024 A new round of ship and market enhancements

Originally, Song Chi didn't plan to stop, but the resource consumption of strengthening the orange glory-quality parts was truly frightening. Even though he had just earned nearly 4,000 strands of zero-level floating land origin not long ago, he still couldn't afford such extravagance.

For enhancements beyond the first level, the resources required for each level become even more exorbitant. Considering the initial price of the first-level floating land source, it often requires 400 strands of zero-level floating land source just to begin. Currently, Song Chi simply couldn't afford further strengthening. After all, he still needed to reinforce other components and reserve a batch of starting funds for the second market transaction a month later.

Moreover, the first-level floating continent origin in his possession was insufficient. Unlike zero-level floating continent origin, the number of floating continent origins decreases dramatically from first level upwards. Most star sea floating land cores in the Broken Star Sea, including those from killing floating land creatures in alien star regions, only yield zero-level floating land sources.

As known, higher-level Star Sea Floating Land is extremely rare. Over 90% of the Star Sea Floating Land in the Broken Star Sea are unclassified or level 1 floating land. Like the White Tower Floating Land, it is merely a level 1 floating land with a life form, yet its value is highest among all level 1 floating land.

Fortunately, the level 1 enhanced Dark Matter Energy Shield Generator still performed admirably, boasting properties far superior to the previously enhanced Psionic Energy Shield, now at level 10.

Dark Matter Energy Shield Generator lv10

Quality: Orange

Features: Additional 60% shield value

Feature 2: Doubled shield protection value

Consumption: 40/s (psi energy points)

Protection: 380

Shield Value: 6080/6080

Charging: 20s; buffer after overload: 40 minutes

Required for upgrade: 20 strands of floating land origin (level 1), 5000 nether energy points, 20 tons of mercury crystals

The shield value alone is six times that of the previous psionic shield, showcasing the power of orange-quality components.

Originally, after the dark matter energy shield generator, the plan was to upgrade the white-quality Jinyan hull armor. However, as another defensive spacecraft component, the orange glory-quality energy shield takes precedence. Strengthening the hull armor is not urgent, at least not in the short term.

Thus, Song Chi took the opportunity to turn his attention to the Psionic Engine. With the high energy consumption of the orange-quality energy shield, it was imperative to upgrade the Psionic Engine beyond its current level 7. The dark matter energy shield generator consumes up to 40 psionic energy points per second, while the lv7 Psionic Energy Engine only supplies 27 energy points per second.

For Song Chi, who valued his life greatly and aimed to maintain the Sky's energy shield at all times, this was simply unacceptable.

Within seconds, he upgraded the Psionic Engine to level 14.

Nether Energy Engine lv14

Quality: Colorless

Consumption: 8/s (psi energy points)

Energy supply: 68/s (psionic energy points)

Buffer after overload: 20 minutes

Nether Energy Pool: 5000 points (can store 5000 points of Nether Energy)

Required for upgrade: 140 strands of floating land origin (zero level), 2300 nether energy points, 70 life cores (zero level)

At this strengthened level, it could barely maintain a balance between supply and consumption during Sky's component overloads.

However, this resulted in another reduction of nearly 400 strands of zero-level floating land origin from Song Chi's resources.

(Note: The market exchange rate between first-level floating land source and zero-level floating land source is 1:10.)

With only 2,600 strands of zero-level floating land origin left in his possession, Song Chi, who initially wanted to invest more in the white Fire Ship body and the Fire Sun Terracotta Tree, ultimately abandoned this idea.

After all, the two newly installed parts were basic components and did not require special slots. The lv1 Fire Sun Terracotta Warrior was completely sufficient for the time being. The primary concern was preparing for another major resource acquisition.

A portion of the price-differential minerals acquired in the market were stored aboard the Shuttle for future sale on the black market, after which Song Chi took Sky into the Xinhuo Ancestral Aperture.

At the far end of the Heaven's Market, Song Chi began further upgrading the market.

He first spent 300 strands of zero-level Floating Land Origin to elevate the market from lv5 to lv9.

[Name: Heaven's Market]

[Market Owner: Song Chi]

[Level: lv9]

[Specifications: 460m A lv0 Nether Energy Protection Array and a lv0 Ultra-Long Range Space Gate Random Delivery Platform.]

[Additional Configuration: None (0/4)]

[Characteristics: Evades Malice (can move freely in void, evading natural disasters)]

[Required for Upgrade: 200 strands of Floating Continent Source (Level 0), market transaction volume of 10,000 strands of Floating Continent Source (Level 0), and three market transactions (1/3) initiated by oneself]

The lv9 Heaven's Market expanded further, with enhancements to shops, free stall areas, and inns. Alongside the comprehensive training room, Nether Energy Protection Array, and Ultra-Long Range Space Door Random Delivery Platform.

Another surprising revelation for Song Chi was the requirement to elevate Heaven's Market to lv10, which included an additional number of market openings. The conditions were not stringent, but it would be impossible to upgrade the market level again in the short term.

The comprehensive training room for all attributes and the ultra-long-range space door random delivery platform were concurrently improved.

After advancing to lv9, a total of 900 strands of zero-level floating land essence were consumed, greatly enhancing both attributes.

[Name: All-Attribute Training Room]

[Level: lv9]

[Effect: Accelerates practice speed by 290% for zero-level creatures in the training room. Increases psionic energy practice speed by 580% for practitioners.]

[Required for Upgrade: Market level lv10, 150 strands of floating land source (zero level)]


[Name: Ultra-Remote Space Door Random Delivery Platform]

[Level: lv9]

[Effect: Activates 19 space gates for entry and exit in the market, randomly positioned in the Broken Star Sea. Each gate lasts 24 hours with a 720-hour buffer.]

[Required for Upgrade: Market level lv10, 150 strands of floating land source (zero level)]

Though the resource consumption was staggering, the results were commendable.

While practicing the Nether Energy Guidance Technique in the lv9 All-Attribute Training Room, the amplification effect reached an astonishing 580%.

It's worth noting that even at the same level, the exclusive psionic training platform on the Xinhuo Flying Ship only increases efficiency by 290%. Seeing this data, Song Chi completely dismissed the idea of reinforcing the Psionic Energy Training Platform on Sky; the all-attribute training room offered far superior benefits.

As for the lv9 Ultra-Remote Space Door Random Delivery Platform, increasing the number of space doors from 10 to 19 meant that during his second market transaction, more aliens would visit, further boosting income.

With about 1,400 strands of zero-level floating land resources remaining in his possession, Song Chi carefully deliberated but ultimately refrained from further strengthening the Jinyan Hull Armor, which had yet to be reinforced.

A portion of emergency resources needed to be reserved for his second exploration of the alien space in twenty-eight days, and another portion for the second market transaction in thirty days.

With only 1,400 strands of zero-level floating land origin remaining, it was somewhat limited. If spent recklessly, the outcome of his second exploration of the alien star field might seriously affect subsequent market transaction earnings. Stable income was paramount; there was no need to gamble.

Not rushing to experience the rapid growth rate of the all-attribute training room, Song Chi withdrew from Heaven's Market.