Getting my cheat

**Chapter 1: Getting My Cheat**


I opened my eyes to a world swirling with unfamiliar scents and the raw sounds of nature. Disoriented, I blinked rapidly, trying to make sense of my surroundings. Instead of the familiar sights of skyscrapers and bustling streets, I found myself amidst dense foliage, under a canopy of ancient trees.

As my senses adjusted, I realized I was lying on a soft bed of leaves inside a crude shelter made from branches and animal hides. Sitting up slowly, I took in the sight of the small, primitive dwelling. It was then that I remembered—I had died.

Not in the traditional sense, though. My last memory was of a screeching car and blinding headlights as I rushed across the street to meet her—Elena, the woman I loved. I never made it to the other side. Instead, I found myself here, reborn into a world that seemed straight out of a prehistoric fantasy.

The memories flooded back to me. I was a martial arts enthusiast, a competitor who thrived in the arena of combat. Alongside my physical prowess, I possessed a keen intellect that had carried me through academia with ease. Yet, none of that mattered in this new existence. Here, survival was paramount, and the skills I had honed in my previous life suddenly took on a new significance.

A voice interrupted my thoughts—a gentle, melodious tone that was instantly comforting. "Awake already, little one?"

Turning, I saw a woman kneeling at the entrance of the shelter. She had deep, expressive eyes and long, dark hair streaked with gray. Her features were weathered, yet there was a quiet strength about her that commanded respect.

"I am your mother," she said softly, a small smile touching her lips. "Welcome to the world, child of mine."

Her words resonated within me. I had been born into this primitive tribe, where survival was a constant struggle. The women here, I learned from her, faced hardships and challenges beyond comprehension. The previous child she bore had succumbed to hunger—a fate not uncommon among the weaker members of the tribe.

As I grew under her care, I began to understand the customs of this world. Men dominated the tribes, warriors held sway with their strength, and women were often relegated to secondary roles, valued primarily for their ability to bear strong offspring.

Yet, I had a secret—something that set me apart from the rest. It was the Peak-Endless Reincarnation System, a gift bestowed upon me upon my rebirth. In this new world, it granted me a body honed to perfection, instincts sharp as a blade, and a potential that could be inherited by my descendants. It was my cheat, my advantage in this brutal and unforgiving world.

But for now, as I looked up at my mother with newfound understanding and respect, I knew that I had a responsibility—to survive, to thrive, and perhaps one day, to change the destiny of our tribe.

Little did they know, the martial artist and scholar from another world had been reborn among them.


*To be continued...*

**Author note**

Although it sounds a bit weird but long story short, he good at martial art brilliant (good for being a leader, if you see where I'm going at), more back story in the next chapter, also lemme know in the comments if you want me to add anything such as love interest, abilities etc. Also his system lets him to reincarnates into his decendants when he dies so we will see multiple characters in different chapters. Hopefully doesn't get hate like boruto.