
**Chapter 2: Past Background**

In the world I left behind, I was known as Blake Andrews—a name that echoed through the arenas and headlines of the martial arts world, marking my journey from a child prodigy to the pinnacle of human achievement.

My fascination with martial arts began practically from the cradle. At the age of three, I stumbled into my father's dojo, a place filled with the intoxicating scents of sweat and the rhythmic sounds of disciplined practice. My father, a former competitor himself, saw the potential in my restless energy and began training me with gentle guidance and unyielding discipline.

By the time I was twelve, I had already started competing in local tournaments. My early victories were modest but promising, fueling my desire to excel further. With each win, my reputation grew, and by the age of fifteen, I was defeating opponents twice my size and age. I remember vividly the first time I stood victorious over an adult opponent, their disbelief mirrored by the awestruck faces in the crowd.

Physically, I was a marvel. Even at fifteen, I looked as if I were in my early twenties—tall, broad-shouldered, and possessing a strength that seemed beyond my years. It was as if my body had undergone a precocious growth spurt, making me appear bigger and stronger than my peers. This, coupled with my relentless training regimen, set me apart not just in the dojo but also in the eyes of the world.

As my skills matured, so did my fame. In my twenties, I found myself catapulted into the international spotlight. Competitions became arenas where I tested not just my physical abilities but also my mental fortitude and strategic acumen. I relished every challenge, every opponent that dared to stand in my path.

By my thirties, I had achieved what many considered impossible—I had earned the title of the strongest man in the world. It was a culmination of years of dedication, sacrifice, and unwavering determination. My journey had been marked by triumphs and setbacks, each one shaping me into the formidable martial artist I had become.

But amidst the acclaim and adulation, there was a loneliness that lingered—a void that no amount of victory could fill. For all my success, I found myself isolated, misunderstood by those around me. People mistook my confidence for arrogance, my focus for aloofness. The only constant companion throughout my tumultuous rise was Elena.

Elena had been my neighbor since childhood, a bright presence in my otherwise solitary world. She was orphaned at a young age, her gentle nature often overshadowed by the harsh realities of her upbringing. We had grown up together, playing in the streets and sharing dreams of a future beyond our humble beginnings.

When we were both in middle school, I defended Elena from bullies who targeted her for her shy demeanor. It was a pivotal moment in our friendship, solidifying our bond even as I began to distance myself from her in high school. I feared that my growing reputation would only bring her unwanted attention and scorn. Despite my efforts to protect her, I inadvertently pushed her away, leaving her to navigate the halls of high school alone.

Elena, with her blonde hair, blue eyes, and athletic build, blossomed into the school's beauty, drawing admiration wherever she went. Meanwhile, I focused relentlessly on my training and studies, immersing myself in the world of martial arts and academia.

In my academic pursuits, I found solace in simplicity. "School's easy," I once quipped to Elena. "All I gotta do is do my work on time, and as for studying, I just gotta understand, remember, and memorize important stuff." My approach to learning mirrored my approach to martial arts—efficiency, precision, and mastery.

Despite our growing distance, Elena remained steadfast in her support, silently cheering me on from the sidelines. She started her own successful cosmetics company, leveraging her beauty and business acumen to carve out a place for herself in the competitive world beyond high school walls. She would occasionally attend my matches, a quiet reminder of the friendship that endured despite the years and distance between us.

When Elena finally began dating at twenty-three, I realized with a pang of jealousy that I had missed my chance. It was a bitter realization, knowing that I had allowed fear and misguided protection to cost me more than I had ever anticipated.

Driven by a sense of purpose and renewed determination, I threw myself into my career. In my early thirties, I faced and defeated the reigning champion, "Iron Fist" Tike Myson, claiming the title of the strongest in the world. It was a crowning achievement, yet the victory was bittersweet without Elena by my side to share in my triumph.

Fate, however, had other plans. In a serendipitous twist of events, I crossed paths with Elena at the VIP lounge following my momentous victory. There, amidst the celebrations and accolades, we reunited, and truths long buried came to light.

Elena revealed that the man she had started dating years ago was her long-lost biological brother, reunited after a lifetime of separation. She confessed that she had waited for me, understanding my need for space and time to achieve my goals. In that moment, I realized the depth of her feelings and the gravity of my mistakes.

We began anew, tentatively navigating the uncharted waters of a relationship that had endured years of misunderstandings and missed opportunities. Our first official date was set for the following week, a promise of a future together finally within reach.

But fate, it seemed, had other plans.

As I stepped out onto the street to meet Elena, a truck materialized from nowhere, its headlights blinding in the twilight. In an instant, everything changed.

I was struck down, the impact shattering bone and flesh, and the world went dark.

And then, I awakened here—a rebirth into a primitive world, where my journey would begin anew, guided by the echoes of my past and the untapped potential of the Peak-Endless Reincarnation System.


**Author note**

Tell me in the comments if you want me to add Elena into the story or just abandone the relationship. Please leave a review on what you think it would be nice. Also I will upload at my pace try not to drop this, the more views and comments would be great full least ill know if I should continue.