setting aside the two shipborne components, Song Chi promptly infused the nether energy within him, unlocking the Xinhuo Ancestral Aperture and absorbing the star core fire into it.

As known, fire rare items capable of enhancing Fire Seed quality must be of at least purple quality. White and blue-level rare fire items, like other fire sources, cannot aid the Fire Seed in any way.

While this Ten Thousand Years Star Core Fire could only be considered a basic purple upgraded fire source, it could elevate a colorless fire seed to white. Top-grade purple fire sources could elevate it to blue, but these were even rarer.

Nevertheless, Song Chi remained impatient. At this juncture, the Ten Thousand Years Star Core Fire sufficed entirely for him.

Upon entering the Xinhuo Ancestral Aperture, the fire seed sensed the powerful attraction of the fire source, driving its instinct for advancement to consume and merge with the Ten Thousand Years Star Core Fire swiftly.

This merging process spanned about ten minutes. Upon completion, the once colorless fire seed transformed into blazing white, the color of the dark fire seed now entirely changed.

With the fire seed's transformation from colorless to white completed, Song Chi, initially fatigued, felt rejuvenated. All expended energy returned in a rush, while the blessing of the white fire seed solidified his mental strength, rendering it more robust and stable.

Human civilization's fire seeds not only imparted psionic energy but also offered protective and blessing effects for the mind. The higher the fire seed's quality, the stronger these effects.

Shielded by the Xinhuo Seed, members of the Xinhuo human civilization enjoyed innate advantages when facing soul-like alien races in the star sea.

Moreover, upgrading the colorless fire seed to white meant that the Sky upper limit ascended from the initial first level to the second. The enhancement level cap for various ship components carried was now boosted from lv19 to lv29.

Furthermore, there was an increase in the number of special part slots. Originally bound to the Colorless Fire Seed, the Fire Ship could only add two slots every five levels, now capable of adding four.

Viewed holistically, this marked a comprehensive enhancement.

Following the fire seed's quality enhancement, Song Chi redirected his focus to the two foundational components.

Without hesitation, he replaced the standard hull armor and psionic shield, fitting in two new parts and subsequently fortifying them.

Aside from the white Jinyan Hull Armor, Song Chi's primary target for enhancement remained the Dark Matter Energy Shield Generator components.

Having acquired a batch of mercury crystals from the prior market transaction, these were best suited for reinforcement.

[Do you wish to spend 10 strands of zero-level floating land source + 1000 nether energy points + 1 ton of mercury crystals to upgrade the Dark Matter Energy Shield Generator from lv0 to lv1?]


Seconds later, Song Chi successfully elevated the [Dark Matter Energy Shield Generator] component to level 10.

A total of 420 strands of zero-level floating land source and 60 tons of mercury crystals were expended.

In terms of floating land origin, this equated to 1020 strands of zero-order floating land origin if all calculations were considered.