
under the radar

The next morning, as Li-Jie dropped Mei-Yin off at her apartment, he reminded her gently, "Think about what I said. Please."

Mei-Yin nodded, her mind racing. She spent the rest of the day mulling over his words, trying to reconcile her feelings. That evening, she confided in Xiao Hong.

"Xiao Hong, I'm so confused," Mei-Yin admitted, her voice trembling. "Li-Jie wants another chance"

Xiao Hong, always the voice of reason, sat down beside her. "Mei-Yin, you need to protect your heart. But if you believe he's sincere and you still have feelings for him, maybe it's worth giving him another chance. Just set clear boundaries."

Mei-Yin couldn't sleep that night, but she had already made up ner mind.

The following day, Mei-Yin marched into Li-Jie's office, her resolve firm. "Li-Jie, I'll give you a chance, but on two conditions," she began, her tone steady.

Li-Jie looked up, hopeful. "Name them."

"First, you won't break my heart. And second, our relationship stays under the radar. I don't want public attention."

Li-Jie nodded, his expression earnest. "I promise, Mei-Yin. I'll do everything I can to keep you safe and happy."

With that agreement, their relationship began to blossom in secret. They exchanged flirty glances in meetings, stole moments together in quiet corners, and shared lunches in hidden spots. The staff remained oblivious, and for a month, they enjoyed their private romance, filled with whispered words and stolen kisses.

One evening, Li-Jie was summoned by his father, who lay on his sickbed. "Li-Jie, there's a business deal that requires you to date the partner's daughter," his father said, his voice weak but determined.

"Dad, I can't. I'm in love with someone," Li-Jie protested, his heart aching.

His father's eyes softened. "Son, this deal is crucial for the company's future. Please, for my sake and the company's, just meet her." Li-Jie stormed out of the room angry, but he knew he didn't have any choice.

The dinner reservation was set, and as he walked into the restaurant, he was shocked to see Jane, his friend from college in America, waiting for him. Paparazzi swarmed outside, capturing every moment.

Jane's father, beaming with joy, announced, "They're officially together." Li-Jie's parents and Jane looked happy, but Li-Jie felt a crushing weight of guilt and sadness for Mei-Yin.

Back in college, Jane had harbored a crush on Li-Jie. They were friends because he respected her intelligence and beauty, and she had once helped him with something that saved his life. Jane's signals of affection had always been mistaken for friendship by Li-Jie.

The news of Li-Jie's new relationship spread like wildfire. Women across China were heartbroken, including Mei-Yin, who learned about it from Xiao Hong.

"Mei-Yin, have you seen the news?" Xiao Hong asked, showing her the headlines.

Mei-Yin's heart shattered as she read the announcement. She felt betrayed and devastated. Despite her resolve to keep a low profile, she found herself confronting Li-Jie at his office.

"Why, Li-Jie? Why did you lie to me?" she demanded, her voice choked with tears.

"Mei-Yin, I didn't want this. My father's health, the company's future… I had no choice," he tried to explain, but his words felt hollow.

"Choices have consequences, Li-Jie. And now, I'm the one paying the price," Mei-Yin replied, her voice breaking as she turned to leave.

In the days that followed, Mei-Yin threw herself into her work, trying to forget the pain. Li-Jie, on the other hand, was miserable without her. He realized that he couldn't live without Mei-Yin and decided to beg for her forgiveness.

One evening, he waited outside her apartment, hoping for a chance to talk. When she finally appeared, he stepped forward, his eyes filled with remorse. "Mei-Yin, please, I need to talk to you."

Mei-Yin hesitated but then nodded. "Alright. Talk."

"I made a mistake, and I'm so sorry. I can't stand being without you. Please, forgive me," he pleaded, his voice raw with emotion.

Mei-Yin looked at him, her heart torn. "Li-Jie, I loved you, and you broke my trust. I don't know if I can ever forgive you."

"I understand. But please, give me a chance to make things right," he begged.

Taking a deep breath, Mei-Yin replied, "I'll need time, Li-Jie. This isn't something that can be fixed overnight."

Li-Jie nodded, grateful for even a glimmer of hope. "I'll wait, as long as it takes."

As Mei-Yin walked back inside, she felt a sense of closure. The future was uncertain, but she knew she needed to focus on herself and her happiness. And while Li-Jie's journey to redemption had just begun, Mei-Yin's path to healing and self-discovery continued.