Chapter 7: betrayal and Funny Farm

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Anna's POV:

"Oh sweetheart, are you alright?" I thought I heard while I was slowly awaking up.

"Can you hear me Bella?" A concerned voice that I couldn't place was whispering next to me while I was inching my way back to the living.

"She is waking up. She is moving. She is waking up from the coma." A male voice rushed out while I heard footsteps hurrying in my direction.

Some light was shoved into my eyes and I pushed it back.

"How are you feeling Bella?" Some other male voice asked me while my head spun and felt funny.

"I'm not Bella." I mumbled groggily.

I dragged my heavy eyes open with a lot of effort, blinking a few times before I could recognise a few shapes. An older man in a white clothes and a woman stood next to me and looked concerned and confused at me.

"Bella!" The woman's voice sounded scared for some reason.

"I'm not Bella ma`am. My name is Anna." I rasped out, feeling a dull pain in my head.

"What is wrong with her?" The first male voice asked from the foot of the bed that I was lying on. I noticed that for some reason that voice sounded deeply concerned.

"I don't know." I heard the second male voice answer.

"I'm not...…Bella Swan...I'm...Anna," I yawned while I rolled my body on my right side and snuggled into the pillow.

I felt funny really funny. I remembered that feeling. It was exactly like the time after my operation back then when the anaesthetic kept me between awaking and falling asleep.

Mom told me afterwards that I had mumbled some nonsense to her while being halfway knocked out but I couldn't remember anything.

"I'm not her...…I'm not Bella." I grumped angrily before I passed out.

I stirred and trashed around a little when I felt myself waking up again. Suddenly a warm hand brushed over my face. My eyes snapped open and an elder woman who was dressed like a nurse smiled down at me.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," she greeted me warmly.

Laughter lines were around her light blue eyes that sparkled at me with a good mood as her rosy lips curled into an even wider smile.

"Good morning," my voice was rough as I greeted her and I couldn't help the forceful coughing that broke it's way out of me.

My throat felt dry like the Sahara.

"Here," the nurse handed me a pink coloured cup. I took it gratefully out of her hands and drank the cool liquid inside of it desperately.

When I looked up at her after I drained the cup she had a really warm expression on her face and looked with compassion down at me while she pressed a red button next to my bed.

"I'm Beth." She introduced herself.

"Anna," I smiled back at her.

She nodded and her eyes smiled warmly at me.

"What happened to me?" I asked as my hands went to the thin bandage on my head.

"A blood vessel erupted in your head. You had to be operated." She answered.

"An operation on my brain!" I was baffled with shock.

Just as Beth wanted to say something the door was pushed open and a male Doctor entered the room.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Wilson. How are we feeling today?" He asked me while he took a quick look at the chart that the nurse handed to him.

"I don't know like I slept for eternity." I mumbled still stunned about the information I received from Beth.

"A blood vessel erupted in my head, I was operated?" I asked fishing for further information.

"Yes, but it was not as bad as it sounds," he murmured.

Easy for you to say! My conscious grumped.

"We only had to bore a little hole into your skull to let the blood that had escaped out of your erupted vessel flow out of your head." He told me not looking up from the chart.

"The swelling has nearly vanished as far as the tests showed. You should be alright in no time."

I breathed out a huge sighed on relief and while a mountain fell from my shoulders realisation hit me. I was dreaming all of this. It all had only been a dream.





The Volturi.

All of it had only been a dream. A product of my imagination while I had been sedated.

I breathed out a big and long sight of relief. I felt like a thousand tons lighter and joy washed through my body. Everything was alright.

Thank god. My mind cheered.

I giggled and a big smile formed on my face.

It was over. I was home again.

"Where's my mom?" I asked him while I settled my relaxed body into the pillows behind me.

"I just need to do some check ups and then you can see your parents." The Doctor told me.

He did all the check ups, removed some appliances from my body, apparently I had been in a coma for about two weeks and then told the nurse she could call my mother in.

It was a little shock to me that I had slept two weeks straight but everything was better then being stuck in that supernatural mess that my dream during that coma had been. I was just glad to be back where I belonged and that I was able to see my mom in a few short moments.

Then a woman with short dark blond hair walk into the room and looked with tears in her eyes at me before she flew into my direction and pulled me into her embrace.

I sat shocked on the bed while she sobbed and stroked my hair.

"Oh, baby. I'm so glad you are wake. I missed you so much. Baby….." She pulled away to be able to look at me.

"Who are you?" I looked at her not understanding what this strange woman wanted from me.

"Where is my mother?" I asked the Doctor who had a grim expression on his face while the foreign woman sat frozen besides me as tears ran down her face. She looked like she was about to throw up.

"What is wrong with my daughter?" She suddenly asked no one in particular.

"I'm not your daughter," I stated and gave her a look that told her that she was crazy.

Whatever joke those people were playing it was no funny.

"Who are you?" The Doctor asked me.

"Haven't you read it on the chart I'm Anna." I pushed out between my grit teeth, this was getting on my last nerve.

"What year do we have?" He asked me slowly approaching me.

"2010," I answered automatically briefly thinking over the reason for this kind of question but quickly dismissing the topic altogether as I had a more urgent matter at my hand.

"Where is my mom? What is going on here?" I demanded while my body trembled with anger, fear and terror.

"What is happening?" I heard a male voice call out as an older man in a police uniform and a beautiful man with blond hair and golden eyes rushed into the room.

In moment my eyes fell on the frame of the Vampire Doctor who I had met the first time at the airport I understood: the nightmare wasn't over. I was still stuck in Twilight.

"Bella?" The man in the police uniform called out gently while my world was crashing down around me.

"No, no, no…..My name is Anna. I am Anna." I screamed while the woman with the short dark blond hair broke down sobbing and Charlie Swan, the man in the police uniform, stopped dead in his tracks while the colour drained from his face.

"You said she would get better." He glared at the blond Vampire in the room.

Carlisle looked helpless opening and closing his mouth a few times but no sound escaped him.

"Bella." Doctor Wilson approached me but I wasn't having any of that.

"I'm Anna. My name is Anna." I repeated over and over going into hysterics until the nurse rammed a needle into my arm and I was drifting into blackness against my will.

When I woke up once again it was dark in my room. I rubbed my hand over my eyes and waited for them to adjust to the darkness that surrounded me.

At least to the one they could.

I turned my head to the only light source I could make out. That was the full moon outside the window. The moon looked beautiful so full and silver coloured. I don't know why but a single tear escaped my right eye and rolled down my cheek.

I sighed when I had to discover that I was still in the same hospital bed but at least I wasn't being strapped down to the bed.

I heard a chair scratch the ground and turn my head in the direction of the sound. He stepped into the pool of moon light and I recognised him in an instant.

"How are you feeling, Bella?"

"What you're the first Vampire with Alzheimer?" I glared at the blond Vampire.

He sighed and shook his head before looking with sad golden pools at me.

"I'm not insane." I barked at him.

I knew I should be at least civil but after everything that happened to me I couldn't find it in me to stop leashing out at someone. I simply wasn't granted the mercy to have the chance to catch a freaking break from all of this mess.

That made me grumpy.

"Let me rephrase that. How are you feeling Anna?"

"Peachy." I shot at him before I stopped breathing to calm myself and took a deep intake of air a few moments later.

"Not good," I answered truthfully.

"Could you tell me what happened?" He asked as he took a careful step in my direction.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Why would you care?"

He was visibly taken aback by that question.

"Because you are a member of my family we care for...…" There he stopped and I like to believe it was because of the ice cold glare I shot at him.

"So taking care of your family means for you to abandon them when you feel like it?" I just couldn't resist throwing that into his face.

He looked shocked at me before his expression showed the guilt he felt.

Good. My mind assessed.

"We just tried to protect you."

"That is a lie and a pretty lame one. You better think hard of a really good excuse not that there is one that would be anywhere near satisfying." I barked.

"But because your Alzheimer showed again I will repeat myself even though I hate that. I'm Anna and not that family stealing witch."

"Family stealing ..." He looked confused at me I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"You have a perfect memory try to keep up. Your dear Bella," I spat her name like a curse, "stole my family from me. I'm not hat family stealing witch. I'm Anna."

He blinked a few times at me utterly baffled until he nodded shortly.

"I'm sorry. I will keep that in mind from now on."

I snorted.

"Will you please tell me what happened? I might be able to help." He told me hopefully.

I gazed at him through narrowed eyes while I mulled his request over in my head. He was actually part of the problem but since there was no one else around.

I tried to sit up but my body protested a little all of the sudden but despite the aching I found myself in a sitting position.

"Where do I start?" I though out loud while Carlisle waited patiently for me to begin.

"I was on summer vacation with my family we were about to have breakfast in the garden. I was called outside and about to leave the room in the second level of the house when suddenly the door to the room was ripped open and a small girl with chocolate brown eyes and long, brown hair stumbled into my life." While I told my tale a thought struck me.

"My eyes are hazel and I'm much taller then her. Doesn't anyone notice that?" I asked rather incredulous.

"You look how you always have." He looked apologetically at me.

"Whatever!" I sighed and closed my eyes in annoyance though I felt strangely calm somehow.

"Is Jasper screwing with my emotions?" I voiced my suspicion.

Guilt shot through his honey pools before he could mask the feeling.

"Never trust a Vampire huh?" I mocked him.

"Never mind." I shook my head before I went on with the explanations.

"She looked just as stunned at what happened as I felt. She told me that she was Bella Swan and of course I didn't believe her but I couldn't argue away the different room just behind the door. Where a hallway was supposed to be was a bedroom I had never seen before." I sighed.

"To make the story short she asked about me and who the people in the garden were and after I told her everything she wanted to know she offered me to look around her room as well. All the mess is partly my fault for simply trusting that thief." I shouldn't have trusted the family stealing witch.

"She shut the door behind me after I stepped into this world. She told that she didn't want her life anymore and I could have it."

After ending my tale the blond Vampire looked gravely at me not making a sound.

"So Doc. How do I get back home?"

Carlisle didn't answer my question but only looked at me with a serious expression on his inhumanly handsome face. How they passed for humans I would never understand. Was everyone in this world so blind that they couldn't see that something was really, really wrong with those beautiful people, well their shell was beautiful whatever.

I tired again but this time I swallowed down the anger and the hostile feelings that I had.

"Please I just want to go home. Can't you help me?" I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and trembled with my bottom lip.

His serious expression turned into a heartbroken one. He stepped closer to me until he was next to me and reached out to touch my hand. He squeezed it lightly before he spoke.

"I promise you I will do whatever I can to help." The blond Vampire told me and I had the feeling that he meant it.

Maybe not everything in this world was bad. My conscious whispered to me.

I gazed at him for a long while before I nodded. Did I trust him? No, I didn't, not really at least, but I also couldn't help the little sparkle of hope that enflamed inside of me at the possibility that he believed me and that he would be able to help me to find a way back home.

"Thank you," I whispered and gave him a tight but honest smile.

"Sleep now Anna. This was an exhausting day for you." He told me as he brushed his fingers over my cheek in a fatherly fashion.

I didn't welcome his touch but I played along. He was after all my only chance to get home. Maybe he would find a way to open that portal and I could go back home.

"How was breakfast dear?" The nurse named Beth asked me.

"Surprisingly good or maybe I was just too hungry." I smiled at her.

The food was well I was able to eat it or better said drink it. They didn't give me solid food but some kind of puree because I was laying in a coma for a few days and my stomach wouldn't be able to handle solid food. At least that was what the Doctors told me.

"Good, the Doctor will visit you soon."

"Is Carlisle coming?"

She gave me a surprised looked when I used his first name before she recovered.

"No," she shook her head, "Doctor Wilson."

"Oh," I acknowledged.

Beth took my tray and went out of the door. Having nothing better to do I switched the TV on and watched some random show.

It was somewhere near noon when Doctor Wilson came into my room with another Doctor in tow. She had long dark hair and amazing green eyes. She looked like she was in her forties but she kept herself very well.

"Hello Anna this is Doctor Backer." Doctor Wilson introduced her to me.

I nodded and she smiled at me but I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off about this situation.

"Anna I'm a psychologist," she told me eyeing me carefully. My face immediately fell into a scowl.

"You're a shrink." I gave them both the stinky eye.

If there was something that could make this supernatural insanity even worse for me that it was to have to deal with a god damn shrink!

I was so going to murder Carlisle Cullen!

"I'm not nuts and as long I'm not a danger to myself or anyone else you can't keep me here against my will. I'm eighteen and I want out of this hell hole." I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at them both.

Was this entire world bend on hassling me?

I knew I was drawing in self-pity which was so not like me but really I couldn't help the anger and annoyance I felt. I wished I could though.

The both of them sighed while I had my mental rant.

"I have to confirm that you are indeed no danger to yourself or anyone else."

"What did Carlisle tell you?" I barked at her. Her expression was too aloof as she tried to deny.

"Even when you think that I'm nuts I'm not stupid."

She acknowledged that and nodded.

"Doctor Cullen told me about your delusions. You think you are from another world and that you are not Bella Swan?" She was gauging my reaction.

I took a deep breath to keep myself from leashing out on her. Normally I was always polite and friendly but honestly after everything that happened I just felt like killing someone or destroying something.

There was this anger, fury and hurt inside me that was eating me from inside out and now betrayal joint the party I should have known better then to trust Carlisle Cullen.

"Yes, I'm not Bella," my voice became ice cold as I had to spit her name out, "I'm Anna."

The next few days had been a disaster as the shrink got on my case. After my freak out I couldn't just go back to insisting that I indeed was Bella Swan and after what she done to me I didn't want to have anything to do with her, least of all be called by her name.

After hours and hours of talking to the idiot that called herself a shrink she finally swallowed all my lies and half truths. I told her what had happened when I came here. I told her about the door and my life which the family stealing witch stole from me. Of course I let the entire Vampire thing be untouched.

Luckily shrinks aren't the brightest bulb in the lamp and when someone can they are dead meant so to say. So that was what I did. I lied my way out of the funny farm.

According to Doctor Backer, the shrink, I had a personality disorder and when the family stealing witch wasn't able to handle her life anymore Anna was born to take over. She then went on talking about the jump of the cliff being some sort of ritual, catalyser or sign or something like that. I didn't really listen.

During that time Charlie Swan and his ex-wife Renee, who came to Forks after she got to know what happened to her daughter, came to visit me a few times. I behaved better then. It was after all not their fault what happened.

With the days passing my mood also got better. I became calmer after I had a little time for myself to think over what happened. The anger and fury about what I had lost was still there and the grieving hadn't even made an appearance yet but I was coping with my situation.

Leashing out at people would get me nowhere which is why I tried my best to keep my temper under control and find a way back to my old self even if that was only for show.

My stay in the hospital was thankfully coming to an end. I didn't have any headache in two days and my body was also on a good way to function normally again.

"I will come back tomorrow for another meeting." Doctor Backer told me as she was about to leave after another session.

"How many more of those meetings will I have to endure?"

"Only one more and then you are fee to go home." She said before she paused to think.

"Sounds like I'm not nuts." I smirked.

She smiled warmly at me.

"You are not crazy Anna. You had to go through a lot of emotional stress..." that was the point where I tuned her out because she went on and on and on.

Good lord I hated shrinks.

After she was finally done with her speech I smile friendly at her to get rid of her faster. I had about five minutes to recover from that assault before I heard a knock and the door was pushed open.

The last person I was expecting to see entered my room then: Carlisle Cullen.

"You've got a lot of never." I barked at him.


I shot him a death glare and growled at him in warning the best I could. He got the message.

"Anna what you told me is not possible. Parallel universes do not exist." He insisted.

"Wow and that from a nearly four hundred year old Vampire." I scoffed at him.

He sighed heavily and shook his head.

"We are just trying to help you."

"If you really wanted to help me then you wouldn't have betrayed me. Instead you would have tried to find a way for to get back home." I growled at him.

"That would have been the least you could have done after I risked my life to safe the sorry ass of your son." I spat at him and turned my head around.

"Anna," he tried to reason with me but I was beyond being bale to endure his lies.

"Get out," I commanded forcefully.

He looked taken aback.

"What Alice didn't see that I would throw you out?" I mocked him.

"I know what we did was wrong. We should have…"

"You should have a lot but you didn't. For example you shouldn't have betrayed me but you did. Now get out." My voice was low and dangerously.

He looked with a sad and broken expression at me. Before all of this happened it would have been enough to stop me and make me apologize to him, hell before all of this happened I would have never spoken to anyone like this but I was furious and bitter.

Not only did I lose my family but I was in a hospital a place I hated with passion, I had an idiotic shrink on my back to deal with and then he dared to show his face and try to lie to me. I was beyond feeling compassion for anyone.

He nodded finally getting the message before he made his way to the door. His hand almost touched the doorknob as he turned around.

"Edward loves you and he is sorry for everything."

"First of all he is in love with that witch that stole my life and second he doesn't even know me." I barked at him.

Carlisle sighed sadly.

"And just by the way if he really meant it then he would have come himself and told that the person he loves personally and not through a third person." I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest raising an eyebrow at him.

Carlisle opened his mouth and closed it again before he pushed the door open, walked through and closed it after him.

It felt good to throw Carlisle out of my room. Occasionally thoughts that I was going to far would shoot through my mind but I quickly shot them down when I remembered what I had been robbed off.

"Once we are home you will feel better Be-Anna." Charlie said as we were on our way to his house. I had finally been dismissed out of the hell hole also known as the community hospital in Forks.

"Hum-hm," was all I offered while I looked out of the car window at the passing scenery.

"We are here." I heard Renee say as we came to a stop in the driveway of the small that house in front of us.

I sighed annoyed, shook my head to be able to put on the good girl act, pushed my car door open and exited the car.

The air was cool and misty. It smelled like earth and green plants, very clean and fresh and under normal circumstances I would have enjoyed that.

I was kind of sick always having to think that under normal circumstances I would react differently but I couldn't help it. No matter what I did this anger inside of me didn't go away.

"I bet you are hungry." Renee told me as she came up beside me and locked her arm with mine.

I looked at her and raised my eyebrow. I knew out of the books that she wasn't a good cook.

"Don't worry I didn't cook." She added quickly.

"Thank god or else we all would need to return to the hospital." Charlie quipped.

"Hey, that's just mean." She pouted at him.

"But true," I heard him mutter under his breath while I could heard rustling of leaves from my right side. I turned around to look what made the noise and I was able to catch a glimpse of shiny brown hair and a flash of white skin before it disappeared.

Great the stalker was back.

Charlie chuckled as he opened the door to his house and we stepped inside.