Chapter 5: Agreement

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Anna's POV:

"Marcus, Caius, look! Bella is alive after all, and Alice is here with her! Isn't that wonderful?"

No it's not. I'm not Bella and we could die any minute. A voice in my head cried out but I forced myself to claim down quickly. I concentrated on my feelings with all that I had and hoped and prayed that it was enough to fool Marcus.

It had to be.

Neither Marcus or Caius looked happy to see any of us. Casius looked disgusted and Marcus bored.

"Let us have the story," Aro said in an excited voice.

My heart was trying to beat it's way out of my chest, my entire body was tense and I thought I would throw up any second as I saw Marcus move to Aro's side and briefly touch his hand before going back to Caius's side, wearing a bored expression on his face.

All the time I was praying and hoping I would be able to fool Marcus and that all the three of us could leave this place alive and in one piece.

It suddenly downed on me that if Alice would die it would be only my fault. She had no idea who she was taking to Voltera. That thought really didn't make the situation I was in any better.

While I was having another panic attack on the inside and struggled to "be in love with Edward" I suddenly heard how a snort next to me, turning around I saw Alice looking curious at her brother.

"Thank you, Marcus. That's quite interesting." Aro said and I was about to break out into a happy dance as realisation set in. I had no idea what I did but it didn't look like Edward, Alice and I get killed just yet.

Relief washed over me and on the inside I was about to faint as my jittering nerves relaxed a little but I composed myself again to play my role as Bella Swan.

The nightmare is not over yet. My subconscious reminded me.

I was so going to kill that girl when I ever saw her again!

"Amazing! Absolutely amazing." Aro repeated while he was shaking his head while I was in the dark about what was so amazing.

I was not in love with Edward Cullen and right now I wanted to bang his head against a wall for causing this nonsense and having Alice and me in danger.

While the confusion swirled in my head I saw Alice out of the corner of my eye who was frustrated because she didn't understand what was going on, so Edward explained it to her.

"Marcus sees relationships. He's surprised that he can see the intensity of my feelings but Bella's are hidden from his gift."

Oo! My subconscious commented.

That could be right I didn't belong into the Twilight world which would be a plausible explanation if all of their gifts didn't work on me.

"So convenient. It takes quite a bit to surprise Marcus, I can assure you. You are truly unique Miss Swan," Aro was having a little to much fun with all of this if someone asked me and judging by the faces of the others in the room I wasn't the only one thinking that.

I turned my attention back to Aro as I felt Edward's cool arm wrap around my waist.

"It's just so difficult to understand, even now. How can you stand so close to het like that?"

"It's not without effort," Edward said carefully.

"But still la tua cantante! What a waste!"

"I look at it more as a price." Was Edward's answer as he looked lovingly at me.

"A very high price." Snort Aro.

"Opportunity cost. If I hadn't smelled her through your memories, I wouldn't have believed the call of anyone's blood could be so strong. I've never felt anything like it myself. Most of us would trade much for such a gift, and yet you..."

"Waste it," Edward finished his sentence.

"Ah, how I miss my friend Carlisle! You remind me of him only he was not so angry." Aro mussed lightly.

"Carlisle outshines me in many other ways as well." Edward answered in a respectful voice.

But I had my doubts about that. If Carlisle was really that perfect he would have stopped Edward from doing the biggest mistake of his life.

I mean he wants to be their father then he should act like one damn it. Parents meddle into the business of their children no matter how old they are.

Not to forget he left a human with the knowledge that is forbidden to know by a human beings and other Vampire outside his own clan knowing about this human.

Boy what would have happen if Victoria actually would have had the brain to got o the Volturi and tell on the Cullen's?

"I certainly never thought to see Carlisle bested for self-control of all things, but you put him to shame."


While they were having their conversation I was thinking about what I was about to do when we were out of here.

What if Bella didn't return? What if there wasn't a way back?

I know it was crazy having those thoughts while we were still in danger but my mind was a chaos and my temper and the anger I felt for Edward right now didn't make it any better. I wasn't quite able to focus on the scene before me.

Too much happened in a too short amount of time and I didn't even had a minute to really deal with it. I pushed all of those thoughts and feeling down I needed to stay calm even though I desperately wanted to cry and scream, to hit something, to curse anything to let this panic, fear and anxiousness out.

"Ask her," I suddenly heard Edward say what snapped me out of my rant.

"Of course, how rude of me! Bella, I'm fascinated that you are the one exception to Edward's impressive talent so very interesting that such a thing should occur! And I was wondering, since our talents are similar in many ways, if you would be so kind as to allow me to try to see if you are an exception for me, as well?"

It was pointless to refuse so I immediately reached out my hand to him. I was wearing a mask of calmness as I looked into his face.

I was getting the feeling that I was becoming biopolar because of how fast my moods changed. In one moment I was freaked in the other I'm calm as if everything is alright.

But then again it's not like I'm in a normal situation here.

Aro touched my hand and then after a moment took it firmly into his. His eyes were on my face and I knew he didn't see anything. It was hard for me to hide the smug smile that was threatening to spread across my face.

"So very interesting," Was Aro's comment to my ability.

"A first, I wonder if she is immune to our other talents... Jane, dear?"

I knew what was coming.

"No!" Edward snarled.

"Yes, Master?" Jane answer happy about being able to torture someone.

Edward was trying to shield me from Jane while Aro spoke again.

"I was wondering, my dear one, if Bella is immune to you."

Edward was more furious by the second that idiot was going to get himself hurt. I watched Jane's reaction and was quite sure I knew when she would unleash her ability.

As she turned to face us I quickly stepped from behind Edward and was in front of him before he even noticed what I was doing.

"Bella!" I heard Edward shriek agonised, in panic and fear. I felt Alice rush to our side and capture Edward in her wise grip.

"Edward look Jane can't hurt her." She said to knock some sense into Edward.

The beatific smile that Jane first had on her face was slowly turning sour because I was just standing there not giving a sound away.

She glared murderously at me as it downed on her that she couldn't hurt me.

"This is wonderful!" Aro laughed happily and excited at the scene before him.

"Don't be put out, dear one, she confounds us all." Aro tried to smoothen Jane as she huffed frustrated

"So what do we do with you now?" Aro questioned.

Edward and Alice went tense.

"I don't suppose there's any chance that you've changed your mind? Your talent would be an excellent addition to our little company." Aro asked Edward hoping he would join him.

"I'd... rather... not." Edward declined carefully.

"Alice? Would you perhaps be interested in joining with us?" Aro also tried her.

"No, thank you," Alice said as it was to be expected.

"And you, Bella?" Aro asked me as well.

Now here I was always curious did he want to know if she would like to be his dinner time or join the guard. There was only one way to find out. Not, the smartest idea but since I am in this world when did I have been smart. I'm in the Vampires dent for heavens sake.

"Mister Aro sir are you asking me to be your dinner or to join your guard?" I asked him friendly.

I could almost hear Edward's and Alice's jaws drop to the ground and their eyes bug out of their sockets as I asked this question while Casius shrieked "What?".

Aro laughed at that question amused and answered.

"As a part of my guard child." Then he turned to Casius and said. "You surly see the potential." Before focusing his attention back to me.

"Thank you sir but I do think I have to decline." I said calmly and politely.

"That's a shame." Aro sighed.

"Join or die, is that it? I suspected as much when we were brought to this room. So much for your laws." Edward said angrily and careful.

"Of course not. We were already convened here, Edward, awaiting Heidi's return. Not for you." Aro explained calmly.

"Aro, the law claims them." Casius wasn't pleased with us surviving this.

"She knows too much. You have exposed our secrets." He pointed at Edward.

"There are a few humans in on your charade here, as well," Edward defended us or me better said.

"Yes, but when they are no longer useful to us, they will serve to sustain us. That is not your plan for this one. If she betrays our secrets, are you prepared to destroy her? I think so." He said disgusted.

"Nor do you intend to make her one of us, therefore, she is a vulnerability. Though it is true, for this, only her life is forfeit. You may leave if you wish."

I really wanted to give him apiece of my mind in this moment but I held it back with great effort lecturing the Volturi wouldn't be a good idea. What made my temper even worse was Edward's behaviour.

Here we were in the Volturi castle, they were giving us a chance to get out of this alive and he wants to bargain over mortality?

I so wanted to smack him right then and there.

It pissed me off as I read the books and having his stupid behaviour life makes me only angrier because that is my life he is risking right now and he doesn't even consider asking me about my opinion!

When I survive this that boy is going to get an ear full. I have my moms temper. I can control it pretty good but with Edward I reached my limits.

"That's what I thought," Caius said.

"Excuse me Mister Casius and Mister Aro sir may I speak for myself." I asked politely as I stepped out of behind of Edward.

"Bella." Edward said in a warning voice. I gave him a death glare. Aro ignored our display and said.

"Of cause child, you may speak."

"On the plane ride here, Alice made me the offer to turn me." I could feel Edward glare at poor Alice murderously. "I accepted it. We thought this through and the best time for me to get turned would be after graduation. I am the daughter of the chief of police after all and if I disappear now it would raise too many questions especially that everyone knows I took off with Alice. After going to college I would just disappear of the surface of the planet for everyone and could get turned without raising to much suspicion."

"You certainly thought about it but judging by his growling, Edward here, isn't fond of the idea." Aro stated amused. Edward glared at me he didn't like this one bit.

Oh well then he will hate the next one.

"If none of the Cullen's will change me I will come back after graduation here to Voltera and you can do whatever you like with me. How does that sound?"

"Bella have you lost your mind?" Edward growled angrily at me.

"I'm my own person making my own decisions."

"Proposal accepted." Aro boomed satisfied. It were his final words and everyone knew it, Casius looked beyond annoyed and angry but didn't say anything. I beamed at Aro and he smiled back.

Edward's jaw dropped to the ground he couldn't believe what just happened. He clenched his fists and was trying not to lose his temper.

Yep, he didn't like the deal well to bad for him.

"Then we are free to go now?" Alice asked quickly before Edward lost it.

"Yes, yes, but please visit again. It's been absolutely enthralling!" Aro laughed delighted. "And we will visit you as well, to be sure that you follow through on your side. Were I you, I would not delay too long, until after graduation. We do not offer second chances."

Alice and I nodded at him and Edward clenched his jaw again.

"Ah, Felix. Heidi will be here at any moment. Patience." Aro said as Felix groaned.

"In that case, perhaps we'd better leave sooner rather than later." Edward suddenly said I knew what was to happen now dinner time for the Vampires.

"Yes, that's a good idea. Accidents do happen. Please wait below until after dark, though, if you don't mind." Aro answered a little sad we had to go already. He called Felix to him who brought him a gray cloak.

"Take this. You're a little conspicuous."

"Of course," Edward agreed, putting the cloak on.

"It suits you." Aro remarked.

"Thank you, Aro. We'll wait below." Edward said in a voice dripped with faked politeness.

"Goodbye, young friends," Aro said his goodbyes.

"Let's go," Edward said, as he put his arm around my waist and pushed me quickly out of the room but not quick enough.

The babble of loud voices with different accents could be heard clearly already. I was feeling sad for all the people who would find death just in a few seconds.

"Welcome, guests! Welcome to Volterra!" Aro's voice greeted shortly before the horrified screams of the Vampire victims rang out.

The Vampire snarled and grunted as they drained their victims of their blood. For a moment I felt really guilty for just walking away and let the Vampire murder all those people.

Edward pulled me closer to him, pressing me into his chest. In the back of my mind I thought it was strange and wrong to be held like this by him but given the circumstances I let it happen anyway.

The doubt and chaos in my mind started to become worse.