Chapter 6: Return to Forks

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Anna's POV:

"Goodbye, young friends," Aro said his goodbyes.

"Let's go," Edward said, as he put his arm around my waist and pushed me quickly out of the room but not quick enough.

The babble of loud voices with different accents could be heard clearly already. I was feeling sad for all the people who would find death just in a few seconds.

"Welcome, guests! Welcome to Volterra!" Aro's voice greeted shortly before the horrified screams of the Vampire victims rang out.

The Vampire snarled and grunted as they drained their victims of their blood. For a moment I felt really guilty for just walking away and let the Vampire murder all those people.

Edward pulled me closer to him, pressing me into his chest. In the back of my mind I thought it was strange and wrong to be held like this by him but given the circumstances I let it happen anyway.

The doubt and chaos in my mind started to become worse.

I took a deep calming breath and tried to pull myself together hoping in vain that I could ignore the pounding headache that was tormenting me. While I walked with Edward's arm around my waist I heard the busy chatter of people somewhere far in the distance.

Just like in the book we walked into an ornate golden hallway that was quiet and empty except for one gorgeous, statuesque woman. Heidi, I assumed, stared at us curiously, me in particular.

Yeah, I got it. A human that at the top of that was still alive in the castle of the Vampire royalty was an interesting thing.

I sighed annoyed while my head was really aiming to kill me on the spot.

"Welcome home, Heidi," Demetri greeted her from behind us, straddling me in the process. I totally forgot he was there.

Heidi smiled absently. She was dressed to emphasize that beauty. Her amazingly long legs, darkened with tights, were exposed by the shortest of miniskirts. Her top was long-sleeved and high-necked, but extremely close-fitting, and constructed of red vinyl. Her long mahogany hair was lustrous, and her eyes were the strangest shade of violet a colour that might result from blue-tinted contacts over red irises.

"Demetri," she responded in a really nice sounding voice, her eyes flickering between my face and Edward's gray cloak.

It seemed like every female was falling for him no matter what species. I mentally rolled my eyes and was punished with another wave of pain for it.

"Nice fishing," Demetri complimented her. And I briefly wondered why the police or anyone else for that matter didn't even seem to notice the regular disappearances of so many people.

I mean such an enormous amount of humans, tourist, got killed on regular basis to feed all the members of the Volturi and none noticed. That had me already wondering when I read the book.

"Thanks." She flashed Demeti a stunning smile.

"Aren't you coming?" She asked while was about to go into the grand hall where we came from.

"In a minute. Save a few for me."

Heidi nodded and ducked through the door with one last curious look at me while my head was throbbing with hot pain. Edward set a pace that had me running to keep up. I knew he wanted to get away before the screaming started but his effort was in vain.

"Do not leave until dark," a deep voice warned us.

Edward nodded, and Demetri hurried away.

He left us in the cheerfully opulent reception area, where Gianna was still at her post behind the polished counter as bright, harmless music tinkled from hidden speakers.

Gianna wasn't surprised by the exchange but only eyed Edward's borrowed cloak with shrewd speculation.

"Are you all right?" Edward asked under his breath, to low for the other humans to hear.

Wait was I even still a human? The thought shot through my muddled mind while his rough voice, well rough as velvet can be that was mixed with anxiety and bouncing in my ear.

"You'd better make her sit before she falls," Alice said. "She's going to pieces."

I wasn't going into pieces I was far beyond that point by now. It was just that my head was literally killing me.

"It's all right, you're safe, it's all right," Edward chanted again and again while he pulled me onto his lap and tucked the thick wool cloak around me, protecting me from his cold skin.

First I wanted to protest I didn't want to sit on his lap. I didn't even know that guy but then I remember his cold skin, though it wasn't that cold, it was cool enough to help against the throbbing in my head.

I rested my head against his cold chest and sighed contently as his cool flesh felt pleased against my aching bowl.

"Is there anything I can get you?" Gianna asked politely.

Finally I had been waiting for that line.

"Actually yes, if it isn't too much to ask I would like to request the strongest painkillers you have. My head is killing me. The jet lack is kicking in full force." I smiled weakly at her.

"Of course." She smiled pleasantly back at me and turned around to go back to her desk.

"I'm sorry love," he whispered but I ignored him.

I had no idea how to deal with him or the entire situation but I knew right now was not the time and much less the place to get into the entire I'm not Bella Swan business.

Gianna, came back rather quickly with some pills in her right hand and a bottle of water in her left.

"Here you go," she handed them to me.

"Thank you." I smiled gratefully at her.

"Excuse me is there somewhere a toilet near by?" I asked her before I popped the pills into my mouth and swallowed them down together with a long drink out of the bottle.

"Sure just right down that hallway the last door on the right."

"Thank you," I said, closed the bottle up with the lid and slowly stood up while my hands went to my temples in a vain attempt to somehow stop the aching throbbing.

"Bella, I…" I heard his voice behind me while he was rising from the ground with me.

"I'm visiting the restroom on my own with out a male or female," I turned to face the little pixie and glared at her like I just had done at her brother," baby sitter following me." I barked at them and was on my way.

Their stunned expressions were priceless and if my head wouldn't have hurt that much I would have laughed. I knew it was wrong to treat them like this....actually if I thought about it they had a hand in why I was in this mess so maybe they deserved it.

Since if that idiot wouldn't have left the family and identity stealing witch then I would have still been with my family in my world instead of having to deal with this supernatural mess.

I sighed when I reached the restroom. My hand was resting above the door knob as I suddenly jerked my head to the side and looked into the direction I just came from. I raised an annoyed eyebrow at the half naked Vampire that was looking sheepish and was pouting at me.

"If you dare to actually follow me into the restroom I will go back there and ask Felix if he would be so kind to kick your ass for me." I glared at him while he gasped in shock and a blurry form rushed past him before he could react.

"It would be my pleasure." The bulky Vampire that was suddenly at my side smiled down at me as his bright red eyes were glowing with the blood he just consumed.

A growl rang out in the hallway and I shot an icy glare at the source.

"Zip it Cullen." I commanded and hurt flashed through his dark pools while Alice looked like she he didn't understand the world anymore.

"I thought you loved him." Felix chuckled besides me.

I sighed. Right I had to play my role.

"Yes, I do love him doesn't mean I can't be mad as hell at him and have the desire to hit a frying pan across his head over and over." I murmured under my breath.

"Feisty little tigress you have there, Cullen," he laughed at the mind reading Vampire who looked with hurt and agony and a deep and painful longing at me that was mixed with worry and concern because of Felix who stood besides me.

Maybe I should have been worried about the human blood drinking Vampire right besides me but I wasn't.

Edward stood a few feet away from me and looked like he wanted nothing more then to run to me and get me away from there as fast and far as he could.

"Do you need to use the restroom as well?" I raised an eyebrow at Felix offering his a smug and playful smile.

He laughed out loud and I had to touch my temples again.

He shook his head.

"Well, I'll be going then," he told me before his gazed fixed Edward's frame.

"Back off Cullen," he warned the devastated Vampire before he winked at me.

I had no idea why Felix was helping me but I wasn't about to look a gift horse into the mouth.

I went into the restroom that looked like it belonged into a luxurious hotel and did my business. After I washed my hands I dared to look into the mirror and saw that I looked like an accident that happened. I used my hands to tame my hair as best I could.

There wasn't much I could do. I sighed and left the restroom. When I was back in the hall where Edward and Alice waited for me the mind reading Vampire lifted his head and gazed at me with so much pain in his shadowed black pools that it made me feel sorry for him. Just a little.

He must have seen that little sparkle of sympathy because little light of hope flashed through his eyes before it died down and he looked back at the ground before him. He looked defeated and broken like a pile of misery as he sat there.

I sighed annoyed with myself about what I was about to do and went straight into his direction stopping a few inches in front of him. He looked up again, his expression the one of a lost, hurt puppy.

"Are you thirsty," I asked, studying the purple bruises under his black irises.

He looked at me and shrugged. "It's nothing."

"Are you sure?" I pressed not quite believing him.

"Yes, I am. I've never been in better control of that side of my nature than right now." He assured me.

I nodded and sighed before I snatched the cloak out of his hands and pulled it around myself before I went to sit down on his lap again. He watched me utterly stunned but didn't make a sound as if everything was a dream and if he dared to speak I would disappear.

Well if Bella would disappear what she did. Family stealing witch that she was.

I couldn't help but wonder how would he react when he got to know I wasn't Bella Swan.

His arms locked carefully around me as if they were testing the waters giving me a chance to reject his touch before he embraced me clinging to me desperately.

He pulled me tight against his ice-hard chest, so tight it was hard to breathe, even with my lungs securely intact.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," he whispered/sobbed over and over while I placed my forehead against his shoulder.

I didn't say anything to his pleading for forgiveness but closed my eyes and wished for the warm darkness that would take me away from this insanity.

I also wanted to get away from that fear that built in my chest and the doubts that were nearly driving me out of my mind because how could any of what I just experienced be real?

How could I not be Anna anymore but Bella and no-one noticed that not even the guy who loved the family stealing witch enough to die for her.

How could different realities be real?

How could none notice that a strange girl appeared out of nowhere and replaced someone else?

My mind was spinning with those and other questions while I drifted off into a sleepless slumber.

But before I completely blacked out I heard Alice stick to the book.

"What was all that talk about singers?"

"La tua cantante," Edward said. I had to admit his voice did sound like music.

"Yes, that,"

"They have a name for someone who smells the way Bella does to me. They call her my singer because her blood sings for me...….."

I woke up to a light brushing of something cool against my forehead while a velvet voice was ringing in my ears.

"You need to wake up now, love, we are here."

I reluctantly opened my eyes and the bright lights at the airport in Florence hurt my eyes. I groaned. My headache was better but nowhere near gone.

Just as the family stealing witch, I was going to stick to that label for her for a long time, I also had the chance to brush my teeth and change into clean clothes that Alice brought along. It was kind of a wonder that they fit. While Bella was about 5`4 feet tall I was 5`9 and I had curves. I wasn't an unhealthy, skinny pile of bones that were covered with skin like Bella was.

I would have never fit into her clothes. So how was it possible that her clothes fit me like a second skin. This was making absolutely no sense.

"Can I have something against my headache?" I asked the flight attendant once we boarded our plane.

"Bella," Edward said disapprovingly.

"Just ignore him." I told the flight attendant who looked at me as if I lost my mind.

"Bella," I heard the hurt in his voice but I ignored him again.

"Please my head is killing me." I pleaded and the blond supermodel seemed to have mercy with me even though she looked like she wouldn't mind if I just dropped dead so she could sit next to the guy with the pained expression on his beautiful face.

Actually how they even passed for humans was beyond me. Edward was really the most beautiful male shell I had ever seen. Well at least on the outside. His controlling ways on the other hand were making me want to strangle him.

And I knew that guy for barely a few hours!

"Bella, you already had two," he argued.

"This is my body and my decision and not yours." I barked out forcefully.

He wanted to say something but I could feel the kick that Alice placed against his seat which shut him up. She was behind us. I could hear her murmuring to Jasper on the phone.

After I took more painkillers against the raging headache I fell asleep again and got woken up by Edward when it was time to change planes. I also slept on the flight from Rome to Atlanta. Before I feel asleep both times I felt Edward pull me into him and cling to me as if his life depended on it.

And oh brother didn't it!

It did piss me off that he just took what he wanted from me but I was past caring just then. Sleep was the more desired option then to give Edward Cullen a wash down but that was coming when I was fully back of course without an aching head.

I could feel someone place kisses on my face when I was waking up before I heard a velvet voice.

"Love, we are going to land in a few minutes."

I opened my eyes and stretched in my seat. My muscles were killing me but my headache was bearable. Funny the amount of painkillers had to eliminate the pain in my head by now but guess my problems were too much for a few pills to handle.

We reached the airport in Atlanta, and I could even watch the sun beginning to rise over Seattle's cloud cover before Edward slid the window shut so the sun wouldn't sell him out.

As expected, neither Alice nor Edward was surprised by the reception that waited for us at Sea-Tac airport. Alice went quickly to a lean, tall, blond guy's side. Her husband Jasper as I recognise him to be. They didn't embrace but only stared into each other's faces. The moment was really private and intimate.

Two more inhumanly generous creatures with golden eye's, O.K. how golden eyes didn't tick anyone off was beyond me, waited in a quiet corner far from the line of the metal detectors, in the shadow of a wide pillar.

Esme reached for me, hugging me fiercely, yet awkwardly, because Edward kept his arms around me, too. In this moment I ask myself why I let him. The simple answer was because I didn't even noticed that he slung his arm around me because despite all the rest I was still somehow pretty much out of it.

"Thank you so much," she said in my ear.

Then she threw her arms around Edward, and she looked like she would be crying if that were possible.

"You will never put me through that again," she nearly growled.

Edward grinned, repentant.

"Sorry, Mom."

"Thank you, Bella," Carlisle said. "We owe you."

"You have no idea." I muttered under my breath knowing they heard me.

"Bella…" Carlisle voice rang out again but suddenly I felt really sick. I managed just in time to run to the nearest trash bin before my stomach emptied itself.

I couldn't stop throwing up while the sharp pain in my head grew to an unbearable raging force. I whimpered miserably while heaved into the trash bin.

"Call 911!" Carlisle command.

I could hear Edward's panicked voice next to me and also feel Carlisle on my other side but I tried to push them away. My entire body was shaking and I broke out in cold sweat while I felt like I was about to die.

Just as I thought I couldn't get worse my head felt like it would explode and I started shaking uncontrollably. Someone, I assumed Edward held me in his cold arms, pressed against his body while my sight blurred and I passed out from the pain.