Chapter 2: Road trip

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Anna's POV:

A really tall, rusty skinned boy with huge muscles and jet black hair was standing panicked before me.

"Bella what's wrong? You don't look good! Oh god I knew I should have brought you to the hospital after you jumped from the cliff yesterday. Let's go now, hurry!" He said as he began to drag me downstairs.

So this is where I am, the day after the jump. This is absolutely crazy.

"OH!" The breath whooshed out of him like someone had just punched him in the gut.

"Holy crap!"

"What's wrong?" I asked out of reflex.

"Vampire!" He spat as he as he tried to get me outside.

Day after the jump. Alice!! Stop this is to fast I need time to think. Holy crow!!!! O.K. girl you can freak later now is the time to jump into action. I screamed in my head at myself.

"Jake stop this is only Alice Cullen. It's fine." I said.

"What? How do you know?" He said as he turned around and looked at me like he wanted to grab me and run for the hills.

Yeah how do I know well the real Bella pushed me into this fictional word and I know because this is one of my favourite books. Yeah that would go over well.

Luckily for me when I'm under stress I can come up with good lies.

"She called me and told me she would come. And before you want to protest I'm safe with Alice and I have to talk to her. They are the reason I'm depressed and I need to have a talk with her to let it all out or else I wouldn't be able to move on. They hurt me and I need to know the reasons. Please Jake go now I need to talk to her."

He opened his mouth to say something but closed it and nodded.

"Be careful!" Were the last words he said before he left.

One problem less to deal with let's get to the other one. I had to get rid of her because I was losing it.

The door bell rang and I opened. Alice was standing there and looked like I felt, shocked and about to pass out.

I looked at the little pixie she was more beautiful then I ever could imagine the actress that played her didn't reach her beauty in the slightest.

"What? How? Bella you are alive but I saw you jump from that cliff and you didn't resurface. Oh Bella I thought." She started sobbing.

Normally I would try to comfort her but now I just couldn't I felt sick, my stomach tightened, my head hurt and I could feel the blackness consuming me. I needed to lay down and have some peace before I had a breakdown. I just wanted it all to go away so I snapped but strangely I cling to the story line.

I always hated it how they all just left her and especially Alice as her best friend. I don't know why but I just had to give her a piece of my mind.

"Well sorry but I'm not dead at least not now maybe my next attempt will be successful! Bet you are gonna be happy when I'm off the surface of the planet!"

I shouted while running up the stairs in the room I came from and throwing myself at the bed before the blackness took over.

When I woke up I had my eyes closed and hoped that everything was just a bad nightmare but of cause no such luck. When I opened my eyes I was in a room that wasn't mine.

"Good morning, Bella! How are you feeling." The pixie asked who was sitting in the rocking chair next to the window.

Like losing my mind not that I could tell her that at least I wasn't ready now.

"Better but what are you doing here?" I asked her.

"Well I hope you won't be too angry but I talked to Charlie and he lets me stay here if you don't mind." She looked scared.

Ah, I scared a Vampire.

Hmm Charlie and Alice must have had the talk. Better I just roll with it for now.

"No it's alright! Mmm….ah how long have I been sleeping." I asked as I stretched myself.

"You have been out for nearly…." But the doorbell rang and Alice started to growl.

"I got that Alice everything is alright." I said as I rushed out of the room before she could react.

I opened the door to an anxious Jake and he didn't waste any time.

"Bella you alright she didn't hurt you did she. Why didn't you answer the phone, I was so worried about you."

"Sorry but everything is fine. I had a headache and went to sleep early that's all!" Wow I was a better actress then I thought.

He was just about to say something when a shrill scream came from up stairs.

"I've got this you stay here." I said as I ran to Alice.

As I entered Bella's room Alice was on the bed and didn't move that's when I heard the phone ring and I knew what was happening.

I ran down stair but too late Jake was already finished with the call. I turned on my heel and flew back to Alice. I grabbed her and shook her to tell me what was happening even though I knew it exactly.

"Edward!" She whispered scared.

Jake came into the room, not understanding the scene before him.

"I don't know," she suddenly wailed. "What is he thinking?!"

Before pulling a small silver phone from her bag, she dialed the numbers so fast that her fingers were a blur.

"Rose, I need to talk to Carlisle now." Alice paused as Rosalie answered.

"Fine, as soon as he's back. No, I'll be on a plane. Look, have you heard anything from Edward?"

Another paused and while she listened her expression grew more appalled every second. Her face was a mask of horror and the phone shook in her hand.

"Why?" she gasped. "Why would you do that, Rosalie?"

Rosalie was telling her what she had done it made Alice angry, her eyes flashed and narrowed.

"Well, you're wrong on both counts, though, Rosalie, so that would be a problem, don't you think?" she asked acidly.

"Yes, that's right. She's absolutely fine I was wrong... It's a long story... But you're wrong about that part too that's why I'm calling... Yes, that's exactly what I saw. It's a bit late for that, Rose. Save your remorse for someone who believes it." Alice spat the last part with sheer hatred before snapping the phone shut.

She looked tortured as she turned to face me.

I knew what was coming and I made my decision in a split of a second.

"Alice what has he done? I know it has something to do with Edward. Alice!!!" I asked her stern my expression daring her to not to tell me.

"He thinks you are dead, Bella. Rosalie called him told him you died, he believed her and now he is going to Voltera."

She looked tortured and hopeless as she told me that.

"Alice get on the phone and organize plane tickets for you and me to Voltera and yes I know what I'm doing. If you are too scared I'm going on my own. And if you know what's good for you don't even try to argue with me!"

She looked shocked at me, frozen into a statue out of surprise at my outburst.

"Now Alice!" I shouted at her and she sprang into action.

I went to Bella's closet and grabbed some stuff that looked like it would fit me and threw it into a small bag then I began to write a note to Charlie.


I know the timing sucks but Harry's dead made me realize how short life is. If I ever want to get out of my depression and start living again I need to sort things out with Edward. He is the one that hurt me and I need to give him a piece of my mind.

I'm sorry but I need to do this to find closure.

I'll be back soon and sorry if I might not call. Don't worry everything will be fine once I'm back.

Love, Bella

Jake was in panic the whole time and didn't understand what was happening I told him that Edward was going to commit suicide and we needed to stop him, of cause I left out the finer details. He wasn't happy that I went to safe Edward but there wasn't anything he could do to stop me.

Alice and I got into the car and she took off.

"Bella, we might not survive this!" Alice said with a serious expression.

"I know." Was all I said.

God I was running across the glob, putting myself in grave danger and took the chance to get killed for a guy I didn't even met before.

Yep I lost my mind!!!