036 Conditions for airship promotion to airship

If there really are more than a hundred tons of Phantom Crystal reserves deep in the star core below, then this will definitely be an extremely huge harvest.

One ton is worth 5 strands of first-order floating land source. One hundred tons is 500 strands. Converted to zero-level floating land source, that is 5,000 strands. For a nether energy shuttle, it is an astonishing amount no matter how you look at it.

With a faint excitement, Song Chi put on the exoskeleton device, but even so, after getting out of the shuttle, he still felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart. It is difficult for ordinary life forms at the zero level to adapt to the starry sky. This is a special environment, and it still has the blessing of exoskeleton armor and his own guidance level; otherwise, it would be more serious.

The Sky was absorbed into the Xinhuo Ancestral Aperture immediately, and then he quickly took the remaining three Fire Sun Terracotta Warriors, followed the hole in the ground, and entered the core area of the fragments under his feet.

The diameter of the fragments is only about tens of meters, so the inner core space is naturally not large. The staggering length of the Gold-Eating Vines piled up in the corner makes this place that is not spacious seem even more crowded.

Even if the Furious Tiger mining truck successfully came in, it would be difficult to work, let alone the mining truck still in the cabin of the Sky. If you want to release it, you must first summon the seven-meter-long Sky from the Xinhuo Ancestral Aperture between the eyebrows, which is impossible.

In this regard, Song Chi could only order the three Fire Sun Terracotta Warriors to hold special drilling shovels and manually start further excavation and exploration.

Not long after, the Fire Sun Terracotta Warriors successfully discovered a brand new ore, which was the Phantom Crystal, a few meters from the bottom of a small excavation pit.

In response, Song Chi patted his forehead and made a mental note to himself to avoid making such low-level mistakes in the future.

To avoid the Gold-Eating Vine, he had some back-up plans, and he could not be exposed to the external starry sky environment for long, so he only asked the Fire Sun Terracotta Warriors to come down and clean it up. In fact, except for the Crystal of Life, several Fire Sun Terracotta Warriors also mined tens of tons of ordinary fine gold.

Based on this, he finally came in for a casual inspection and exited without finding anything missing. However, he did not expect that there was a larger amount of Phantom Crystals hidden deeper under the dozens of tons of fine gold.

Without the reminder from the prospecting instrument and the on-board intelligence, this magical crystal would obviously have been missed by him.

The follow-up arrangements were naturally very simple. At least more than a hundred tons of Phantom Crystals are impossible to mine manually. By the time of return in more than ten hours, half of them might not be mined.

Song Chi also had a plan to deal with this. He did not stay in the core space for too long. After returning to the fragmented surface with three Fire Sun Terracotta Warriors, he summoned the Sky and the Furious Tiger mining truck, and then issued instructions to the on-board intelligence to dig all the way down.

Since the original core space of the fragment cannot summon a mining vehicle, wouldn't it be enough to just open a larger entrance from the surface and enter it?

Leaving this mining truck to work here, Song Chi drove the Sky back to the fragment where the first Furious Tiger mining truck was. A few hours later, thousands of tons of fine gold had been mined, and batches were mined using the Sky. After collecting all the fine gold ore into the market, he took the intact mining vehicle back along the same route.

The working efficiency of the second mining vehicle had dropped significantly. Song Chi was not sure whether it could mine all the Phantom Crystals before returning tomorrow. He still felt that it would be safer to replace it with this undamaged mining vehicle.

The next day, half an hour before returning, Song Chi took the damaged mining vehicle around for more than ten hours, and harvested one or two hundred strands of zero-level floating land source minerals. Finally, he drove the Sky back.

After collecting all the 112 tons of Phantom Crystals that had been mined into the Sky, he began to wait quietly.

An hour later, Song Chi and Chen Lixia got off their fireships at the gate of Dongjiang Community. The Pentium III speed car at home was currently in use by the Song Dynasty, so even if it was a bit high-profile, the two of them could only drive their own fireship back. It was too troublesome to call a car.

His mother, Chen Lixia's ship, is a psionic airship named "Dragonfly." It seems to have been decades since she was promoted from shuttle to airship. The current level of the airship is stuck at lv19, which is only one step away from the second level.

But don't look at the small difference of only 1 level; there is a huge difference. This small 1 level is like a chasm that has blocked the lives of countless Xinhuo captains.

To upgrade from a psionic airship to a second-level "guard-class" psionic airship requires not only certain special resources, but also personal exploration of foreign lands to kill creatures from alien civilizations that exceed one's own level, and bathe in the power of alien races. Blood.

It is said that when an airship is upgraded to an airship, the success rate is frighteningly low. The initial success rate is only 1%. However, investing in specific rare strengthening resources can increase the success rate to about 10%. If you want to increase the success rate later, you must kill aliens during the exploration of the alien star field and baptize the shuttle with the blood of the aliens.

The more aliens you kill, the higher the level of the alien blood, and the greater the success rate of improvement.

"Mom, what is the success rate of Dragonfly's promotion now?"

Chen Lixia pursed her lips and gave an answer that Song Chi found unacceptable.

"Twenty-four percent."

"Less than a quarter? How can it be so low?"

Song Chi frowned. It was okay to advance from level 0 to level 1. As long as the resources were sufficient and luck was not too bad, he could basically advance successfully.

However, the promotion of the nether energy airship to the nether energy airship is different. Once the advanced mission is started, there is only one year of preparation time.

In the next year, the captain needs to do his best to improve this success rate, whether it is investing rare resources or entering alien star fields to hunt alien races. In short, after one year, the airship will start an advanced attempt, and the success rate The higher the airship, the greater the chance of advancing to the airship (second level), and vice versa.

Chen Lixia started the advanced mission five months ago. Nearly half of a year had passed. Originally, he thought that with the help of his father, he should be able to increase it to more than 30% or even 40%. After all, his father's seat had been advanced to the second level for more than ten years, but he never expected that it was only 24%.

Chen Lixia rolled her eyes at her son.

"Do you think it is so easy for a nether energy airship to advance to a nether energy airship? If the success rate could really be improved so easily, there are more than 20 million people in Jiangyuan City, and there are currently tens of thousands of registered fire airships. Would the number of second-level nether energy airships be only a few dozen?"

Song Chi was speechless for a moment, but the worry in his eyes never faded.

Judging from the current progress, if there is no big opportunity, after the one-year preparation period, his mother's Dragonfly upgrade success rate is probably about 30% at most.

This success rate was naturally extremely high for an ordinary Xinhuo captain, but Song Chi still couldn't accept it.

It is common knowledge in human civilization that all Xinhuo airships have only one chance to advance each time. There is no such thing as trying again after failure. Once the advancement fails, the Xinhuo airship will sink completely.