What if I had already lure him.

Ariel's eyes widened in surprise as she gazed at Jessica. She was taken aback by Jessica's words.

Or maybe it was her lack of sleep last night that started affecting her hearing. For the first time in forever, she stayed up all night, and surprisedly, it wasn't because she was chatting with Jessica or pearl, she was actually chatting with a boy!

When pearl, her long distance online friend had ask her why she wasn't replying quickly as usual, she had told her she was in what people called the 'talking stage' in a relationship. She had ignored her novels and devoted her time to Daniel. She was astonished at herself.

Was she really going to pick a guy she had just met over her novels? Maybe not. But she had told herself she would end the conversion after thirty minutes but who knew Cupid had another plan for her? Jessica was right! Daniel came with a whole lot of vibes and she just didn't want their conversation to end.

She had continually added extra thirty minutes when the first time limit she had given to herself had elapsed. But who knew Daniel had many tricks up his sleeves? He would send her about fifteen messages at once leaving her with no chance to reply others or sneak out for a chapter.

Not like she was complaining though, she loved his vibes and she could still feel her cheeks hurting from all the smiling she had done last night.

She had to say, she was indeed smitten. In less than twenty four hours Daniel was on her top chat list. Even after spending the evening with him, they talked all night long as if they were acquaintance to each other for a long time. She didn't quite understand how they never run out of what to say, their conversation just flowed naturally.

To Ariel, it just felt like it was meant to be.

If she where to be asked what they had discussed she wouldn't be able to say any thing because their conversation had flowed in different directions.

"What the fuck Ariel! Why did you spit out your coffee!? Didn't you guys spend the whole night talking? How could you not see this coming? And besides your being dramatic. You have nothing to lose out of this, am kind of the one on the losing end." Jessica grunted remembering she had to feed a pig for one month.

"How did you know we spent the whole night talking?" Ariel asked eyeing Jessica suspiciously.

"You are smarter than this babe. Of course you don't need to be told to know that we have been talking about you." Jessica smiled provokingly.

"Of course you guys are. Anyways, I have a feeling Daniel isn't an ordinary guy." Ariel stated her fear.

"You're over thinking it. He just happened to be lucky enough to have a rich friend."

"He told you that too?"

"He did."

"I think there is more to it." She argued.

"Ain't you just hanging out with him for some weeks? Does it really matters? Don't ruin this. Just enjoy it while you can." Jessica advised.

"What if it's not just for few weeks?" Ariel smirked.

"OH MY GOD. Ariel! You are fucken falling for a this guy! And It's only been few hours! And his a real guy! You fucken fell for a living guy." Barely containing her excitement Jessica exclaimed looking at Ariel like she had just seen a ghost.

"Woah, woah, woah. Can you slow down your horses? Which ear of yours heard me say I was falling for a living guy?"

"Fuc!k it. Don't try to fight this. Is very much obvious okay? You have never stayed up all night chatting. Not even with me. So if you ain't falling for him, tell me why you said it will last longer than weeks? Or why did you stay up all night talking with him?"

"So your seriously now an inspector?" Ariel laughed

"It doesn't matter. So?"

"I only stayed up all night because he was interesting to talk to. And then I was also teaching him how novel apps works. That's just it. And I only said it will last longer because I plan on keeping him as a friend." Ariel explain

"Fuck all that Ariel. Are you trying to say am not interesting to chat with? It's not like it's bad for you to like someone. But why were you teaching him how novel apps work? Don't tell me your trying to lure him into your weird hobby." Jessica said glaring at Ariel.

"Am I trying to lure him? Or have I already lure him." Ariel smirked