I got Lucky!

Hirvan watched Fu Yan go, a mixture of relief and frustration clashing within him. On one hand, he was glad Fu Yan had left, at least now he wouldn't have to face the awkwardness head-on. 

But on the other hand, he was angry with himself for not clearing up the misunderstanding, and for not explaining that his reaction earlier had nothing to do with Fu Yan's touch. 

"This is awful."

Hirvan muttered to himself, rubbing his face in frustration as he made his way back to their quarters. 

His body felt heavy with exhaustion, and his mind raced with thoughts of how things had gone so wrong. 

He couldn't help but blame Lu Hanbing, the lunatic who had caused all this trouble in the first place. If only he hadn't shown up out of nowhere, blabbering on to strangers and stirring the pot!

"Damn, that Lu Hanbing!"

Hirvan cursed under his breath.