One week anniversary.

Jessica stared at Ariel unbelievably. She was take aback that a guy of Daniel's caliber could be lured into reading fictions.

He was more like the cool gamer.

"You gotta be kidding me." Jessica cleaned her ears as if she had a problem hearing.

"Am serious sweetheart. And I picked the book." Ariel smirked provocatively at a surprise Jessica.

"You're just bluffing."

"You know me better than that jess, I don't bluff. You could ask him if you want to." Ariel shrugged nonchalantly.

"I can't believe so much has happened in less than two days. Are you guys seriously into each other?" Jessica asked curiously. "As the spirit leads baby." Ariel replied as she ordered more coffee.

"The coffee here is just too good." Ariel commented as she lowered her head trying her best to contain her giggle.


"Give me a hundred reasons not to love Tatiana manaois." Ariel said over the phone smiling from ear to ear. All she had done this past few days was communicating with Daniel.

It has been five days since their first date and for Ariel, it has been one of the most colourful days of her life.

Don't get her wrong though, not like her life wasn't colourful before, but with Daniel it just made more sense. He was smart, he had an interesting sense of humor, he dedicated his time to her and he wasn't weird at all. If anyone had told her five days ago that she was going to get attached to a guy within five days she would have laughed the shit out of her.

But here she was, laughing over the phone and willing to share her everyday day experience with a guy she barely knows.

"Do you really want me to give you a hundred reasons? Cause I'd get you shocked." Daniel humored with a small laugh.

"Bro!? What the hell is wrong with you? Why wouldn't you love Tatiana? I get your a boy and all, and it would kinda be weird to see my boyfriend listening to Tatiana on his own accord, but trust me, if you ever get heart broken, I'd be willing to assist you with my playlist without any charges. I will recommend a lot for your healing therapy." Ariel joked.

"I appreciate the fact that you also think is weird for a guy to listen to Tatiana but why the fuck are you calling me bro? And trust me no one can break my heart."

"Owwww. You think your so mighty huh? Trust me when I say, love is going to shatter you eventually. Is better to let little people in than let a lot who are just going to come and leave as there please."

"You still didn't address the fact that you called me 'bro'. And I don't think am mighty and all, I just think no one out there is capable of hurting me. No offence though. And oh, I noticed you preach about love every chance you get and although I notice those books you read have a huge role to play in it but your looking like one who falls easily." Daniel stated.

"Sorry. I am used to calling people guy or bro, but your a guy right? I hope I'd be alive when you finally find one who hurts you. Not like am wishing for you to get hurt or something, but you were the same guy who told me hurt was inevitable. And how would you know I fall easily?" Ariel address everything he said making sure she didn't skip a detail.

"You could called me anything but bro or guy Ariel. That's the point. Hurt is inevitable, and I for one has gotten hurt before, that is the first and the last time I would get hurt. And I have a talent Ariel, I tend to know people only after hanging out with them for sometime. Not to brag but I know your smiling right now and guess who is responsible for that smile?" Daniel shameless brag thinking he knows a lot. But he did know a lot.

Ariel wished to tell him badly she wasn't smiling but when she touched her face, she discovered her lips had betrayed her and she was indeed smiling. 'Damn you rebellious lips.' She cursed inwardly.

"Stop acting like you know a lot about me Daniel. But I would give it to you on this one though, am indeed smiling and yes, I do get attached but that's not all to it. I can also bet that you have a smile playing on your lip right now and of course I alone is responsible for that smile. Secondly, even if I get attached, I have this gift of adapting to things real quick. Am an over thinker and as much as I hate it, it does come with it's own benefit. I get to read things before it happens. Am a reader of peoples attitude. If I see am not wanted where I am no more I leave. I tend to come to the fact quickly that people are getting fed up of me. Unless I want to ignore the writings on the wall and for that I have to be really down for that person which rarely happens. And also, being a fictional person, almost everything in real world have a similarity with that in fiction making me one step ahead."

"Fuck me. Did I just listened to all this?" Daniel exclaimed laughing.

"Yes you did Daniel." Ariel follow suit laughing not taking any offence.

"Ariel?" Daniel called out.


"How did our discussion about Tatiana lead to all this?" Daniel asked with a little touch of amazement in his voice.

"I don't know Dan, when it comes to you, our conversations really have no limit." Ariel laughed.

"And why is that?"

"Because i am Ariel and you are Daniel."

"Your simple reply tends to Make so much sense to me." Daniel chuckled.



"Today is the sixth day we have known each other isn't it?"

"It is. Wait-Just six days? Why does it feels like forever?"

"I was also wondering why."

"So what are you going to get me for our one week anniversary." Daniel joked.

"We ain't even a couple." Ariel said rolling her eyes.


"Yet?" Ariel asked back

"Yes. Yet."

Not knowing what to say, Ariel replied with a simple "oh".

"I started reading your book though." Daniel diverted the topic smoothly.

"And?" Ariel asked expectantly.

"Although I hate to admit it, it has engrossed me." Daniel confessed.