035 Gold-Eating Vine·Crystal of Life

Seeing this, the black vine that was chasing seemed to be completely enraged, and the frequency of its attacks became more and more alarming. At the same time, Song Chi also noticed that the sharp barbs on the vine seemed to have changed.

A faint golden brilliance flickered among them, making these looming barbs even more horrifying. As the golden light circulated, the surrounding starry sky seemed to have a faint sense of distortion.

Song Chi's eyes narrowed, and he instinctively felt something was wrong, but before he could react, the black vines mixed with golden light struck again.


Violent waves suddenly appeared on the dark matter energy shield, far exceeding the previous movements.

Correspondingly, the shield value of the dark matter energy shield was reduced by more than 400 points, nearly one-fifteenth of the total shield value.

"Is it the armor-piercing effect?"

The dark matter energy shield generator component itself has defensive attributes. Generally speaking, external attacks need to be reduced by this defensive attribute before acting on the energy shield. The same was true for previous attacks.

But after the golden light emerged, the attacks of these black vines were obviously strengthened several times, and Song Chi could only think of the effect of breaking armor.

Seeing that there were more than 4,000 shield points left, Song Chi gritted his teeth and resisted the urge to react. Even with the blessing of the armor-piercing effect, the Sky could still hold on for a while. He wanted to see whether the opponent's body would be revealed first, or the Sky's energy shield would be broken first.

After a short period of charging, the nether energy main gun fired for the second time.

This shot still failed to penetrate the fragmented rock formation, but judging from the increasingly frenzied attack pattern of the black vines, Song Chi was more certain of his inner guess.

After that, the previous operation was repeated. Two minutes later, when the fourth nether energy main gun attack fell, the rock pit below was finally completely penetrated. Through the hole with a diameter of about three meters, high in the sky, Song Chi finally saw the true face of the "starry sky plant" hidden in the core of the fragment.

The thick main vine, with a diameter of nearly one meter and a length of nearly fifty meters, was covered with two completely different colors. The lower half was a light golden color, and the upper half was a familiar pitch black.

After quickly checking the "Encyclopedia of Alien Civilizations and Creatures in the Broken Star Sea," Song Chi identified the origin of this "starry sky plant."

Well... to be more precise, it is not a star plant, but a special floating land plant: the Gold-Eating Vine.

The Gold-Eating Vine is a very special kind of floating land plant. It is mostly rooted in various large-scale metal veins, absorbing the metal gas in the veins to grow stronger. Once it matures, it has terrifying destructive and offensive power.

After recognizing the Gold-Eating Vine, Song Chi felt a little relieved. Fortunately, it was a Gold-Eating Vine and not a real star sea plant like the Star-Eating Vine. Otherwise, it would probably be far beyond the peak of the first level, and the Sky's fate would be predictable.

As a type of floating land plant, no matter how special the Gold-Eating Vine is, it cannot escape the essence of a floating land plant.

The fundamental reason why floating land plants are called floating land plants is that they do not have the ability to grow infinitely in the starry sky. Therefore, it is not that the Gold-Eating Vine happens to be at the peak of the first level, but that under special circumstances, it can only evolve to the peak of the first level.

Otherwise, the outer fragment would no longer be able to accommodate it, and once it leaves the shelter of the fragment's core, the special environment of the outer starry sky would kill it.

This is also the reason why, when the Furious Tiger mining truck tried to dig up this piece of debris and destroy the environment it relied on for survival, its reaction was so intense. After clarifying the specific situation, the next response naturally became simple. The Sky was still suspended in the sky, firing its main gun from time to time, and the seven Fire Sun Terracotta Warriors began to rush into the fragmented core one after another to damage the enemy. Thousands of self-inflicted injuries, constantly consuming this Gold-Eating Vine.

About an hour later, when only three of the seven warriors were left, the Gold-Eating Vine in the core of the fragment below completely lost its life energy fluctuations.

The floating land fragment had been blasted open, and the starry sky matter continuously pouring into the core of the fragment was constantly eroding the vine. Coupled with the suicidal attacks of seven Fire Sun warriors, this Gold-Eating Vine, which should have had a very tenacious life force, died in the starry sky.

Seeing this, Song Chi still did not choose to take action himself, but asked the remaining three Fire Sun Terracotta Warriors to clean up the battlefield.

A few minutes later, Song Chi, who now had a green crystal core the size of a fist in his hand, finally found the specific information about the crystal core obtained from the Gold-Eating Vine in the information database.

Name: Crystal of Life

Level: Peak of the first level

Effect: It can be used to accelerate the growth of various types of herbs, tree species, and other special plant life, shortening their growth cycle.

Attachment: Commonly found in plant life forms of the same order.

The value of this Crystal of Life is quite good. It is worth about dozens of strands of the first-order floating land source, which is about hundreds of strands of the zero-order floating land source.

Song Chi was very satisfied with this. Although it took a little more time, he still had a corresponding harvest. Even if it was not as good as the thousand tons of fine gold mine before, it was still worth the number of other zero-level fire flying ships. The benefits of sub-star exploration.

He retrieved the Furious Tiger mining truck. In the previous battle, the mining truck was also the key target of the Gold-Eating Vine. At this moment, the damage to the truck's body reached 30%. It is inevitable that the efficiency of the follow-up work will be greatly reduced, but Song Chi will not throw it away like this.

After returning, he would send it to a repair shop for repairs, and it could still be used in the future. After all, it cost millions of credits, and it had just paid off.

Just when he packed these things and was about to start the engine and leave, the on-board intelligence of the Furious Tiger mining truck in the cabin issued another prompt.

"The radiation reaction of the 'Phantom Crystal Ore' was detected below, and it is initially estimated to be over one hundred tons."

Upon hearing this prompt, Song Chi quickly turned off the engine that was about to restart and reopened the shuttle door.

Phantom Crystal is an extremely special resource for strengthening the fire ship. Although it is not a resource required by designation, even if it is not available, the airship can be freely strengthened. However, this does not affect its high value at all.

It is said that as long as an appropriate amount of Phantom Crystals are added when strengthening the "ship armor" components, the stealth performance of the Xinhuo airship itself can be improved. If enough Phantom Crystals are added, whether it is the naked eye of a creature of the same level or a battleship of the same level, shipborne radars will find it difficult to detect.

It is precisely because of this special effect that the value of Phantom Crystal remains high not only in the strong areas of Xinhuo Human Civilization, but also in the entire Shattered Star Sea.

As far as Song Chi knows, in the Xinhuo Human Civilization Strong Area, the market price of Phantom Crystal has reached 1 ton and 5 strands of first-order Floating Continent Origin.