Darkness Dispersed

"Good afternoon everyone, today is the Day of the Hammer on the Universal Calendar and welcome back to Pedtro News," Greeted a female newscaster.

"The explosion at the Shandel Police Station perpetuated by the terrorist group known as the Ebon Shroud has claimed the lives of 200 people, 50 of which were their own members and 100 being police officers. 300 people sustained grevious injuries, including the Commander of the Anti Terrorist Task Force, Akin Olorunyomi, who are now in an Intensive Care Unit,

"As for the leader of this antagonistic organisation, Umbra, now identified as Toby Martins, was last seen infiltrating the Shandel Space Bridge. Authorities are unsure of what his intentions were but it has been discovered he was in the possession of an explosive. He was seen making his way to the Placeholder through the bridge. However, it has been determined he never reached his destination as the bridge elevator arrived empty and in a disrepair. His death has yet to be confirmed as the police are still searching for his body,

"Due to the footage recovered from the security cameras at the space bridge, police have determined Umbra's plans were ultimately foiled by a member of the Universal Freelancer Organisation known as Folorunsho. Folorunsho has also been identified as the man who stopped the bombing at the Helix Centre alongside Eron Walker and Diane Cambion. Sadly, he was last seen on camera on the elevator with Umbra. Authorities are assuming he is dead and are searching for his body alongside Umbra's. Now, to the sports section,"

The holographic television that was broadcasting the news was abruptly switched off. Zaru threw the remote aside and plopped himself on one of the chairs in the dimly lit room. Umbra had failed in bringing the Placeholder and cracking the planet open. He was hoping doing this would make the clue he needed that was hidden deep within Pedtro resurface just as it had a hundred years ago. Now he was going to have to take the trip to the Moonfall Mine he was trying to avoid.

Zaru pulled off the black hood off his face after he crawled out of the sewers. Now this whole terrorist affair was done and dusted, he could not help but think about the reason why the attacks had been a failure. Either Folorunsho had just happened into these events by circumstance, or was being controlled by forces even he did not know were things to ponder. However, since he was dead, none of that mattered any more. He could continue his search for the Towers in peace.

As the stranger blended into the bustling crowd, he unwittingly passed by four familiar individuals as they made their way into the Shandel Railway Station. Lola made her way to the train with Eron, Daniel and Adira walking along stairs her. Though her afro covered half her face, one could still make out the dour look she wore. Her sadness was inevitable. She had just discovered those she had worked with to take care of the orphanage were behind her kidnapping, and had indirectly killed the man that had saved her.

She felt a hand squeeze hers, bringing her out of her thoughts. Lola looked up to see the smiling face of Eron. She could help but smile back at the white-haired man was yet again there for her at one of her lowest moments, and she could not help but appreciate him for that.

"Are you sure you'll be fine on your own?" Eron asked. "I could always follow you to Meiden and keep you company,"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine," Lola assured him. "Besides, I won't be alone. My dad will be with me-"

"You say that like that's a good thing," He scoffed.

-and so will the children at the orphanage," She finished before punching Eron in the shoulder.

"Ouch!" He cried.

"Oh please. Like that did anything to you. Relax, I'll be fine,"

"Fine. But as soon as I'm done with everything I have to do at Minar, I-" Daniel gave a loud cough. "-we will come over to Meiden as soon as possible,"

"Just don't come too soon or I won't have any time to miss you. Bye Eron. Bye Big D. Bye Adira,"

Once Lola boarded the train, Eron and co made their way out of the station.

"Are you sure you want to follow me about?" Eron asked Adira. "I'll let you know now, my life is not always high octane action and fighting,"

"No duh," Adira replied with an eye roll. "But I can't let you off the hook just because you beat me once! So get ready to fight me whenever and wherever!"

"Is that the only reason?" The white-haired man asked, his eyebrow raised. Adira evert his gaze from him.

"And I don't have a job because the UFLO fired me and I've decided since I have nothing else to do, I might as well be your bodyguard or something as a thank you for getting me out of a prison sentence..." The gruff man replied with an uncharacteristic timidness.

"Well, I don't have any intentions of stopping you," Eron smiled.

"Well, I do!" Daniel yelled. He pointed a finger at Adira's face while he gave his best stink eye. "Just because my master has forgiven you doesn't mean I have! If you want to fight him, you'll have to get through me!"

"And why would I waste my time on a little shit like you?"

"Who are you calling a little shit?!"

The two continued to bicker as the train made its way out of the station. Lola was now with her father who was more that ecstatic to finally get back to his estate. He had had his fair share of the capital city, and his next visit would be too soon. The two made their way to the luxury carriage at the front of the train, only to be stopped at the entrance.

"What do you mean I can't be seated in this carriage?!" The Mayor of Meiden bellowed. "Do you know who I am?!"

"I'm sorry sir, but the entire carriage has been paid for, and the man who paid for it specifically requested he be left alone with those he is travelling with," The stewardess explained.

"It's fine dad, we can just sit somewhere else," Lola said.

Her father turned to face her with a glare. How dare his own kin suggest that he sit with the peasants. Had she been younger such a statement would have earned her a beating. His right hand twitched from the urge to strike her. However, he had no desire to cause an incident right there and harm his reputation. Begrudgingly, the Mayor conceded and left for another carriage. He could not help but wonder who it was that was able to afford such an expensive carriage by himself.

Once he was gone, the door to the luxury carriage slid open as Diane Cambion came out from it.

"What is it that is making a nuisance?" She asked. "Mr. Immortalis specifically requested for silence,"

"My apologies Ms. Cambion. One of the other passengers was trying to get into the carriage. The issue has been resolved,"

"Let it not repeat itself,"

"Yes ma'am,"

Diane went back into the carriage and closed the door behind her. She turned to face the two Immortalis seated with her. Ingrid stated blankly out the window, watching the terrain slip away as the train zoomed on. Kenan sat in silence with his signature smile far gone from his face. His blue eyes seemed to be staring straight into Diane's soul, sending a shiver down her spine.

"Are you certain that he is alive?" Kenan asked.

"Yes, I am," Diane replied. "As long as we still owe him for his job, Folorunsho will come back,"

"Well then, I hope for your sake you are correct,"

Diane took her seat beside Ingrid and looked through the window with her. However, her attention was focused up at the sky while she wondered where Folorunsho was at the moment.

Up above the planet's atmosphere, past the point were the sky faded from blue to black, a bloated body floated around in space. Its skin was blue and frozen and it's face was unrecognisable. But its eyes, its eyes glowed black and green.