The Captial City, Shandel

After the fight at the stall, the train arrived at its destination. The hooded figure was handed over to the appropriate authorities and the group went about their day. Even though Diane had said to ignore the figure, Folorunsho could not help but have him sit at the back of his mind.

"He was likely sent to apprehend another individual for ransom," She said. "It could have been Ingrid but that is no longer important. You stopped him and Master Kenan's daughter is safe. That is what matters,"

"Yeah, I guess so..." Folorunsho muttered. Though what she said made sense, he could not help but feel that this sudden appearance was a prelude to something else.

Those thoughts were pushed aside by the grandeur that was the capital city of Pedtro. Shandel was littered with skyscrapers that cut through the clouds like hot knives through butter. Hovercrafts of different styles and sizes zipped through the roads just above pedestrians' heads, all of whom were walking in haste to get to their various locations.

Of all the things present in the beating heart of a city, the one thing that caught Folorunsho's eye was the humongous tower at the centre of the city. It dwarfed all the buildings with its height, going so far up it went beyond the planet's atmosphere. Folorunsho had heard about this tower in Raudis. It was a space bridge that connected the planet to the Placeholder, its artificial moon. He had thought the stories about it were exaggerated but it was even larger in person.

Not long after they exited the station, a slick black hovercraft pulled over in front of them and they were on their way.

"Hopefully, this year's meeting will be without delay," Kenan smiled as the car drove off.

"I completely forgot to ask, but why are we here in the first place?" Folorunsho questioned.

"It's for the annual Leaders of Pedtro Conference," Diane said. "All the heads of different states, cities and whatnot gather in Shandel to discuss the problems the planet is facing, how they intend to resolve it and their plans for the next year,"

"Then why is Immortalis coming for it? He's not a political leader,"

"That doesn't mean I do not I do not possess the influence of one," The red-haired haired began and smiled widely.

"You all keep saying that," Folorunsho muttered. "But never elaborate,"

The hovercraft soon arrived at the venue for the conference. It was yet another skyscraper, most likely the second-tallest structure in Shandel. From what Folorunsho could see, it had about 100 floors. It was built unusually, resembling the double helix of a strand of DNA. As the four stepped out of the vehicle, they were joined by other individuals exiting similar hovercrafts. All were dressed extravagantly, making Folorunsho seem underdressed.

Men dressed in suits awaited all arrivals. As they walked into the building, they were handed a brochure detailing all the events expected to be held for the day. First on the list was a small gathering on the 31st floor so all the guests could mingle and refresh themselves before the meeting.

"You are free to wander by yourself during the gathering," Kenan said. "As long as you make sure to return to my side by the start of the main conference,"

"Alright then," Folorunsho nodded. "I'll catch you guys later.

Folorunsho had no intention of interacting with the people present, and from the looks of it, neither did they. He was just glad to have the opportunity to be by himself. He approached an empty table and helped himself to a sausage platter. As he ate, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see who it was and found none other than Lola behind him.

"I guess we met each other again sooner than we were expecting," She laughed.

The daughter of Meiden still wore her iconic afro alongside a simple cream-coloured dress that hung just above her ankles. She wore no jewellery besides a thin gold necklace and a pair of studded earrings. Her glossed lips glistened as she smiled in an almost inviting manner.

"My work takes me to a lot of places. I'm glad one of them was at your side again," Folorunsho smiled. "Glad to know you look good in something else besides ropes,"

"Very funny. Even if we were to meet unexpectedly, I never thought it would be here,"

"Like I said, my job takes me places. Some, I'd rather not be,"

"Well, since you're here, let me take the opportunity to introduce you to someone,"

Folorunsho turned to see who she was referring to. A young man dressed in a black high-collar shirt with a white sash across his chest. He had short white hair and midnight skin. His eyes were dark grey and sharp as if they were staring into one's soul. Folorunsho could perceive the Revel that was around him, it was as though he was staring into an abyss.

Beside the young man was a boy in his late teens. He was dressed in a suit a size too big for him and it was clear he was uncomfortable in it. His irises were an unusual shade of yellow, one you would only see in an animal. His black hair looked as though it had been tried to be put in order but to no avail, making it look even more unkempt.

"Folorunsho, this is-"

"Eron Walker," The freelancer interrupted. "I'm quite familiar with the creator of the Void Style Revel Art,"

"It seems my fame once again precedes me," Eron said. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. With me here is my apprentice, Daniel,"

"You can call me Dan," The boy said. "Or Danny. Or Big D. Or-"

"Daniel is fine," Eron cut in.

"That's alright Big D," Folorunsho smiled. He turned to face Eron. " I didn't think I'd see you here. I thought you were opposed to politics and all that stuff?"

"Well, I cannot say I am not," The wwhite-hairedman began. "But I was the only one in my family who was available, hence my presence. Though that's enough about me. Folorunsho, Lola tells me you're something of a Revel User, correct?"

"I didn't know you could perceive Revel," Folorunsho said.

"You don't know a lot about me," Lola replied.

"I guess you could call me one," He shrugged. "I can't use a Revel Art though, but who needs one,"

"True," The white-haired man agreed. "It reminds me of someone I met from the Planet Yeban, though he was not as proficient of a fighter as I hear you are,"

Lola noticed at the mention of Yeban, that Folorunsho seemed to tense up. His eyes hardened and his grip tightened around the toothpick between his fingers.

"Quite the unfortunate thing that happened to him," Eron continued. "He was part of a particularly prominent family as well, though I never got to see him when I went. What was his name again?"

"Sorry Lola," Folorunsho said in a tight voice. "These sausages aren't sitting well with me. I'll have to catch up with you later,"

As Folorunsho left, Lola could not help but wonder why what Eron had said put him so on edge. She was not the only one to notice this shift in demeanour though. A good distance away was Diane, who had watched the whole ordeal unfold.

"Interesting," She whispered to herself.