
Ba Xing's thoughts were a whirlwind as he pondered his reincarnation and the new life he had been thrust into. The memories of his past life were a stark contrast to his current situation. He was once revered, surrounded by the most powerful and beautiful companions, yet now he found himself struggling to gain respect and recognition in this sect.

"This body," he murmured, looking at his reflection, "it's frail and inexperienced. But with my memories and skills from my past life, I can change that. I will change that."

A determined fire ignited within him. He knew that to regain his former glory and more, he needed to start by fixing the reputation of Ba Xing. And that meant proving himself, not just to the sect but to himself as well.

The first step was surviving the aftermath of the deathmatch. His sudden resurgence had already stirred the waters, and he could use this to his advantage. He needed to show that his victory over Ma Jin was not a fluke but the start of his rise.

With a plan forming in his mind, Ba Xing decided to pay a visit to the inner sect's library. Knowledge was power, and he needed to understand the current cultivation techniques and the sect's history to better navigate his new world.

The library was an impressive structure, filled with ancient scrolls and texts. As Ba Xing walked through the halls, he could feel the weight of centuries of wisdom pressing down on him. He approached the librarian, an elderly man with sharp eyes and a serene demeanor.

"I need access to texts on advanced cultivation techniques," Ba Xing said, his voice steady.

The librarian raised an eyebrow. "Advanced techniques are reserved for inner court disciples and above. You are merely an outer court disciple."

Ba Xing met his gaze unflinchingly. "I understand, but I have been granted special permission for independent training by Elder Milo and Master Yu. Check with them if you must."

The librarian studied him for a moment before nodding. "Very well. Follow me."

Ba Xing was led to a secluded section of the library where the most precious texts were kept. The librarian handed him a scroll, and Ba Xing sat down to read.

Hours passed as he absorbed the information, his mind working at a feverish pace. The techniques described were complex, but he found them familiar. In his past life, he had mastered similar, if not more advanced, techniques. He could adapt these to his current state and accelerate his progress.

By the time he left the library, the sun was setting. He made his way back to his quarters, his mind brimming with new ideas and strategies. As he walked, he noticed a group of disciples whispering and casting furtive glances his way.

"Look, it's Ba Xing. I heard he survived a deathmatch with Ma Jin."

"Do you think he's really as strong as they say now?"

"Maybe he got lucky. There's no way someone like him could defeat Ma Jin."

Ba Xing ignored the whispers, his focus unshaken. He had more important matters to attend to. When he arrived at his quarters, he found Lin Ling waiting for him, looking anxious.

"Ba Xing, I've heard rumors all day. What really happened in the deathmatch?" Lin Ling asked, his voice a mix of curiosity and concern.

Ba Xing considered his response carefully. "I survived because I was stronger and more skilled. Ma Jin underestimated me, and it cost him. But that's in the past now. My focus is on the future and my training."

Lin Ling nodded slowly, processing his words. "I see. Well, if there's anything I can do to help, just let me know."

Ba Xing gave him a grateful nod. "Thank you, Lin Ling. Your support means a lot."

With that, he retreated to his room to begin his training. The techniques he had learned from the library required intense focus and discipline, but Ba Xing was no stranger to hard work. He pushed his body to its limits, each movement precise and controlled. As he trained, he could feel his strength growing, his spirit energy becoming more refined and powerful.

Days turned into weeks as Ba Xing immersed himself in his training. He sparred with other disciples, each battle honing his skills further. His reputation began to shift from that of a useless fool to a formidable opponent. Even those who doubted him initially started to take notice.

One evening, as he was returning from a particularly grueling training session, he encountered Elder Milo. The Elder observed him with a thoughtful expression.

"I've been hearing interesting things about you, Ba Xing," Elder Milo said. "It seems you are making quite an impression."

Ba Xing bowed respectfully. "Thank you, Elder. I am doing my best to live up to the expectations."

Elder Milo nodded. "Keep it up. The sect needs strong disciples, and you have the potential to be one of the best. Do not squander this opportunity."

"I won't, Elder. I promise."

As Elder Milo walked away, Ba Xing felt a renewed sense of determination. He was on the right path, but there was still much to do. He needed to push himself further, break through his current limits, and reach new heights.

The days continued to pass in a blur of training, study, and sparring. Ba Xing's progress was evident, his power growing with each passing day. He became a force to be reckoned with, his presence commanding respect and awe.

One morning, as he was meditating in the training grounds, he felt a familiar presence approaching. He opened his eyes to see Master Yu standing before him.

"Master Yu," Ba Xing greeted, bowing deeply.

Master Yu studied him for a moment before speaking. "You have made remarkable progress, Ba Xing. Your strength and skill have surpassed my expectations. But there is still much to learn."

"I am ready, Master Yu. Teach me."

Master Yu's lips curved into a rare smile. "Very well. Your real training begins now."

With those words, Ba Xing knew that the true test of his abilities was about to commence. He steeled himself for the challenges ahead, his resolve unwavering. He would rise above his past, conquer his present, and reclaim the greatness that was once his. The path to his destiny was fraught with peril, but Ba Xing was ready to face it head-on.

As he followed Master Yu to a secluded training area, Ba Xing couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. This was his chance to prove himself, to show the world what he was truly capable of. Master Yu turned to face him, his expression serious.

"Ba Xing, your progress has been impressive, but true mastery requires more than just physical prowess. It demands mental fortitude and a deep understanding of the essence of cultivation."

Ba Xing nodded. "I understand, Master Yu. I am ready to learn and grow."