Chapter 1: Crossing over

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Bella's POV:

Jacob shook his head. He was still more running than walking as he headed up the road to his house.

"No. She took off into the water the bloodsuckers have the advantage there. That's why I raced home I was afraid she was going to double back swimming. You spend so much time on the beach..." He trailed off, a catch in his throat.

"Sam came back with you... is everyone else home, too?" I hoped they weren't still out searching for her.

"Yeah. Sort of." I tried to read his expression, squinting into the hammering rain. His eyes were tight with worry or pain. The words that hadn't made sense before suddenly did.

"You said... hospital. Before, to Sam. Is someone hurt? Did she fight you?" My voice jumped up an octave, sounding strange with the hoarseness.

"No, no. When we got back, Em was waiting with the news. It's Harry Clearwater. Harry had a heart attack this morning."

"Harry?" I shook my head, trying to absorb what he was staying.

"Oh, no! Does Charlie know?"

"Yeah. He's over there, too, with my dad."

"Is Harry going to be okay?"

Jacob's eyes tightened again. "It doesn't look so great right now."

New Moon ~ Stephenie Meyer

"Bella," I heard my name being called like I was under water. The sound waves were trying to break the surface but not really succeeding in their attempt.

"Bells," a with worry high pitched voice barked and strong, hot hands shook my shoulders violently what ripped me out of my numbness.

"What?" I asked confused, noticing for the first time that Jake was crouched in front of me and that I was sitting on his couch in his living room.

I was confounded about when we had even gotten here.

"Maybe I should get you to the hospital." Jake mumbled concerned and was about to get up when my hands shot out stopping his intention.

"I-I'm fine …. I was just," I shook my head once composing myself, "I'm fine." I assured trying to sound convincing what earned me a long doubtful look from Jacob but eventually he nodded hesitantly.

"You can stay here," he said then. "I mean it – right here. I'll get you some dry clothes." He left without waiting for my answer.

I let my eyes adjust to the dark room while Jacob banged around in his bedroom. The cramped front room seemed so empty without Billy, almost desolate. Just like I felt without Edward.

Stab….. My body winced. How was it that he still had this control over me even though he wasn't there anymore?


Pain. Pain was the only reminder that I was indeed alive. You just had to be if you still suffered, felt anguish, sorrow, loneliness …..

Jacob was back in seconds. He threw a pile of gray cotton at me. "These will be huge on you, but it's the best I've got. I'll, er, step outside so you can change."

Gazing up at him I was tempted to say "Don't go anywhere. I'm too tired to move yet. Just stay with me." But for some reason those words stuck in my throat and I couldn't force them out instead I only nodded, feeling like in trance.

Harry had a heart attack … It doesn't look so great ….. Those words repeated like a broken record in my head.

"OK, I'll go and make us hot chocolate," he bobbed his head to himself as he pointed at the kitchen and soon disappeared out of the living room.

Harry had a heart attack … It doesn't look so great ….. The words were rumbling, twisting, stretching in my mind, taunting ….. accusing…

I had no idea what I was doing but suddenly Billy's little house just felt too little.

Harry had a heart attack … It doesn't look so great… In the water, in the cold, black ocean I had surrendered and he was maybe really …

The wall of Billy's living room were suffocation me and I was on my feet stumbling …. running before I knew what was happening. Rain and ocean water made my clothes cling to my body making it rather uncomfortable to move.

Harry had a heart attack … It doesn't look so great Leah, Seth and Sue an intact family was about to be destroyed. The grief.

Suddenly Charlie's and Renee's faces popped in my minds eye and I felt like throwing up.

I heard Jacob's voice behind me but I didn't pause to turn around instead I jumped into my truck and took off before he could reach the vehicle. Catching sight of an overgrown path along the main road, past the boarder of La Push I jerked the wheel around and drove inside the darkening forest until I hit the breaks causing the old truck to screech in protest at the sudden stop and jolt violently.

Pulling the key out of the ignition while hot tears were streaming down my cheek. Harry had a heart attack … It doesn't look so great….

I rested my forehead on the steering wheel, closing my eyes just for a moment and was assaulted with images how my life could have been if Charlie and Renee had never been divorced. If I had had what I had wished for ever since I understood what a normal family looked like.

I had no idea why I was suddenly thinking about that. An intact, warm, cosy home. One which Seth and Leah had their whole lives long and now might lose.

Jerking upright I brushed my palms over my blurry eyes and noticed it was pitch black outside. Disorientated at first slowly my senses were coming back to me and I realised that I must have fallen asleep.

Fear spiked inside me and my fingers searched hastily for the keys in the darkness before fumbling them into the ignition scolding myself for pulling them out in the first place.

The image of a perfect, intact little family was teasing me in the back of my mind the entire way home.

Empty darkness greeted me in Charlie's house, understandable since he was surely in the hospital, but still it made something in me ach and I pulled my wet sweater tighter around me for the first time actually feeling the cold because of the drenched fabrics that were clinging to my frame.

Confused and conflicted and suddenly also feeling upset I stomped up the stairs to my bedroom and pulled the doorknob…..

Anna's POV:

The house phone near my flat screen rang out, startling me before I stood up from my desk and went to answer it only to be greeted by my mother's voice.

"Lunch's ready come downstairs."

"Sure in a minute," I affirmed and hung up, placing the phone back into the charger before twisting my body around to switch off my laptop as suddenly the door to my room was being ripped open violently.

Annoyed I was just about to scold my little brother when my eyes unexpectedly landed on a small dark haired girl clad in drenched clothes.

"HUH?" Was my intelligent reaction before I recovered some. "Who are you and why are you all wet?" Words were flying out of my mouth without filter.

"Bella .. um….. I'm Bella Swan, hi," the strange girl mumbled timidly.

My eyes narrowed at her," is this some kind of joke?" I asked and something caught my eye.

Looking past the strange girl I saw something that was not right. Pushing myself away from my desk my brain was refusing to accept what my eyes were taking in. The room behind her on the other side of my door was not part of this house. I could feel my mouth hanging open.

"Bella Swan?" I whispered, confounded.

"Y-Yes," she rasped while her eyes were sweeping over my room.

"Anna, the food is getting cold." My mom's voice travelled into my room and my attention was again on the alien room that was definitely not part of the house I was living in.

"If you don't hurry you won't get any chicken nuggets." An amused, deep male voice followed.

"Your family?" A squeaky timber questioned and my attention snapped to the small girl who wore way to big clothes for her small size.

And claimed to be Bella Swan. A whisper in my head remained me.

Her brown eyes narrowed a little and looked curiously into mine.

"Ah…..yes that's my family." I answered dumbly and thunderstruck.

"Must be great to have an intact family." I heard her mumble but the, in dark colours decorated, bedroom on the other side of my door lured my attention.

"You can take a look if you want." Her voice startled me and I looked fearfully over my shoulder.

A cold feeling swept over me as I watched her and alarm bells went off somewhere in the distance however my curiosity got the best of me and before I even knew what I was doing my legs moved and I stepped into her room looking fascinated around not quite believing where I was …. what it meant.

That was just too much to wrap my mind around. I was dumbfounded.

My heart raced in my chest and I turned around to go back into my own room, needing it's safety but when I whipped around I was faced with Bella's guilty expression as she held onto the edge of the door which she was closing.

"I'm sorry." She quickly rushed out as I hurried over to the door but it was too late.

When I reached the doorknob, twisted it and pushed the piece of wood open I was not faced with the sight of my bright room but my eyes landed on a dark hallway I never seen before just seconds before I heard someone's voice.

"Hey, Bells. It me Jake are you O.K. I let myself in. Bella are you O.K.? Answer me!"

All that was running through my head was: