Cultivation Way (2)

Ba Xing stood alone for a moment longer, a sense of purpose settling over him. He may not remember everything from his past life, but the warrior spirit within him still burned bright. This new world, this Profound Blossom Sect, would be his training ground. He would hone his skills, regain his power, and find a way back to whatever awaited him beyond this strange twist of fate.

With a determined stride, Ba Xing left the platform, heading towards his quarters. The path was winding and dimly lit, the lanterns casting long, flickering shadows. The air was cool, carrying the faint scent of blooming flowers and distant fires.

As he walked, fragments of memories continued to surface—glimpses of battles fought, faces of allies and foes, the taste of victory, and the sting of defeat. Each fragment was a piece of the puzzle that was his former life, and Ba Xing was determined to assemble it.

Upon reaching his quarters, Ba Xing entered the small, sparsely furnished room. He sat on the edge of his cot, examining his injuries. The duel had taken its toll; his body ached, and his mind was weary. But there was no time for rest. Tomorrow, he would face the Disciplinary Committee, and following that, Master Yu. Ba Xing knew he needed to be at his best.

He found a small basin of water and some bandages on a nearby shelf. Carefully, he cleaned his wounds, wincing as the cool water touched his skin. His hands moved with practiced precision, wrapping the bandages tightly but comfortably. As he worked, he couldn't help but reflect on Elder Milo's reaction. There had been a hint of recognition in the Elder's eyes, as if he saw something in Ba Xing that even Ba Xing himself didn't fully understand.

Once his wounds were tended to, Ba Xing lay back on the cot, staring at the ceiling. The events of the day replayed in his mind, each moment examined and scrutinized. He knew he had to approach the Disciplinary Committee with a clear head and a strong resolve. Any sign of weakness could jeopardize his chances of gaining the independent training he so desperately needed.

As the night deepened,Ba Xing finally allowed himself to rest. Sleep came slowly, but when it did, it brought dreams. He saw flashes of his past life—a grand hall filled with warriors, a beautiful woman with sad eyes, a fierce battle against a monstrous foe. Each vision was vivid and intense, leaving Ba Xing with a sense of longing and loss. Yet, amidst the chaos of his dreams, there was also a sense of hope. He had been given a second chance, and he would not squander it.

Morning came too soon, the first light of dawn piercing through the small window of his quarters. Ba Xing rose, feeling the stiffness in his muscles. He stretched, taking a moment to center himself before stepping out into the cool morning air. The path to the Disciplinary Committee's chamber was lined with blossoming trees, their petals falling like gentle rain. It was a serene contrast to the tension building within him.

The chamber was a large, imposing structure, its doors carved with intricate patterns depicting scenes of martial prowess and wisdom. Ba Xing took a deep breath and entered. Inside, the room was dimly lit, with a long table at the far end where the members of the Committee sat. Their expressions were stern, their eyes sharp and assessing.

"Ba Xing," the head of the Committee, a tall, stern woman with silver hair, began. "You stand before us today to account for your actions during the duel with Ma Jin. The methods you employed were... unconventional, to say the least."

Ba Xing stood tall, meeting her gaze. "I understand, Elder Mei. I accept full responsibility for my actions. I only ask for the opportunity to train independently. I believe it is the best way for me to reach my full potential and contribute to the Sect."

Elder Mei's eyes narrowed slightly, but there was a hint of curiosity in her gaze. "Elder Milo has spoken on your behalf, and we have considered his words carefully. Your duel, though unorthodox, displayed a level of skill and power that cannot be ignored. We will grant you the privilege of independent training, under the supervision of Master Yu."

Ba Xing bowed deeply. "Thank you, Elders. I will not disappoint you."

"You may go," Elder Mei said, her tone softer now. "Master Yu awaits you at the eastern training grounds. Prove yourself worthy of this opportunity."

Ba Xing left the chamber, a sense of relief washing over him. He made his way to the eastern training grounds, where Master Yu was known to train the most promising disciples. The grounds were expansive, filled with various training apparatuses and sparring areas. A group of disciples were already hard at work, their movements fluid and precise.

Master Yu stood at the center, observing with a critical eye. He was a tall man with a lean build, his hair tied back in a simple knot. His presence commanded respect, and Ba Xing could feel the power emanating from him even at a distance.

"Ba Xing," Master Yu called out as he approached. "I've heard much about you. Let's see if you live up to the expectations."

Ba Xing bowed respectfully. "I am ready, Master Yu."

Master Yu nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Very well. Show me what you can do."

The training began immediately. Master Yu put Ba Xing through a series of grueling exercises, testing his strength, speed, and agility. Each task was more challenging than the last, pushing Ba Xing to his limits. Yet, with each challenge, Ba Xing felt a part of his old self awakening. His movements became more fluid, his strikes more precise. The warrior within him was resurfacing, and with it, a confidence that had been buried deep.

As the day wore on, Master Yu's initial skepticism began to fade. He saw the determination in Ba Xing's eyes, the relentless drive to improve. By the time the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the training grounds, Master Yu's expression had softened.

"You're different from the others, Ba Xing," he said finally. "There's something within you, something powerful and ancient. I will train you, but know this—your journey will be harder than any you've faced before. Are you prepared for that?"

Ba Xingmet his gaze, the fire in his eyes burning brighter than ever. "I am, Master Yu. I will do whatever it takes."

Master Yu nodded, satisfied. "Then we begin at dawn. Rest well, Ba Xing. You have a long road ahead."

As Ba Xing made his way back to his quarters, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. He had faced the Disciplinary Committee and earned the right to train independently. Now, under Master Yu's guidance, he would reclaim his lost power and forge a new path.

The Profound Blossom Sect was his new home, and within its walls, he would rediscover the warrior he once was. The future was uncertain, but one thing was clear—Ba Xing was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.