Chapter 4: Volturi

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Anna's POV:

"Greetings, gentlemen,I don't think I'll be requiring your services today. I would appreciate it very much, however, if you would send my thanks to your masters." Edward said to Demetri and Felix.

"Shall we take this conversation to a more appropriate venue?" Felix said to Edward in a low voice.

"I don't believe that will be necessary. I know your instructions, Felix. I haven't broken any rules." Edward said in a voice that sounded harsh he wasn't getting his way and he wasn't happy about it.

"Felix merely meant to point out the proximity of the sun," Classified Demetri patiently.

What did this boy actually expect. Human here knows something she isn't supposed to know and the Volturi guard there knows the human knows. Did he really think they would let us go, just like that.

I could only shake my head at him.

While I was having my inner rant I missed some of their conversation.

"Let's behave ourselves, shall we? There are ladies present." Alice said at least someone with a sane mind.

Edward was still fighting with Felix and Demetri he didn't wanted to go back to Aro not that I blame him but couldn't he see that this inevitable. Maybe it's just me I know the book and know what was to happen now if I liked it or not.


Jane was here and the Volturi won this round like it should happen. The only question in my mind was if I would be able to deceive Marcus and his gift to see relationships. This was my greatest worry right now. The reason they all survived was the intensity of Bella's and Edward's love. Granted his part is in check because he thinks I'm Bella but mine on the other hand?

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I only realized it was time to go when Edward wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me along beside him. We were going along some alleys, my mind making a mile a minute to come up with a solution to Marcus gift while Edward and Alice were having their short silent talk.

We reached our destination and Alice went first through the open hole in the street. That thing really looked like a drain.

"It's all right, Bella, Alice will catch you." Edward said to me while looking lovingly into my eyes. I nodded with a smile and let Edward lowered me into the opening in the street. Alice caught me but it hurt to fall into her stone hard body. Well I wouldn't leave Volterra unharmed but I hoped this would be my only injury.

Edward was next to me before I knew it and took me out of Alice's embrace into his. He put his arm around my waist and we started following the Volturi guard.

We were going through I don't know how many tunnels, I was cold but if Edward wouldn't lead me I wouldn't be able to go on. It was too dark for me to see the ground.

After what felt like forever we reached iron bars behind them a couple of doors until we finally reached the heavy wooden door that led us into the brightly lit hallway.

After we entered the elevators we arrived in the room were Gianna was, she greeted Jane. After they exchanged formalities Jane ordered us to enter the grant hall were Aro was waiting for us after we have been greeted by Alec. Alec and Jane opened the huge wooden doors and Edward lead me through the door into the room.

Like in the book described the stone antechamber was not large. It quickly became a brighter, cavernous room, perfectly round like the huge castle turret it was.

When I looked up about two stories, long window slits threw thin rays of bright sunlight onto the stone floor below. The only furniture in the room were several massive wooden chairs, the thrones of Aro, Marcus and Caius.

There were a few Vampires in the room having conversations and they were not bothered by our entrance.

They were all dressed in black and a few of them wore the long robes.

"Jane, dear one, you've returned!" Aro said as he saw her. He was visibly excited to have us all here. He moved gracefully in our direction and I got a good look at him.

He looked beautiful just like every Vampires but his skin was different somehow I don't know how to describe it. He was handsome not question about it but he somehow looked more like a being form another planet then a human who got turned into a Vampire. At least that's how it seemed to me.

He went to Jane, took her face in his hands, kissed her lightly on her full red lips, and then stepped back.

"Yes, Master. I brought him back alive, just as you wished." Jane smiled at Aro this wasn't admiration anymore it was like an addiction the way she looked at him. Disturbing and fascinating in once.

"Ah, Jane. You are such a comfort to me." Aro smiled back at her before turning his attention to us.

"And Alice and Bella, too! This is a happy surprise! Wonderful!" He said as he clapped his thin hands together. He was behaving like a child on Christmas morning. And I was beginning to wonder if I really lost it.

"Felix, be a dear and tell my brothers about our company. I'm sure they wouldn't want to miss this." He asked Felix what brought me back to reality.


"Yes, Master." Felix nodded and disappeared in a flash.

"You see, Edward? What did I tell you? Aren't you glad that I didn't give you what you wanted yesterday?" Aro was scolding him now.

"Yes, Aro, I am," he agreed as he tightening his arm around my waist to give me a fraction of security or himself, I wasn't sure.

"I love a happy ending. They are so rare. But I want the whole story. How did this happen? Alice? Your brother seemed to think you infallible, but apparently there was some mistake." Aro was asking Alice now and at that I tuned out I needed to think I had to find a way to fool Marcus and his gift or we would be all dead in a matter of minutes.

I didn't know what to do I was a wreck. I was breaking down inside but I needed to stay strong or my last hour had come and not only mine. Then I had an idea O.K. the only one idea but what does that matter.

I imagine to be in live with him and I thought about my family how much I loved them I hoped that that mix out of my feelings would be able to fool Marcus. I had a great desire to save him. I forced my panic down and let the love take over and prayed it would work.

I was back just as Aro looked over our heads. All the other heads in the room turned in the same direction.

I knew what that meant and I didn't like it one bit. Felix was back, and behind him floated in Marcus and Caius. They looked like Aro beautiful and not from this world.

As they came closer Aro called out.

"Marcus, Caius, look! Bella is alive after all, and Alice is here with her! Isn't that wonderful?"

No it's not. I'm not Bella and we could die any minute. A voice in my head cried out but I forced myself to claim down quickly. I concentrated on my feelings with all that I had and hoped and prayed that it was enough to fool Marcus.

It had to be.